Xiao Zhiqiu's fist tightened, loosened and tightened, and his red eyes stared at Lin Xiao.

"Lin Xiao! What qualifications do you have to arrest me? Why should you arrest me? What have I done?"


Xiao Zhiqiu earned it hard. If he didn't want to solve the matter peacefully, he could break the handcuffs and fight.

Of course, Xiao Zhiqiu also knows that he may not be able to win Lin Xiao by himself, but he has always been confident with the support of someone behind him.

Lin Xiao was still calm and looked at him contemptuously, "give you another chance! Tell me the coordinates!"

"What coordinates? What are you talking about?" Xiao Zhiqiu said coldly, "are you crazy? Are you talking crazy?"


Lin Xiao's eyes were cold. He suddenly raised his hand and patted it. The table in front of him suddenly turned into pieces and fragments scattered on the ground.

Xiao Zhiqiu thought Lin Xiao was serious.

"Don't give me a slap in the face! What good did Er Dongqing, one of the kings of the third world war under the king of chaos, give you? He gave you the coordinates, didn't he?"

"I don't understand what you're talking about!" Xiao Zhiqiu's eyes flashed slightly, suppressed his panic, and deliberately made a sneer of disdain, "what coordinates? It's really inexplicable!"

"Still pretending! The military headquarters has got the exact news. You privately mobilize martial artists to start layout and prepare for foreign visitors, right?" Lin Xiao was angry. "Do you know the seriousness of this matter? It may be a catastrophe for the whole mankind. You should do something against the whole mankind for your own selfish desires. Tell me the coordinates quickly! Otherwise, you will die!"

Lin Xiao was really angry.

Today is the day when the space door opens, and the energy surge has reached its peak.

The rain outside is the embodiment of strong vitality. The streets and alleys are crowded with martial artists who want to improve their strength again in this bath.

Different from the carnival of the warriors, Lin Xiao was very worried.

The military headquarters received information that someone had received special news from outside the solar system in advance. The "extraterrestrial visitor" determined the landing target of the spacecraft and sent back the coordinates.

The person who received the news was Er Dongqing, one of the kings of the third world war under the king of chaos.

Lin Xiao knew about this ER Dongqing, as if he had been born out of thin air. He had never heard of it before.

But Er Dongqing's strength is out, and almost everyone who fights with him is difficult to compete.

He has organized and implemented several major conflicts in Kyoto recently. It is said that one person is relaxed against several great masters, and his hand is extremely cruel and merciless.

In order to hold Er Dongqing's thigh, Xiao Zhiqiu calculated that Lin Yuanyang almost changed the ownership of the martial arts association.

Er Dongqing also trusted Xiao Zhiqiu very much. He told him about the target of the landing site and asked him to call people to meet him.

This incident was originally unknown, but the scientific research team of the Military Ministry intercepted a strange signal packet and found the clue after nearly a week of decryption.

It's also strange that Xiao Zhiqiu was too careless. This kind of thing accidentally leaked out.

Lin Xiao was shocked when he learned the news.

Some people collude with outsiders and are even ready to meet them. This is a matter for chiguoguo to judge the whole ethnic group. Both the public and private should find out the reason.

Now Lin Xiao wanted to know what was in the mysterious news except the target point.

However, er Dongqing suddenly disappeared, and there was no one looking for him. Only Xiao Zhiqiu was still in public, so Xiao Lin found him at the first time.

Facing Lin Xiao's question, Xiao Zhiqiu panicked.

What Lin Xiao said was so detailed that Xiao Zhiqiu mistakenly thought that the other party even knew the specific content.

"Lin Xiao! Make things clear!" Xiao Zhiqiu also had the last glimmer of fantasy and shouted, "don't slander me!"

Lin Xiao said in a deep voice, "do you know what will happen after the space door is opened? What news have you got from Er Dongqing? You'd better say it in detail, otherwise you can't get out of the interrogation room today!"

"Why should you judge me? What about the health bureau? Call the health bureau and I'll talk to him!" Xiao Zhiqiu was nervous and kept struggling with the handcuffs. He was about to break free and start.


Lin Xiao came forward, grabbed his neck, pressed him hard on the wall and said angrily, "where are the coordinates? What else did Er Dongqing tell you!"

Feeling an indescribable powerful force acting on him, Xiao Zhiqiu, even a great master, was scared to death at the moment.

In Lin Xiao's hands, he had no room to resist at all, only to give in.

Originally, he was a soft bone. Xiao Zhiqiu deeply felt the killing intention turned inside Lin Xiao's body and shouted in horror, "I said I said! The coordinates are at the fairy peak of Kunlun mountain. Er Dongqing also said that the people of the evil house will also participate in the reception. The president of the evil house presided over it personally, so I must make corresponding preparations."

"Evil house?" Lin Xiao frowned slightly, "the chaotic alliance is colluding with the evil house."

"Spare me, I said. I'm an errand runner. I don't know anything." Xiao Zhiqiu shouted, hoping Lin Xiao would let him go.

"Waste!" Lin Xiao disdainfully scolded, "it's useless that you are still a great master!"

"I'm a waste! Let me go. I've said everything I should say. It's no use catching me." Xiao Zhiqiu changed his face and said with a dry smile, "as long as you let go, I promise to be a good man who will keep himself safe in the future!"

"Hum!" Lin Xiao is too lazy to talk nonsense with him. The boy is already a loser. Even if he is released, he can't turn over much waves. Anyway, he has got the information he wants. Now he needs to prepare immediately.

"Throw him into prison and stay there for the rest of your life!" Lin Xiao walked out of the interrogation room and said to Dong Jianwu, who was guarding outside.

Tung Chee Wu said in a deep voice, "I see! Xiao Zhiqiu is just a small man. It's not worth mentioning. Did he say anything?"

Lin Xiao took a deep breath and without too much explanation, ordered, "send an army to the saint's peak of Kunlun Mountain immediately!"

Tung Chee Wu was very clever. He realized that the situation was strange and didn't ask any more questions. He immediately turned around and arranged for the deployment of troops.

The mobilization of the army caused a sensation, and the vicinity of the Goddess Peak in Kunlun Mountain suddenly became lively.

In addition to the army, there are also people from all over the world who come to see the excitement. They are from all walks of life. To be precise, they are all people from big forces.

They don't know what will happen. They just feel that such an obvious military mobilization must have something important to happen. Maybe they can find some opportunities for speculation.

It was getting late, and the dark clouds in the sky became thicker, shielding the stars.

It was as dark as ink around the virgin peak. Suddenly, a large number of searchlights shone out and shrouded the whole mountain.

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