The army has surrounded the virgin peak.

Tanks, combat vehicles, anti-aircraft guns and all kinds of heavy weapons are ready.

As long as there is an anomaly, strong firepower will cover the whole area.

In the distance, those who watch the excitement are not simple. They are surrounded by warriors, mercenaries and even some strange soldiers wearing armor, which gather into a very powerful force.

These people come from all major forces and have a strong background. They don't know whether they want to help or fish in troubled waters. They hide quietly in the corner.

"Admiral Lin! The coordinate position is in the middle line of the virgin peak, but there has been no movement so far. Is it false?" Fully armed, Tung Chee Wu stood carefully beside Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao, with a group of soldiers, quietly hid at the cave entrance at the top of the virgin peak and silently monitored the target.

According to Xiao Zhiqiu, there will be "extraterrestrial visitors" at 12 p.m., but it's already one o'clock and there's still no movement.

"Can't it be false?"

"Is that bastard Xiao Zhiqiu giving out false news?"

Lin Xiao frowned and said, "if it's fake, maybe it's the ghost of Er Dongqing. Where has he been these days?"

"I checked. Er Dongqing seems to have disappeared out of thin air. There is no movement at all!"

"What about the chaos king? No action?" Lin Xiao asked in a deep voice.

Dong Jianwu shook his head slowly. "The king of chaos is very strange these days. He and the other two war kings have been practicing martial arts in his manor and haven't been out."

"It's strange..." Lin Xiao stared at the huge rock in the target area and felt a strange feeling in his heart.

According to his conjecture, if there were really "extraterrestrial visitors", it should cause great movement. How could it be so quiet.

At this moment, academician Zhang is nervously staring at the monitoring screen in the military laboratory.

There is a slowing trend in the energy line.

It has been soaring in recent days. This is the first time that it has declined, which surprised him.

"The space door has been opened. Why is there no movement?" Academician Zhang was afraid, but more excited.

Academician Zhang regretted that the research team of the multinational alliance did not have enough technology to detect the movement near the space gate. They could only rely on the change of energy to speculate on what might happen.

Therefore, even if there are abnormalities in the space door, it is impossible for the scientific research team to know all the details.

Detecting energy changes can only speculate where abnormalities may occur.

If the other party has no abnormal changes, it is difficult to detect further intelligence with the current technology of the earth.

No one found that a small ghost like spaceship was passing through the atmosphere and flying rapidly in the direction of virgin peak.

A blue light flashed across the sky and the ship was close.

Before the instrument could react, Lin Xiao's powerful insight had found something wrong. He suddenly looked up and locked the "ghost".


The whole saint's peak seemed to be shrouded in some kind of magnetic field, and all electronic instruments failed.

"There's a situation!"

"What's the matter? The communication is interrupted?"

"The instrument screen fluctuates abnormally. It's not good. The instrument is broken..."

There was a riot within the team, and a pair of eyes began to subconsciously scan around, but found no abnormality.

The spaceship quietly stopped at the top of the virgin peak, just at the top of the cave where Lin Xiao was located. It was silent and sure enough, it was like a ghost.


Two tall soldiers in black armor jumped out of the cabin, followed by a female soldier in red armor. She took off her mask, exposed an oriental face, took a deep breath of cold air, and her eyebrows wrinkled slightly. "The vitality of this world is so thin, what parent star is it called? Hum!"

Choking, choking!


There is the sound of metal cutting and combined deformation.

"Miss Yuye! The locator has been installed. The energy shield will open in three seconds!"

Yuye stretched out and said coldly, "the smell of the air here is really uncomfortable. Report to general Ye immediately and say that the warship can land in an hour!"

"Miss Yuye," the soldier hesitated, "I detected a large number of armed aborigines nearby, about 30000 people, but their weapon system is very backward. What should I do?"

"Aborigines?" The corner of rain leaf's mouth evokes a sarcastic arc, "I'm very curious. What kind of situation have these primitive humans developed to? It should be fun!"


Suddenly, a dozen dark shadows rushed up from the foot of the mountain.

Led by Lin Xiao, a dozen great masters looked at the three in front of them with vigilance.

The rain leaf turned slowly, and the red armor surface slowly stretched out a sharp thorn like a hedgehog, staring at Lin Xiao. It seemed to be some accident, "are you an aborigine?"

"Who are you?" Lin Xiao as like as two peas, and thought that "extraterrestrial" is a strange and eccentric species. I never thought it would be the same as human beings.

"Human?" The rain leaf's face slowly turned cold. "You also deserve to be called human? You're just some aborigines with human faces! Make it clear! Kill them all!"

"Yes!" The soldier known as Yan Ming stepped out one step, choked out his long sword and killed Lin Xiao and others.


Many great masters behind Lin Xiao fought quickly and surrounded Yanming.

Yan Ming sneered and didn't care at all. He shook a sword flower like a snow long sword in his hand. The speed was incredible.


Being the first person, the head was instantly separated from the body, and the blood flew around and dyed everyone's eyes red.

"What, what?" Everyone was surprised. They didn't expect the other party to be so strong.


Poof poof!

Yan Ming moves very fast and has excellent swordsmanship. Every time he stumbles, one person is killed.

In the blink of an eye, more than a dozen great masters brought by Lin Xiao were in different places, and they didn't even respond.

These people are new registered members of the martial arts association. Although they have just entered the great master and are not skilled in the use of Dan Xi, after all, the level of strength is there, but they can't even pass a move under Yanming.

"How weak!" Yuye held his chest in both hands and mocked with disdain, "it's just some clowns in the first and second sections of the master. The people here are too weak!"

Lin Xiao's pupils narrowed slightly. If he went on like this, all the people he brought would die.


Lin Xiao inserted himself into the team and came to Yanming.

"Come up and die?" When Yanming saw Lin Xiao coming forward, he couldn't help laughing, "kid, I can't help driving you on the road!"


Yanming chopped a sword at random. He thought he could cut Lin Xiao in half. Unexpectedly, he was easily blocked.

"Huh?" Yanming only feels that his wrist hurts. In surprise, Lin Xiao's big hand has been grabbed down and goes straight to his throat.

Wearing armor, Yan Ming didn't think the other party's pair of meat palms could have any effect. He didn't dodge and let Lin Xiao grasp it.

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