The generals who heard the sound asked in surprise when they saw the locator left by the spacecraft just now.

The locator guarded by the protective cover looks like a small signal tower, flashing a slight blue awn.

A soldier walked over carefully and touched the blue light mask with his hand, but suddenly he flew out like an electric shock.


"Ah!" The soldier screamed and fell to the ground motionless.

"Don't go there!" Lin Xiao shouted quietly, "be careful!"

Many soldiers surrounded the locator, but no one dared to move.

"What is this? It seems to be sending signals!"

"That's what those aliens did. It should be a positioning device!"

"Blow it up! It's dangerous at first sight!"

The soldiers talked, and someone had taken out a gun and fired a shot tentatively.


The blue mask shook slightly and showed no sign of disappearing.

"I'll come!"

Dada dada

A soldier pulled the trigger, and the bullets of the heavy machine gun poured out like rain, all hitting the blue cover.

Unfortunately, the blue mask just keeps shaking and doesn't mean to disappear at all.

"Come together!"

Dozens of soldiers fired.

Countless bullets poured on the mask, causing bursts of fine light spots on its surface.

The bullets are out and the shield hasn't disappeared.

"Is that too strong?"

"What shield is this? Bullets can't break through?"


Suddenly, the shield shook slightly, and the blue awn centered on the locator swept away quickly.

"No!" Lin Xiao's heart throbbed and retreated quickly.

Bang Bang

The soldiers who were in front did not respond well. They were swept by the light curtain one after another. One by one, they vomited blood and flew violently, and their bodies were injured to varying degrees.

"All back!" Lin Xiao ordered.

The Legion at the foot of the mountain has found the change at the top of fairy peak, and the tanks and chariots have entered the combat state.

Warplanes and helicopter gunships began to fly up from all directions, surrounding the whole fairy peak.

"This should be a locator!" After observing, Lin Xiao understood that the three of Yuye came to play the front station for the black brake corps and put down the locator.

I believe the big troops of the black chakra army will arrive soon.

Judging from the arrogant attitude shown by Yuye just now, the Black Temple Legion belonging to the heaven and earth courtyard is definitely ill intentioned.

"Get ready for battle!" Lin Xiao immediately ordered.

All the legions received the order, and for a time, the whole area around the saint daughter peak of Kunlun Mountain was boiling.

Not only the Legion, but also the medicine dragon temple sent elite guards everywhere, ready to meet possible battles.

At least 100000 troops were deployed near the virgin peak.

Elite forces from dozens of countries also began to enter their respective deployment sites in accordance with the instructions of the coalition forces.

The media all over the world are paying attention to the virgin peak.

At this time, a very bright light suddenly appeared in the sky, and then a giant slowly appeared.

All the people looked into the distance and were stunned to see the unspeakable huge ship floating in the sky.

Even the flying dragon hidden by the Chinese military is like a baby in front of others. It can't be compared at all.

The spaceship is sharp in front and wide in back. It is dark all over. It has four huge wings. It looks like a metal Phoenix from a distance, but it is more ferocious and terrible than the Phoenix.

"This, what is this?"


"It's terrible!"

"How did it come from? Through the space door?"

"Really, really have aliens!"

More than 100000 soldiers and people were shocked by the sudden appearance of bird shaped spaceships in front of them, and it was almost impossible to describe their mood at the moment.

It's hard to accept that the scenes once seen in science fiction movies appear alive today.


Suddenly, a blue light gathered at the bottom of the spaceship, and then just heard a buzzing, and the huge light column directly hit down.


The virgin peak was instantly razed to the ground, and hundreds of soldiers nearby were bombed with blood and flesh. The scene was terrible.

The other side went straight to war without saying a word.

Lin Xiao was surprised and was beaten to the door. Without hesitation, he immediately issued an order, "call me!"

Buzzing, buzzing!

Fighters and helicopter gunships swooped towards the target.

Hundreds of warplanes hit upward one after another.

Boom, boom!

The spaceship held up the light curtain, and the gunfire was blocked in the protective cover.

Bang bang!

The spacecraft began to counterattack, and the artillery fire was very fierce. Even if the fighter group continued one after another without fear of life and death, it was still difficult to cause effective damage.

The ship's firepower was so fierce that it almost covered the whole sky, and the fighters had little chance to attack.

In addition, the shield of the spacecraft is extremely strong, and it is only a slight wave when it is hit by countless missiles.

Battle comes fast and goes fast.

In just ten minutes, hundreds of warplanes lost 80%, the loss was extremely heavy, and the cost was not large.

"Withdraw!" Lin Xiao was so distressed that he could only let the fighter formation retreat, otherwise all of them would be damaged.

The ground troops can only stare. In the face of the high spacecraft, the soldiers have no choice but to be indignant.

"Shit! It's too strong!"

"Why is this ship so powerful? How can we fight this war?"

"Is this an invasion?"

American general Brown quickly converged with Lin Xiao. The fighter formation he brought also suffered heavy losses. The latest F330 stealth fighter has no effect, just cannon fodder.

In front of each other's science and technology, the earth's military power is as ridiculous and worthless as mole ants.

After the spacecraft stopped attacking, more than a dozen small ships flew out and hovered in midair.

The sound of rain leaves came out through the public address equipment, cold and ruthless.

"The natives of the earth, the black chakra army announced that from today on, this will be the 46326 colonial star of the black chakra army! Those who dare to resist, this is the end!"

As the sound of rain leaves disappeared, the spacecraft again emitted a huge column of light.

The energy of the light column hit tens of thousands of soldiers, causing numerous casualties.

The screams went from heaven to earth, and the scene was like hell.

The crowd was in an uproar and screamed one after another.

All people on earth who saw this video through live broadcast and network were shocked.

"Shit! Fight with them!"


"Are they crazy?"

The soldiers were red eyed by the war, but there was nothing they could do in the face of the tragic scene in front of them. They could only bite their teeth and swallow blood into their stomachs.

After the attack, the space warship stood still, and even the spacecraft led by Yuye flew back one after another.

The air seemed to be suddenly still, filled with a smell of blood everywhere.

The human Legion suffered heavy casualties, and their hearts were covered with a thick breath of despair.

"Admiral Lin! What now?"

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