General Tung Chee Wu and other generals have long lost their minds. They are not afraid of war, but this is destined to be a war without any hope.

Even the Wanquan who has always been full of confidence in Lin Xiao has no rules at the moment.

The scene was dead.

Nuo Da's legion is quiet and terrible. Soldiers of any country are desperately grasping their guns and ready to risk their lives in order to resist the invasion.

"You can't sacrifice in vain..." Lin Xiao took a deep breath, looked up and said in a deep voice, "let everyone evacuate! I'll stay and talk to them!"

"No!" Wanquan immediately came out to stop, "if you stay, you may be ruthlessly killed by them!"

Lin Xiao sneered, "why did they kill me?"

"Haven't you heard of making an example?" Wanquan said in a deep voice, "these people come from outer planets. Their eyes are higher than the top. They keep saying that we are their colonies. In their eyes, we are all inferior creatures. Isn't it Liwei to kill the strongest at this time?"

"Yes, Admiral Lin! You are the five-star general of China and the soul of the army. If something happens to you and the army is in chaos, you don't have to fight!" Tung Chee Wu echoed, "you must go! And they must not find out!"

"Admiral Lin! Let's go! We'll cover your escape! They must not find you!"

"Yes! Keep the green mountains, not afraid of no firewood!"

Lin Xiao hesitated in the face of public dissuasion.

Running away is not his style.

However, there is a great disparity between the strength of the enemy and ours. If we stay, we can only die and go. It's just a tactical retreat. It's not a shame.

"At present, in this situation, we must understand the enemy's intention and deployment, and understand their purpose, so we should not act rashly, but must preserve our strength!"

Lin Xiao looked up at the quiet night sky and the huge cosmic warship. There was still no sign of movement, as if he had lost his life.

The more this state, the more frightening.

Maybe when these guys have a whim, they suddenly break out of war and kill everyone.

"Order! Retreat!"

Lin Xiao gave a very difficult order to retreat.

Soon, the army dispersed like a tide.

The black evil army didn't stop it. It seemed that they just watched some irrelevant ants leave quietly without paying any attention.

It was bright.

The lively virgin peak becomes desolate and lonely.

Countries returned to their base areas and began to discuss and study countermeasures.

For three consecutive days, the spacecraft was still hanging near the Kunlun Mountain and had no intention of moving.

The world has been in chaos since three days ago.

A lot has happened in these three days.

Thousands of small spaceships flew out of the Heisha and began to land all over the world. There are several spaceships floating in mid air in almost every city.

As the most important capital of China, Kyoto has enough ten spaceships to stay.

The gloomy weather makes people feel depressed.

Originally bustling Kyoto, suddenly became cold and silent.

There are more and more police and soldiers in the streets. On the one hand, they maintain law and order, on the other hand, they are also looking for intruders.

Nangong family.

Nangong Fuhu, who controls Nangong's family, sits in the position of the home owner, with a row of people sitting under him.

The once mighty Nangong dragon subduing is also very clever at the moment.

"Master! Nangong's property was maliciously acquired, and now it has shrunk by more than 30%. It is said that it was the ghost of the chaos alliance!"

Nangong Zongzhe is also a lot more honest. After his brother died, he has been unhappy, but if he wants to continue to survive, he must be obedient.

As the most intelligent middle-aged generation of the Nangong family, Nangong Zongzhe lived more than 50 years and became so servile for the first time.

"Uncle! I think we should reduce investment now, sell those unprofitable industries, and then vigorously develop the yuan pharmaceutical industry!"

"Yuan pharmaceutical?" Nangong Fuhu was slightly stunned, "what industry is that?"

"This is a newly emerging industry. Some scientists have found that the vitality of heaven and earth can be collected and compressed by some means to make a highly concentrated drug, which can greatly enhance the strength of martial artists."

Everyone was interested.

Nangong Zongzhe's business mind is unmatched and everyone is convinced of him. He has been studying this industry recently and contacted several pioneers in the industry.

According to his understanding, this crude version of Yuan medicine can make ordinary people turn into martial arts, strengthen their body and have strong bones.

Today's world has changed. Everyone wants to protect themselves, but even if there are guns and ammunition, it still doesn't help. Strengthening yourself is the most fundamental way.

Therefore, the development of meta medicine is very rapid. Even if the price of this drug is high, it is often difficult to find one drug.

"As long as we master the manufacturing method of Yuan medicine, we will make more money than any industry now!" Nangong Zongzhe said excitedly, "I've contacted several experts. If the price is appropriate, you can talk to us and wait for the owner's consent!"

Everyone began to agree.

"Zong Zhe's proposal is good. I've heard of this kind of Yuan medicine. It is said that the market price is 100000 yuan. It's still valuable. It's hard to buy without a market."

"This is still a primary Yuan medicine. The intermediate Yuan medicine after refining has a better effect. It can directly upgrade the bronze soldiers. The effect is great!"

"Does that mean that there are advanced meta medicines that can make silver soldiers become gold soldiers?"

"I think this is the same as the principle of medicine bath. Medicine bath uses many herbs to turn into the vitality of heaven and earth, so as to speed up the cultivation of martial artists!"

"Nowadays, the vitality of heaven and earth is as strong as the essence, so the effect of Yuan medicine is so prominent! Think about it. It's really a business that makes a lot of money!"

Nangong Zongzhe knew that once he put forward this idea, everyone would be moved.

"I heard that Wanjia and Zhongjia are also trying to find someone to cooperate. If they succeed first, we will be passive."

"What are you waiting for? Act now. Our Nangong family has always been the first family in Kyoto, but now it seems that we have become a lost dog and are run everywhere. If this goes on, it will decline sooner or later!"

"Can't wait any longer!"

"Yes! Yuanyao is a good project. We must seize it!"

Everyone's eyes turned to Nangong Fuhu. After all, he is the real owner now.

"This..." Nangong Fuhu frowned and looked at the door from time to time, as if he couldn't make up his mind.

Nangong subdued the dragon and said, "master, what are you worried about? Money?"

Nangong Fuhu said in a deep voice, "the western region has invested nearly 100 billion, and the film and television city and old city reconstruction projects are progressing steadily. If we withdraw the investment now, we will draw all our previous money!"

"One moment at a time," Nangong Jianglong continued, "what's the use of infrastructure projects in this world? The sundries of those black evil stars only need to put a round of fire down, and the city will be reduced to ashes."

"I think what my father said is reasonable. Yuanyao project is really long-term and worth a try!"

Nangong Fuhu looked at the door again, "well, since everyone agrees, wait for ah Jin to come and let her decide."

Although Nangong Jin is not the owner of the family, no one dares to say more with the support of Lin Xiao.

It is also very clear that Nangong Fuhu is the owner of the house in the open, but it is the Nangong brocade behind him that makes the decision.

As soon as I heard that I had to wait for Nangong Jin, everyone was silent.

These people present are the elders of Nangong brocade. In the past, there were many contradictions between the two sides. Moreover, Nangong brocade's temperament has changed, and even his memory has been lost. It has become very inhumane.

People didn't want to annoy her unless they had to.

Everyone was thinking. Nangong Jin pushed the door and came in.

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