Nangong brocade, as cold as ice, didn't squint and didn't even look at the people present. He said to Nangong Fuhu, "Grandpa, you're the master of Nangong's family. Don't ask me if you have any decisions in the future!"

"Jin, it's a big deal. It's related to the rise and fall of Nangong family. You should listen to it!" Nangong Fuhu said in a deep voice, "you should have heard about Yuan medicine. Zongzhe also has a way to develop. What do you think?"

Nangong Jin stood in front of the hall and was silent for a long time. He suddenly said, "I can't manage the affairs of Nangong family for long. I received a message that the people of the black evil army are coming!"


Everyone was surprised.

The word "black evil army" has recently become a worry for almost everyone. It's just a simple mention, which makes people tremble.

Hearing that the people of the black evil army were suddenly coming to Nangong's house, everyone obviously became restless and hurried in circles.

"Ah Jin! What do you mean? Why did the people of the black evil army suddenly come to Nangong's house?"

"Yes! Ah Jin, you've made it clear. What's going on?"

"Didn't Nangong family offend the black evil army? Aren't their people always in the spaceship? When did they come down?"

"Don't you know? Recently, the police and the military have been looking for the people of the black evil army. It is said that they have mixed into the city and are developing their confidant forces! They obviously have ulterior motives!"

"Does... The black evil army want to control our Nangong family?"

Nangong Fuhu looked stunned, "ah Jin! What happened?"

Nangong Jin looked calm and didn't panic at all. "This is also what I want to inform you. I won't continue to stay at Nangong's house in the future! I'll leave here!"

"Go, where?" Nangong Fuhu was stunned. He felt that the granddaughter standing in front of him was very strange and incomprehensible.

Just as Nangong Jin was about to speak, the engine sound of the spaceship suddenly came from outside the yard.

In the sky, a spaceship landed rapidly in the yard.

Then a group of black armor soldiers, surrounded by red armor rain leaves, swaggered to the door.

I thought these black evil stars would break in wildly. But they knelt down directly in front of the door and bowed their heads respectfully.

"Princess! Are you ready?"

Time seems to suddenly stand still at this moment.

A princess called everyone stunned on the spot.

In addition to several elderly women, there was only Nangong Jin.

The only thing that can be called a princess is probably Nangong brocade.

Black evil star called Nangong brocade princess. The news was more shocking than the sun coming out from the West.

"Ah Jin, you..." Nangong Fuhu was not surprised, but the color of worry and loneliness in his eyes became more and more obvious.

Nangong brocade swept a crowd of surprised expressions, slightly flattered. The humiliation and resentment suffered in the past disappeared in a moment, replaced by the aloof arrogance.

Although she grew up in Nangong family, she was never the real blood of Nangong family, but the descendant of Qiankun hospital.

"Princess! Finally wait until this day!"

Duanmu Yi came out of the inner hall and came to Nangong brocade in the melancholy eyes of Nangong Fuhu.

Nangong brocade was not surprised by duanmuyi's appearance, but nodded slightly, "tell Yuye, I have to see someone!"

"Yes! Princess!"

Duanmu Yi knew who Nangong Jin was going to see, so he went out of the door and said to Yuye, "Miss Yuye, the princess has to see someone. She will meet you later!"

Yuye got up slowly and said very carefully, "general Ye ordered me to protect the princess. Who does she want to see? I want to protect her closely!"

"This..." Duanmu Yi hesitated and looked back at Nangong brocade. She found that she had walked out and walked in a certain direction in the eyes of many people.

Rain leaf didn't speak, quickly winked at his men, and then quickly followed.

Duanmuyi was about to leave, but he was pulled by Nangong Fuhu.

"Xiaoyi," Nangong Fuhu's complexion is complex, "you, you also want to go?"

Duanmu Yi quietly opened Nangong Fuhu's hand and said faintly, "well, I am responsible for the safety of the princess. Moreover, I am responsible for the transformation of a Jin by nano robot, but there are still imperfections. I believe it will be perfect after returning to the black evil star!"

"You, you're going to the black evil star? How far is it? Can you come back?" Nangong Fuhu's old face was slightly red and asked anxiously, "how long will it take?"

Duanmu Yi smiled. "It won't take long. I heard that it will take more than ten days by spaceship, but when I go back... I'm afraid I won't come back."

"Ah!?" Nangong Fuhu is very disappointed. His feelings for duanmuyi have always been true. At the moment, in the face of separation, his heart is filled with melancholy.

But he knew there was nothing he could do because it seemed doomed.

He is just an ordinary old man. Duanmu can accompany him for decades. This friendship is quite good.

Nangong Fuhu couldn't keep Duanmu Yi, so he had to pretend to be natural and unrestrained and said, "in that case, be careful yourself, if possible..."

"You," Duanmu Yi said in silence for a few seconds, staring at Nangong Fuhu and sighing involuntarily, "take care of yourself."

Duanmuyi, who floated away, made Nangong Fuhu lose his soul and pestle in place.

It was not until Nangong Jianglong and others kept calling that he woke up.

"Get ready to start the Yuan medicine making project." Nangong Fuhu took a deep breath and expressed an unprecedented firmness. If he wants to have a future with duanmuyi, he must work hard. Even if the force is not perfect, he must establish a business empire, so that he can have the opportunity to return to duanmuyi again.

Nangong Jianglong and others nodded silently.

At this moment, they are more confident that Nangong Fuhu will become the owner of the house.

Because Nangong brocade is actually the so-called Princess of the Heisha empire. This identity has been above all ethnic groups and is the supreme glory.

If the Nangong family can continue to hold this thigh, there is no need to please any chaotic alliance or other forces.

"Yes! Master!" Nangong subdued the dragon and lowered his head.

Nangong Fuhu was silent again for a while, and slowly turned to leave, "I'll see grandma. You can arrange the next thing!"

Nangong Jin takes Yuye and others all the way to Lin Xiao's yard.

Lin Xiao, who has just returned from the military headquarters, has been worried.

The black evil army hasn't made any movement these days, as if on the eve of brewing a storm. The more calm it is, the more frightening it is.

With the strength of the black evil army, it's easy to destroy the earth. I don't know why I suddenly stopped action.

"Princess! Who do you want to see?" Rain leaf asked carefully.

"Leave it alone!" Nangong Jin's voice is very cold.

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