Yuye's eyes were very confused. She looked at Nangong Jin. Although she called the princess in her mouth, she was not convinced.

Just a few days ago, ye lost General of the black evil army could have sent a large army to launch a war and occupy the whole earth, but he suddenly stopped action at this point and asked Yuye to stand by.

Then general Ye gave an order and tried his best to find the so-called Princess heaven and earth.

The princess of the heaven and earth empire and the blood of the heaven and earth emperor have also been left on the mother planet. This news is really shocking.

Emperor Qiankun is one of the four great emperors of the universe and one of the four generals under the "King" of the universe.

Unfortunately, the emperor of heaven and earth has long been against the king, and his power is increasing day by day, gradually out of control.

As one of the minions of the great emperor of heaven and earth, the Heisha Empire has been given a secret order to take back the princess left behind.

Nangong brocade is the princess of heaven and earth.

It is said that an insider on earth reported this matter to general ye, so that ye lost the first time to find the whereabouts of the princess.

Although Yuye doubts the authenticity of this matter in her heart, general Ye orders that she can only do it.

"Princess! This time general Ye led the army to find the descendants of the 'King' and solve the great trouble for the emperor of heaven and earth. Have you heard about the transmission of people in the front hall of the king for so long?"

Nangong Jin was slightly stunned. Her memory was missing. She vaguely felt that the name was very familiar, but she just couldn't remember where she had heard it. After hesitating for a few seconds, "I haven't heard of it!"

"Oh!" Rain leaf also dare not ask more, stuffy head follows behind.

At this moment, Lin Xiao is staring at the tablet computer in the room, concentrating on the messages sent by Wanquan.

"It is found that the number of spacecraft around the world is increasing rapidly. At present, 16000 spacecraft are monitored and distributed in 67 countries around the world."

"The Phoenix ship still hasn't moved, the energy cannon has gone into sleep, and no sign of attack has been detected!"

"Tens of thousands of people from spacecraft around the world have been hidden all over the world. The military of various countries are looking for the identity information of these people!"

"Admiral Lin! The target situation is very uncertain. The other party does not accept dialogue and negotiation. It seems transparent. What should we do?"

Wanquan seemed very melancholy in the video call. As a military chief, he had too many things to worry about. He had not slept for three days and three nights in a row and was deeply troubled by the Black Ghost army.

If the other side launches an attack, it's all right. It's a big deal. We'll die together. Launching nuclear weapons may bring back a city.

However, since the first day of the black evil army's shelling, there has been no movement. Only countless spacecraft have been sent to invade major cities all over the world for unknown purposes.

"The enemy is too strange. Since they don't move, we won't do anything! The most important thing at this stage is to stabilize the people's hearts and don't make too much trouble!"

"Hey!" Wanquan sighed, "the trouble is big enough. There are different degrees of chaos in all countries. There are more and more martial artists competing for territory! It is said that several large tribes in the Philippines have been cleaned, and even Tiangang district is in danger."

Lin Xiao could do nothing. He hung up with a few simple instructions.

At this time, footsteps came from the door, which made Lin Xiao return to his mind.

He quickly got up and walked to the door. It was probably telepathy. As soon as he opened the door, he smiled and said, "wife, you're here..."

However, when Lin Xiao saw Yuye and others behind Nangong brocade, his body suddenly tightened, jumped up like a spring, stood in front of Nangong brocade, and shouted vigilantly, "what do you want to do?"

"Is that you?" Rain leaf Leng in place, "the princess wants to see you?"

"Princess?" Lin Xiao was confused and asked subconsciously, "what princess?"

Yuye showed a strange expression, and then the contempt in her eyes became more and more obvious, "I see! You are the princess's husband on earth, aren't you?"

"It's ridiculous..." rain leaf showed an undisguised sarcasm and sneered, "in that case, you can't stay! The sanctity of the princess doesn't allow anyone to defile!"


Yuye brought an expert this time. The six people behind her are all the martial artists of the supreme seventh section. Cooperating with her, the combat effectiveness is very important.

Bang bang!

Yuye led six soldiers to rush at Lin Xiao like crazy. All their moves were killing moves. Moreover, their armor and weapons were extremely powerful and provided a lot of bonuses. For a time, Lin Xiao was busy with his hands and feet.

"Stop!" Nangong Jin sighed and shouted in a deep voice.

Yuye wanted to take advantage of Nangong brocade's absence to kill Lin Xiao directly to avoid future trouble, but she didn't expect that Lin Xiao's strength was still above her imagination.

With the joint efforts of seven people, it's nothing to deal with the master of the Supreme Shiduan. Lin Xiao not only easily resisted their attack, but also showed signs of counterattack.

"Hum!" Yuye quickly stepped back and stared at Lin Xiao, "Princess! This person dares to blaspheme your holiness and must not stay!"

"You go out first!" Nangong brocade said faintly.

"But..." Yuye hurriedly said, "general Ye has an order..."

"Get out!" Nangong brocade cold drink.

"Yes..." Yuye bit her teeth and took all the soldiers out of the yard reluctantly.

Lin Xiao stared at Nangong Jin and asked, "ah Jin! What's going on? What princess are you?"

Lin Xiao knows the identity of Nangong Jin. She is the saint of heaven and earth court, but he didn't expect that she was still a princess.

"I'm here to say goodbye!" Nangong Jin has been calm and calm since she was transformed by nano robot, as if nothing could excite the waves in her heart.

But now, Nangong Jin's heart is a little complicated. She doesn't even dare to look into Lin Xiao's eyes.

"Why?" Lin Xiao is vaguely aware of the root of the problem, but he doesn't want to believe it. He doesn't believe Nangong Jin will choose to leave at this time.

"In fact, you can guess! The black evil army is under the command of the heaven and earth academy, and I am the blood inheritance of the emperor of heaven and earth on the earth. One of their purposes this time is to take me back!" Nangong Jin seems to be telling something that has nothing to do with himself, very indifferent.

"Must go?"

"It should be. I actually want to go out and see what the universe is like!" Nangong Jin's eyes shone, "then look who the emperor of heaven and earth is."

Lin Xiao hesitated for several seconds and reconfirmed, "do you really want to go? There is no room for maneuver?"

Nangong Jin turned around and youyou said, "Yuye told me that if I don't go, it may bring destructive danger to mankind on the whole earth. I made an agreement with general Ye of the black evil army. As long as I go back with him, he promised not to kill innocent people indiscriminately. Do you understand?"

"Princess!" Outside the yard, Yuye came up again, "general ye sent a message and asked me to take you away immediately!"

"No!" Lin Xiao was worried. He stopped at Nangong brocade directly. He smelled her unique fragrance and thought of their warm scene. His heart seemed to be tightened by an invisible hand.


Yuye rushed in directly with all the soldiers. This time, they took laser guns in their hands and aimed at Lin Xiao neatly.

"How dare you stop the princess? To die!"

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