Recently, Zhennan Wushu Association has also made great efforts to reform and incorporate many experts. In response to the call of the Kyoto Wushu Association, it has cooperated with the government to establish a public security management committee.

Surprisingly, after Lin Xiao disappeared, Fu Taiyang appeared again, took over the martial arts association and became the president again.

Now the world is in such a mess. It doesn't matter who is the president. The important thing is to take the normal development of the martial arts association.

As one of the four great martial gods, Fu Taiyang's talent is beyond doubt. He was not depressed after being hit repeatedly by Lin Xiao. On the contrary, he broke through to the great master with the help of the skyrocketing vitality of heaven and earth in ancient times, and became a master of the six sections of the master in just one month.

Master LiuDuan is already regarded as the top master of the master and plays the leading role in the Zhennan Martial Arts Association.

When Fu Taiyang sat in the battle, the Fu family became arrogant again. Many children of the Fu family martial arts school also quietly returned and joined the association.

Today is another day to call members. It is expected to call three great masters as members of the Public Security Management Association.

Recently, there is a shortage of manpower. The streets are filled with a large number of thugs, from 1000 to 800. Relying on the hundreds of people from the police and the security management committee, they are very short of money.

The work of recruiting members was not smooth. Many experts went to be private bodyguards or mercenaries, and not many people participated in the public security management meeting.

However, although such members are of a public welfare nature, they have no basic salary, and some are just "Remuneration".

The meaning of remuneration is similar to that of commission. If someone needs help, he will contact the Public Security Management Association, and then the president will arrange manpower and collect Commission according to the risk level of the task.

One of the biggest reasons why many people join the public security management association is to fight for a title with a card.

After completing the task, the public security management committee will have contribution points. If a certain score is reached, the official will give a lot of remuneration, even the official position of the military headquarters.

At present, the military headquarters is the place with the most experts, but also the place with the most treatment and opportunities.

In this troubled times, it is difficult for martial artists to gain a foothold simply because of their personal strength and no background, but it is too insecure to join a private organization, so the official association is indeed a good place to go.

At the reception desk at the gate of the martial arts association, there is a big sign with a picture of martial artists flying and kicking. Below it is written in a big line: public security management recruitment office. Please turn right when you enter the door.

"Stand up!"

"If you can't even stand upright, how can you maintain fairness and justice? Our public security management association doesn't call rascals!"

A big man with five big and three thick, a tiger back and a bear waist, a big head like a mountain, holding his hands in front of his chest, pacing and scolding more than a dozen martial artists who came to sign up in front of him.

These warriors are all great masters.

In the past, great masters were rare, but now they can be seen everywhere. They can't be said to be as cheap as Chinese cabbage, but they are much lower than their status in the past.

More than a dozen people were scolded but dared not refute, standing quietly.

"The first assessment just now is only the most basic assessment. It is to see whether you have reached the great master. The next assessment is the actual assessment."

"The actual combat assessment is very simple. Catch two pairs and eliminate them. As long as the remaining people can take my three moves! Even if they pass!"

A thin man in his forties seemed unconvinced. He looked up and asked coldly, "Vice President Yang, take your three moves? Your tone is too big? You're just the fifth section of the great master. You're not much higher than us. Do you underestimate the three moves?"

Yang Wei slowly moved his eyes and fell on the speaker. His bold eyes narrowed slightly, "why, are you questioning my strength?"

"Ha ha... I just can't get used to Vice President Yang's tone! Do you think we are all children? Take your three moves? I can do it with one hand!"

"Hahaha..." Yang Wei laughed wildly, his voice trembled everywhere, and everyone turned pale one after another.

In the crowd, an ordinary looking and well-balanced young man brightened his eyes and murmured, "Buddha lion roars? Is it the disciple of enlightenment master? I've never seen it before. Shaolin is indeed a crouching tiger, hidden dragon!"

Yang Wei smiled, pointed to the thin middle-aged man and shouted, "since you are not convinced, I'll let you see it first, so that you don't think I Yang Wei is a silver gun and candle head!"


As soon as the end of the word "head" disappeared, Yang Wei jumped out and moved like a mountain. With endless power, he came to the middle-aged man in the blink of an eye.

"Huh?" The middle-aged obviously didn't expect Yang Wei's huge body to be so fast.

But he was still indifferent. He slapped him lightly and stood with Yang Wei.


Pedal pedal

The middle-aged man felt that his wrist was about to break and his body withdrew uncontrollably. Just trying to react, Yang Wei appeared in front of him again with a big grin.

"Don't think too much of yourself! I can't even hold up my two moves!"


This time, the middle-aged man couldn't flash away. Yang Wei slapped him in the face and fell to the ground.

The middle-aged man had stars in front of him. He was dizzy and didn't react for a long time.

If Yang Wei hadn't been merciful, this slap would have knocked his head off.

The middle-aged man is also a master of master siduan. It is inevitable to lose with Yang Wei, but under normal circumstances, it is estimated that it should be no problem to support more than 100 rounds.

People never expected that they would almost be abandoned just by face-to-face! "

"Go away! I don't accept waste here!" Yang Wei laughed condescensively and made the middle-aged man blush.

"Hum!" The middle-aged man had no face to stay and ran away with his head depressed.

Yang Wei made a strong shot and showed his strength. On the surface, he is a master of master wuduan, but in terms of combat power, he is absolutely no less than master LiuDuan.

After the test just now, the highest one is only the fifth section of the master, and the lowest one is the second section of the master. I'm afraid there are few people who can support three moves under Yang Wei.

When we came, we were full of confidence. At the moment, we suddenly lost confidence. There was a big gap in our hearts. No one spoke for a while.

Yang Wei was very satisfied with this result and said carelessly, "don't lose heart. It's easy to pass my pass. What I want to see is not only strength, but also a warrior's heart. I can't even stand such a little suffering. What else can I talk about supporting justice?"

"Now, let's catch the right fight. Whoever looks for it depends on freedom. As long as you win, you will have the opportunity to fight with me! After I pass, you will be a member of the public security management committee and enjoy the official subsidy and contribution subsystem."

"Start now!" Yang Wei walked back to his seat, swaggered down and looked ready to see the play.

As soon as Yang Wei's voice fell, at least five people's eyes fell on the humble young man in the last row.

Although the young man's body is strong, on the surface, his strength is only supreme. He is probably the weakest among the people present.

Everyone wants to operate on him.

"I'll fight him!"

"I'll fight him too!"

"Rob what rob, he is mine!"

For a time, the young people who could not attract any attention turned out to be the meat and potatoes at the scene.

This young man is Lin Xiao, who is disguised by Yi Rong.

At the moment, his expression was a little strange.

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