Whoever it is likes to pinch soft persimmons.

What's more, now more than a dozen people grab three places. It's very important to pass the second level.

As long as you win the fight, Yang Wei's level is actually better. I believe the other party will not be deliberately embarrassed.

Now the most important level is the immediate battle.

Everyone looked at each other, and then their eyes fell on the same place.

Almost everyone's goal is Lin Xiao.

At least ten people wanted to fight Lin Xiao. This was the one who regarded him as the best dish in the scene, which made him angry and laugh.

"Are you so many people trying to besiege me?" Lin Xiao did not panic at all and asked jokingly.

"Just you? You deserve our siege? I'll fight you!" A strong man stood up.

"What's your hurry? I'll fight him!"

"I'll come!"

"I'll do it!"

"What are you arguing about? I should come!"

"I'm enough to deal with such a little bastard. Why do brothers rob a woman with me?" A beautiful girl also came out to join the fun.

Yang Wei looked at the audience with cold eyes, his hands behind his back and said nothing. He doesn't care who these people fight with. He just needs to choose half of the strong people and fight each other.

The crowd quarreled and pushed each other. No one let anyone.

"Boy! I'll fight you! Dare you?"

Just then, a man who looked like a monkey came out carelessly, looked up at Lin Xiao and looked disdainful, "I can promise you that I won't lay a heavy hand!"

As soon as the monkey came out, everyone else subconsciously stepped back and frowned.

It's really that the smell of the monkey is not normal, and the faint smell surrounds him.

People who don't know about it will think that this is a hereditary body odor, but for those who see it, it's a manifestation of being possessed by martial arts.

Although the vitality of heaven and earth has soared and achieved a large number of great masters, this situation is equivalent to "encouraging the seedlings". After rapid progress, the achievement will not be too high after all.

But there are still some people who want to go further and come up with all kinds of ideas to improve their strength.

This monkey is obviously the man in this way. He quenched his body in a special way, so that his body stinks.

Especially when he practiced Kung Fu, the smell could almost kill people.

"It stinks!" The girl covered her nose and withdrew in disgust.

The others frowned and walked away.

Not just now. At the moment, the monkeys deliberately use their skills, and the smell immediately filled the whole audience.

But then again, although this stink is very unpopular, his strength is quite good. He is one of the few great masters in the field. He can compete with Yang Wei.

So as soon as he played, others retreated one after another. Although there was disgust in his eyes, he didn't dare to show it too much.

"Hum! We can't beat the monkey anyway. Let the boy thunder for us!"

"Let them fight! It's fair that one is the strongest and the other is the weakest!"

"You're right!"

They quickly separated and went to find their opponents.

There were just 14 people on the scene. They all found their opponents in just two minutes.

However, the monkey vs. Lin Xiao is probably the least unexpected one in the audience.

Even Yang Wei was too lazy to watch their battle.

After all, there is a big gap between the second section and the fourth section.

Lin Xiao pretended quite well. When he became a great master, he found the benefits of Wuji Gong.

The reason why Wuji was called Wuji was that Lin Xiao couldn't figure out the key. His master never told him in detail about the secret of mind skill, so he had to explore it on his own initiative.

Until we can mobilize internal breathing, we finally understand that Wuji not only has the meaning of no limit, but also has unpredictable and arbitrary special effects.

Each internal mental skill has its own characteristics. Through the fluctuation of internal power, you can see that the other party exercises mental skills.

For example, the essence of Fu Taiyang's Fu family boxing will have a strong and indomitable momentum, which can be seen by people familiar with it.

There is also Gao Haijian's sword mind method. It seems that there is a sharp sword hidden in his Dantian. Fight with him. Be careful that you will be hurt by the invisible blade every second.

From the fluctuation of internal force, you can also see the opponent's segments. The fluctuation of each segment will fluctuate. This is also the way for the black Shaxing people to distinguish strength.

Lin Xiao maintained the surface combat power on the second section of the great master, and disguised the mental skill effects as some kind of mental skill that can't be seen to be inherited.

Therefore, in the eyes of outsiders, Lin Xiao is a great master Er Duan who has no school, general mental skills and ordinary skills.

Such a warrior is naturally no threat.

The battle of catching the right began soon. Everyone worked hard and fought very fiercely. Although it did not reach the level of fighting with life, it was also extremely dangerous.

Six pairs of martial artists beat from the house to the door. The impact of Qi force produced great impact, stirring the air upside down.

The monkey didn't do it directly. Instead, he looked at Lin Xiao with interest and asked jokingly, "boy, I think you're young and it's not easy to practice. I can't bear to hurt you. Just admit defeat."

Lin Xiao also smiled. He was not affected by the smell. He looked up and down at the monkeys and suddenly asked, "are you from the western regions?"

The monkey was stunned when asked. He had already changed his dress.

Now he is wearing a vest and jeans, and his voice has been specially disguised, but he doesn't want the people of the Central Plains to find his real identity.

The Wulin in the Central Plains and the western regions have been fighting each other for half a year, and many people have died. People from the western regions have to take risks when they go to Zhennan to make a living.

The monkey's face was not only nervous, but also flashed a killing opportunity.

He quickly glanced at other directions and made sure Yang Wei didn't pay attention to this side, so he lowered his voice and said fiercely, "boy, don't give me nonsense. Your fists and feet have no eyes. Be careful of your life!"

"Don't be nervous," said Lin Xiao, smiling and pretending to be casual. "I just ask casually and ask you something!"

"What do you mean?" The monkey stepped forward and drew a dagger from his waist. It seemed that he wanted to kill.

"Haven't all the Wulin in the western regions been subdued by the evil house? I want to know why you went to the south of town to make a living. With the power of the evil house, can't you give you a bowl of rice?"

"Hum!" The monkey seemed very angry. He shook the bright sharp dagger at Lin Xiao and shouted, "it's none of your business? Shut your mouth to me, or..."

"As far as I know, the evil house has been set up in the western regions for decades. It has long been an iron plate. You don't go to such a huge force. Instead, you go thousands of miles away. There must be an ulterior purpose. Since you go to the south of town, there are only two possibilities..."

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