Yang Wei pushed forward, picked up the monkey without saying a word, and angrily said, "are you really from the Wulin in the western regions?"

After paying attention to the observation, Yang Wei has found that the monkey looks different. He quickly tore his fake beard. From the outline of his facial features, it can be seen that he is indeed from the western regions.

"What happened to Wulin in the western regions?" The monkey screamed, "even if I'm a martial artist in the western regions, can't I come to Zhennan?"

"Of course!" Yang Wei's pupil shrinks gently, "but now this moment comes, it shows that you have other attempts. Make it clear to me, otherwise I'll abolish you immediately!"

Yang Wei can't spend time around. He also found that monkeys are unusual. After being reminded by Lin Xiao, he immediately used his means and didn't give monkeys a chance to resist.

"Ah!" The monkey was held in the air by Yang Wei's big hand. He pedaled at his feet. He couldn't get out of his anger. He screamed, "let go of me. I'm not a spy. I escaped!"

"What do you mean? Escape?" Yang Wei was stunned.

The others were stunned.

"Yes!" The monkey said anxiously, "recently, great changes have taken place in the Wulin of the western regions. The evil house launched a surprise attack on the heaven and Earth City. I had some business dealings with the heaven and earth court before, so I was caught and investigated. I almost lost half my life, so I escaped..."

In order to protect his life, the monkey talked endlessly and poured out the truth. He knew that if he told lies, he would die here today.

There are too many conflicts between the Wulin of the western regions and the Wulin of the Central Plains. The two sides are almost mortal enemies. Monkeys expose their identity. If they want to live, they must find the value of existence.

So the monkey had an idea and immediately said, "I dislike the evil house from the bottom of my heart. I tipped off Qiankun city a few days ago. It's a pity..."

Lin Xiao was worried and quickly asked, "what happened to heaven and Earth City?"

The monkey pretended to be sorry and said bitterly, "Qiankun city is besieged by tens of thousands of troops. The evil house dispatched hundreds of masters and several puppets. It is said that the underground nuclear reactor in Qiankun city has failed and hundreds of thousands of citizens are in danger!"

"What?" Lin Xiao was surprised, but restrained his horror and asked quietly, "when did this happen?"

"Three days ago!" The monkey said anxiously, "heaven and Earth City has been going on for three days. I don't know if it can go on!"

Lin Xiao was a little flustered.

He didn't receive any help from Tibetan Dao and Zhan Qingyi, and he is isolated from the world now. No one knows his whereabouts.

The black evil army wanted themselves all over the world, and even the brothers were implicated.

Even the headquarters of the medicine dragon temple was empty, and everyone hid themselves and no longer contacted.

In order to ensure everyone's safety, Lin Xiao broke all contacts. He wanted to hide, and then find a chance to dive into the Phoenix warship in the air and wait for the opportunity to kill the commander, so as to solve the current crisis.

Moreover, he was eager to know whether Nangong Jin was still on the Phoenix warship or had been sent out of the earth.

But Lin Xiao also knew that general ye, the commander of the Phoenix warship, was a master of the supreme second section. With his current strength, it was like hitting a stone with an egg, so he had to improve his strength first.

Finding a suitable identity to hide can continue to improve his strength, which is the purpose of Lin Xiao's application to the Public Security Management Association.

I just didn't expect to get the news about the fall of Qiankun city here.

"Heaven and earth city is a decent force. Our Martial Arts Association has indeed received similar requests for help, but..." Yang Wei suddenly sighed and said with a bitter smile, "it's too late!"

The crowd was moved.

Can't Qiankun city fall completely?

Lin Xiao repressed his nervousness and pretended to ask, "Vice President Yang, but there is news of heaven and Earth City?"

"A little..." Yang Wei hesitated for a few seconds and said, "it's not a secret. The martial arts association basically knows it. Heaven and Earth City has become a human purgatory. Hundreds of thousands of city people have been killed and injured countless. Most of the city's experts have been slaughtered. Some have escaped, and others are still guarding!"

"The help we get is the help information from the inside of Qiankun city. It seems that three elder level masters are trapped in the city. They are guarding something and are chased by the evil house!"

"The evil house has blocked the heaven and Earth City. You can only enter but not leave. Anyone who meets a resident of the heaven and earth city will be killed without amnesty!"

"By the way," Yang Wei took out his mobile phone and clicked on the work task on the app Dingding inside the association. "Look! This is the task notice issued inside the association. You can get 100 points for saving three elders!"

"A hundred points?"

The crowd exclaimed.

One of the purposes of these people coming to the Council is to earn contribution points and then exchange them for resources or money in the official inventory.

If one hundred contribution points are exchanged for money, at least one billion can be exchanged!

Although money and wealth have depreciated significantly at this stage, one billion is enough to buy a house in the urban center, and even more than a dozen yuan pills.

Nowadays, Yuan pharmaceutical industry is developing vigorously, and many big Mac consortia are actively developing this new industry.

Yuan medicine is the refined vitality of heaven and earth. One can help to increase cultivation. It is an excellent medicine for martial arts practitioners.

Yuan medicine will soon become a hard currency. Moreover, within the armed forces Association and the Public Security Management Association, the distribution of Yuan medicine is too scarce. Ordinary members may not be able to receive one free of charge a year.

One hundred contribution points are astronomical for these martial artists.

"Vice President Yang, hurry to the third round of test. I want to join the public security management association!"

"Yes! I can't wait! After I join the public security management committee, I will take the task! Save the three elders!"

"Me too!"

"Hurry up!"

Everyone is excited and nervous. This is an opportunity to make a fortune. It depends on whether they can grasp it successfully.

When Lin Xiao heard that someone had survived, he was impatient to go to the rescue.

But he also knew that rash action would be the target of public criticism.

Hearing what Yang Wei said, Lin Xiao's eyes brightened, "only members can take this task?"

"Well, there are many such tasks. They are all those who can't solve problems by themselves. They spend a lot of money to hire the armed forces Association and public security management. But this task is too difficult, and the contribution score is naturally higher!"

Lin Xiao nodded silently, "I see!"

Yang Wei threw the monkey down and said in a deep voice, "are you sure what you said is true?"

"Absolutely true!" The monkey swore, "if it's false, I'll be struck by thunder!"

Everyone turned their eyes. His oath was like farting. Everyone wouldn't take it seriously, but the fact that the monkey said should not be false.

"Go away!" Yang Wei shouted to the monkey.

The monkey was relieved and ran away.

The crowd at the scene looked at Yang Wei.

"Vice President Yang, can we start the third round of selection now?"

Yang Wei swept over seven people, including Lin Xiao, and nodded slowly, "you seven people fight with me respectively. As long as you support my three moves, you are qualified to enter the selection!"

"I'll come first!" A strong man couldn't wait and rushed out to stand in front of Yang Wei.

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