"Good!" Yang Wei was not angry. He stretched out one hand and said carelessly, "let you have one hand!"

The strong man is just a martial artist of master San Duan. He was the first to run out to get Yang Wei's affirmation as soon as possible.

He has a unique skill. As long as Yang Wei is careless, it may be enough to survive three moves.

"Good!" The strong man nodded hard and made a move at the same time. Hengfei kicked it and chose to attack.

Yang Wei smiled. "It's interesting! Dare to take the initiative to attack, right? Drink!"


With Yang Wei as the center, there was a knock. The houses behind him seemed to shake several times, while the strong man fell down when he stood unstable.


Without even one move, the strong man fell down and was stunned.

"So strong!?" The crowd sucked the air conditioner and was completely convinced by Yang Wei's strength.

Yang Wei is not really so strong. It's just that the strong man wanted to be opportunistic and was seen through. When he mobilized his internal power, a burst of drink dispersed his internal breath. He couldn't lift it at one breath, so of course he fell down.

Although he lost wrongly, the strong man had nothing to say and could only admit the defeat.

The remaining few people, except Lin Xiao, are hesitant. If they go up, it will be the same result. The remaining number will be fewer and fewer. Won't they succeed without assessment?

"You go!"

"You go!"

"Why should I go? It's your turn, you come!"

Several people pushed and resisted, and they didn't dare to try easily.

Instead, the little girl in her twenties came out very smartly and bowed to Yang Wei, "Vice President Yang, I'm Fang Qing! Please give me some advice!"

Lin Xiao's expression was indifferent. When he heard the word "Fang Qing", his eyes suddenly widened.

Fang Qing!?

Can't it be Fang Qing?

Lin Xiao looks at each other carefully. It's hard to guess whether Fang Qing is himself.

Fang Qing is good at camouflage. Not to mention the form, even the sound will be camouflaged to a completely unfamiliar degree.

Just, since you disguised your appearance, why don't you hide your name?

So Lin Xiao was also very confused and not sure. He had to stare at her all the time, hoping to see some flaws.

If it's really camouflage, it's amazing.

Yang Wei smiled proudly, "Miss Fang! Be careful! I won't show mercy because you are a woman!"

Fang Qing smiled confidently, "of course!"

"Good!" Yang Wei's eyes showed approval. His big hand like a palm fan suddenly raised, and he didn't see any action. His whole body was oppressed like a mountain. The big hand moved several meters horizontally and patted Fang Qing's shoulder.

From Yang Wei's shot, he is a full-fledged gentleman. This move made the overlord push the mountain to slightly change the attack direction. Instead of attacking the chest, he pushed it into a cut. The goal is only to affect Fang Qing's balance.


Fang Qing flashed lightly, and her smart body method brightened people's eyes.

"What a beautiful body method!"

The crowd burst out praises one after another.

When Lin Xiao saw this body method, he immediately determined that the girl was really Fang Qing.

Since the secret service was dissolved, the girl disappeared. I didn't expect to appear here in disguise, which made Lin Xiao cry and laugh.

Out of the other party's vigilance, Lin Xiao didn't show any abnormality and pretended that nothing had happened.

Bang bang!

Yang Wei said that he would not be merciful, but he left three points when he really started.

And Fang Qing's body method is really agile enough. Relying on her strong prediction ability, she avoided Yang Wei's three moves and passed the pass without danger.

In the past, Fang Qing's body method was first-class and strong. Now the Grand Master of Jin Jie has become a master of master San Duan in just one month. I have to say that he is also a little genius.

"I passed!" Fang Qingmei smiled and jumped up excitedly, just like a heartless and innocent girl.

Only Lin Xiao knew Fang Qing and knew that the girl was hiding herself again.

The battle just now shows that Fang Qing is definitely not as bad as Yang Wei.

"It seems that the girl has a ghost idea again. I don't know what she wants to do!" Lin Xiao smiled in his heart.

"All right! Next!" Yang Wei waved his hand as if nothing had happened.

Immediately another elder with a goatee, about 50 years old, came out and said respectfully, "Vice President Yang! Please give me some advice!"


The goatee was calm and calm. He held his hands round and made a Tai Chi start gesture. He said faintly, "it shouldn't be difficult to pick up vice president Yang's three moves! I want to challenge you and fight with you. If I can survive a hundred moves, I hope I can directly deliver the task to me!"

Yang Wei looked at the goatee with great interest and asked with a smile, "what's your name?"

"Shan Yu!" Shan Yu answered simply and directly.

"Ha ha... The task just now can not be completed by one person. The meeting decided to set up a team and is waiting for the quota to be approved! Even if you become a member, you are new, and you can't take the turn!"

"Ah?" Shan Yu was stunned, "why can't we turn?"

"This task is not only difficult, but also represents official honor. The top attaches great importance to it, so the contribution points are more." Yang Wei explained, "generally, only two-star members are eligible!"

"Two star member?" Everyone was confused.

Yang Wei smiled. "This is also a new measure of the armed forces Association. It is specifically aimed at the star system established by the public security management club. Wait until you become a full member!"

Everyone seems to understand, but they have become more and more determined to become a member of the public security management team.

"OK! I see!" Shan Yu continued to gesture and stared at Yang Wei seriously, "Vice President Yang, come on!"

Yang Wei smiled, nodded and said directly, "then I'll do it. Be careful!"


Yang Wei's moves are open and close. It's very powerful, and it doesn't take any fake.

Knowing that the other party is threatening, Shan Yu can't do it even if he wants to dodge. He can only bite his teeth to meet him.


In the first move, Shan Yu was forced to withdraw more than a dozen steps. He was flushed and obviously suffered some internal injuries.

"Come again!" Shan Yu didn't admit defeat. When he blew his beard, he jumped up and swung a short stick in his hand. Unexpectedly, he was ready to face Yang Wei.

Bang bang!

Yang Wei was a little excited, and his strength increased a little. I took dozens of moves against Shan Yu.


"Not bad! Master Si Duan can have more than 100 moves with me. You are also an expert!" Yang Wei started to exert more and more pressure on Shan Yu. Finally, he was slapped to the ground.

Shan Yu was sure to pass. Instead of being angry after being knocked down, he jumped up with great excitement and walked to the place where Fang Qing stood side by side.

"Hello!" Shan Yu greets Fang Qing and reaches out to shake hands with her.

Fang Qing turned his eyes and muttered, "bad old man, do you want to chat up like others? Do you want a face?"

Shan Yu's face stiffened and took back his hand.

"Three places! And the last one! Who will come first? In addition, I want to say that those who pass the pass should accept the challenges of others. Only when they can guard the challenges of others can they pass the pass finally!" Yang Wei looked at everyone's expressions and said with a smile.

Hearing this, everyone's faces changed.

Nima, aren't you playing with people?

If they had known such rules, they would have taken the lead and passed the pass without facing the challenges of others.

The remaining people looked at each other, suddenly turned around and looked at Lin Xiao at the same time.

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