"Arrogant boy!"

"How much do you really think you have?"

These three people are all masters of three sections of strength. They attack together. Even Yang Wei will be in a hurry. As long as the three people go out, it will not be a problem to defeat Lin Xiao.


"With your bullshit, can you stop my sword?"

One man drew out his long sword, the tip of which trembled and showed its edge.

"I want you to tremble under my knife!"

The other man slowly put the long knife on his forearm and pointed at Lin Xiao obliquely.

"Since you want to die, I will help you!"

The third man suddenly took out a loaded pistol

"Stop!" Yang Wei was angry and smiled. "This is a competition between martial artists. No hot weapons!"

"Oh!" The third man hastily took back his pistol and took out two short knives, which seemed awkward.

Lin Xiao was speechless and said with a black face, "OK! Save time and go together!"

The three were filled with righteous indignation. They couldn't stand being so insulted.


"Kill him!"


Three people are divided from three directions, and their weapons are almost killed at the same time. This attack range makes it difficult for people to dodge.

On the contrary, Lin Xiao seemed to be scared silly.

But Yang Wei saw the disdain in Lin Xiao's eyes and couldn't help being surprised for a moment.

Even if Yang Wei faces the siege of three people, he should deal with it carefully.

However, Lin Xiao was not nervous at all.

The weapons were flying around. Lin Xiao seemed to dance, floating left and flashing right, which easily resolved each other's killing moves.

At the beginning, the three men were full of strength. They attacked and killed fiercely. They just wanted to knock Lin Xiao down in an instant. Unexpectedly, they failed in one blow, but revealed their flaws.

"You have too little combat experience. Although you are a great master, you can only be cannon fodder on the battlefield!" Lin Xiao didn't know when he had flashed behind the three and commented calmly.


As soon as the three turned around, Lin Xiao stood ten meters away and looked at them with a smile.



The three of them were very angry and killed at the same time. However, as soon as they were halfway there, they found that the strong wind was blowing on their faces, and a strong overbearing breath blew down.


Lin Xiao took Qi Gang with his fist, and the huge wind pressure directly beat the three out.


At the moment when the three retreated, Lin Xiao stepped forward quickly and punched his left and right hands.

Bang bang!

The three were beaten into pig heads in the blink of an eye.


Screams continued.

The three figures staggered back, covered their heads and fled.

This is Lin Xiao's mercy. Otherwise, at the moment when he was close, he would kill three people.

"How weak!" Lin Xiao smiled disdainfully.

Even though Lin Xiao hid more than half of his strength, he still didn't control his strength and showed too amazing strength.

"Awesome!" Yang Wei's eyes twinkled greatly and he couldn't help muttering, "today is a treasure!"

Later, Yang Wei glanced at Fang Qing and Shan Yu again, and became more excited. "Today, these three people have their own strengths. They are strong hands. They have found treasure, they have found treasure, ha ha..."

The three people who were beaten into pig heads were very corrupt, but they didn't dare to resist. They were far away from Lin Xiao.

"Xiao Lin! Wait for us!"

"Hum! I want you to look good sooner or later!"

"Let's go!"

The unwilling three finally had to choose to escape.

It's a shame today.

He was beaten by a hairy boy with one enemy and three and fled. Later, he spread it out. I don't know what he will be laughed at.

"Hahaha..." the heroic Yang Wei burst out laughing and looked at the three people with great satisfaction. "Good, good! You three were admitted today. As long as you go through the relevant procedures, you will be a member of the public security management committee and enjoy envious official benefits and a series of convenience!"

Lin Xiao asked quietly, "I only care about the task of heaven and Earth City now. How can I receive it?"

"Don't worry!" Yang Wei took Lin Xiao's arm and said to Shan Yu and Fang Qing, "go! Register first! Then meet the president!"

"President?" Fang Qing asked subconsciously, "who is the president of Zhennan Public Security Management Association now?"

"Hehe, the president is concurrently held by Fu Taiyang, an elder of the armed forces Association. After all, the public security management association is under the jurisdiction of the armed forces Association. It is a new Department, and the candidate for the president has not been determined yet!" Yang Wei introduced the relevant situation of the public security management meeting while walking.

"At present, there are 260 great masters and 470 golden soldiers in the Public Security Management Council. There are still few hands, but I believe that it will flourish over time!"

Lin Xiao was stunned for a few seconds and asked subconsciously, "Fu Taiyang is back again?"

"Yes," Yang Wei gave him a strange look, "do you know Master Fu?"

"Yes!" Lin Xiao frowned slightly.

Although there was no conflict between him and Fu Taiyang, the old guy didn't deal with him from the beginning. Don't show your feet, or it will be another storm.

While talking, the party had passed through a few yards and came to a row of houses in the back garden.

The martial arts association occupied the residence of a prince in ancient times, so the decoration style was very retro. The courtyard was deep and the buildings were scattered. It took us a long time to arrive at the target.

"This is the registration office. After registration, you can meet with others. There are more than 30 people stationed in the association. If you want to stay, you can also be assigned to a house with higher treatment. If you don't want to stay, you can also see the task news in the group at that time!"

Lin Xiao said without hesitation, "let me garrison. Just give me a room!"

"I am also stationed!" Fang Qing glanced at Lin Xiao.

Shan Yu didn't say a word at first. He found Yang Wei looking at himself, so he said, "I'm stationed!"

"That's good!" Yang Wei seemed very happy that they could stay in the association and smiled, "after registration, I'll take you to see the house and have dinner in the evening. It's a welcome for new members!"

After registering, Yang Wei took the three to a yard.

There are dozens of bungalows in the yard, each of which can accommodate six people.

Out of admiration for Lin Xiao's strength, Yang Wei specially arranged a single room with a bathroom for him.

Fang Qing lives with another old woman who is close to 60. The other party doesn't mind. She is kind and amiable.

Originally, Shan Yu wanted to live next to Fang Qing, but Fang Qing refused directly in an arrogant tone. However, Yang Wei had to arrange Shan Yu between six people in the diagonal corner.

After proper arrangement, several tables were set up in the restaurant in the evening, and the stationed members attended together. Welcome the three new members.

Fu Taiyang did not appear, which made Lin Xiao a little relieved.

At more than nine o'clock in the evening, as soon as everyone had finished their meal and dispersed, there was a noisy noise outside the gate of the martial arts association.

Yang Wei was very unhappy that someone dared to make trouble in the martial arts association. He put on a coat and rushed out in a murderous manner.

Everyone followed to see the excitement, and Lin Xiao was among the crowd.

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