The street outside the gate has long been under martial law. In addition to the police, there are some tall soldiers in black armor.

The black armor chest is engraved with the mark of black evil star.

"Black evil Star Warrior?" Yang Weigang was about to get angry, but he stopped warily.

The leader of the black evil warrior is Yuye wearing hedgehog red armor.

Yuye's eyes were cold, swept everyone, and youyou said, "today I came to find someone. As for who to find, I believe everyone knows very well. If anyone knows the clue, I will reward ten yuan medicines."


The opening reward is ten yuan medicines, which is enough for a great master of the second section to reach the third section. That's a big temptation.

Most of the experts in the public security management committee are two or three paragraphs, and very few are more than four paragraphs.

After the explosion of the vitality of heaven and earth, everyone has a blowout period of strength improvement.

So the great master sprung up like mushrooms.

Some gifted people, after entering the great master, with their own efforts, become masters of the second, third and even higher levels at one fell swoop.

However, after that, it is difficult to improve.

Meta medicine is extremely concentrated heaven and earth vitality. It can be regarded as an energy medicine, just as concentrated protein can grow muscle.

Ten yuan pills are enough for these people to go crazy.

"Are you the rain leaf pioneer?" Just then, Shan Yu, who was hiding behind the man, came out with excitement in his eyes, hugged his fist and said, "I admire you very much!"

The rain leaves glanced at him and asked, "do you have the whereabouts of the king's son?"

"Son of the king" is Yuye's name for Lin Xiao. It is also to highlight the importance of Lin Xiao and make people pay more attention to it.

"Er... Not yet!" Shan Yu said with a smile, "I just want to know you. If I have the whereabouts of the king's son, I will report to you at the first time!"

Yuye nodded with satisfaction and said meaningfully, "I like the Junjie who knows current affairs like you!"

"Yes, yes..." Shan Yu smiled.

"Shan Yu! Did you speak? Go back!" Yang Wei drank angrily.

Shan Yu smiled and hurried back to the team.

Yuye didn't care, and shouted to the police officers in line, "what are you waiting for? Go in and search for me! Don't let go of every corner and room. If you find a suspicious person, send a signal immediately!"

The police officers who maintain law and order nearby don't look very good. They are driven by Yuye like a dog and become the dog legs of the black evil army. They have long held their breath.

However, there are orders at the peak, so that they must cooperate obediently and do not create conflicts. They can only suffer.

"Search!" The leader took a deep breath and waved to his subordinates.

Yang Wei was angry and stopped, "stop! Do you have a search warrant? The martial arts association is also where you can take it at will?"

The captain sighed helplessly, brushed, took out a paper order and said in a deep voice, "order of the police headquarters! I hope vice president Yang will cooperate!"

Yang Wei stared at the black and white words and the official seal, and his pupils narrowed slightly.

It's a shame, but he can't help it.

The armed forces association now belongs to the military organization. Even if Yang Wei is not a soldier, he knows that soldiers need to obey orders.

"Hum!" Yang Wei reluctantly gave up a passage.

A large number of police officers and Black Ghost soldiers poured in, and soon turned the whole Martial Arts Association upside down.

An hour later, the searcher came out and reported to Yuye.

"Master pioneer, no abnormality is found!"

"The east yard didn't find it!"

"The West courtyard has checked, and there is nothing suspicious!"

"No doubt!"

Yuye frowned and ordered in a deep voice, "bring me back the list of all members of the martial arts association. Check one by one, and never let anyone suspicious go!"


The armed forces Association and the public security administration committee had a total of nearly 500 people. The lists were kept in the USB flash disk and all were taken away by the police.

After the withdrawal of the black evil army, the members of the garrison gathered together, and their faces were very ugly.

"Too much!"

"What a robber!"

"Look at our room. Was it stolen?"

The room was full of mess and countless pieces of damaged furniture.

Even the ceiling and floor were deliberately smashed, which was terrible at the scene.

Everyone gathered in the conference room and had a heated discussion and complaint.

The police are still a little restrained, but the soldiers of the black evil army won't leave any hands. In their hearts, the earth is a dirty dump, and the earth people are just a group of Aborigines and refugees.

When dealing with aborigines and refugees, the "superior" naturally will not give a good face.

"They took so much effort to come from so far away from the black evil star in order to catch a man? What's the origin of this man?"

"It's said to be the blood of the royal family in the front hall of the king. I don't know what it means!"

Many members sighed and blamed the "son of the king" and criticized him for a while.

"All right!" At this time, Yang Wei came in with a black face. "It's getting late. You go to bed quickly. There's a task tomorrow. The purpose of our existence is to stabilize people's hearts and one day we will drive these bastards from our land!"

"By the way, vice president Yang," Shan Yu suddenly stood up, "how's the mission of heaven and Earth City? Does anyone take it?"

Lin Xiao's ears suddenly stood up.

"Speaking of this task," Yang Wei glanced at all the people present, "there are orders above, which can not be carried out openly, so the task applicant needs to sign a confidentiality agreement and two-star membership to receive it!"

"Two star member?" Many people looked disappointed.

Two star membership requires completing at least three official tasks with a contribution score of more than 10.

Although the conditions seem simple, nearly half of the members in the room have just joined. Not long ago, let alone the task, it is difficult to achieve the contribution score alone.

Everyone is very disappointed. Those who want to take the task are not qualified, and those who are qualified dare not take it.

It is very difficult to rescue the three people from the siege of the evil house. Strength may not be the first key factor, but courage and mind are the most important aspects.

Yang Wei saw the people's complex expressions and comforted, "this is also the decision of the leader to protect the new people. After all, this task is too difficult. The two-star members have certain combat experience and relatively stronger strength. When you grow up, you have a lot of opportunities to earn contribution points."

Everyone sighed and twinkled. None of those two-star members dared to say a word. They knew how difficult the task was.

"Hum! These new members really don't know the greatness of heaven and earth. They don't know how difficult the task of rewarding 100 contribution points is!"

"Yes! It's like a newborn calf not afraid of tigers! I don't know the internal operation rules of the association. I only look at the immediate interests and die if I go!"

Several two-star members dare not answer by themselves. They are still teasing and mocking Lin Xiao's new members.

"A bunch of cowards, dare not answer?"

Just as everyone was silent, a young and joking voice rang out of the door.

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