A young man in a suit, sunglasses and half long hair walked in.

Take off the sunglasses and hang them on your chest. The young man's sharp eyes sweep everyone, giving people a feeling of being superior.

"Wearing sunglasses in the middle of the night, are you sick?" Fang Qing underestimated it in a low voice.

Lin Xiao was slightly stunned. He didn't expect that the visitor would be Fu Shaohua.

Fu Shaohua's strength has increased sharply after being washed by Ding Qiu. Recently, the vitality of the world has soared. The genius known as the little champion has risen again. It looks very good.

But now Fu Shaohua has faded his green astringency and appears sharp.

Lin Xiao didn't see each other's strength level at a glance.

When Yang Wei saw the visitor, he hurried to meet him and said respectfully, "Fu Shao, why are you here?"

"I heard from my grandfather that there was an important task in the meeting, which contributed a lot to me. What's the name of rescuing heaven and Earth City, right?"

"There's this task. Everyone is discussing it. Shao fu... What can I do for you?" Yang Wei answered carefully.

Yang Wei knows one thing very well.

The young man in front of him looks young, but his strength is outrageous. He has won the true biography of Fu Taiyang, and the essence of Fu Jiaquan has come to an end.

Fu Shaohua swaggered in, regardless of the surprised eyes of others, directly sat in the position of the president in the center, and said coldly, "I'm ready to take over this task, but now I need some horses, or helpers. Is anyone willing?"

"This......" Yang Wei said with a bitter smile, "doesn't it conform to the rules?"

"What's not in line with the rules? I'm a Samsung member, qualified and able to help. But I want to state one thing," Fu Shaohua stretched out a finger, "The helper is responsible for helping me complete the task, but the contribution point earned is only 20%. Of course, I will protect your safety. As long as I follow my instructions, I will give you more after completing the task. Are you willing?"

"Who are you?" Shan Yu came out with a frown. "What a big tone. You protect us? You are young but you have a big tone. You don't know the height of heaven and earth!"

Fu Shaohua's eyes narrowed slightly and sneered, "you ask who I am? Are you qualified to know?"

"Arrogance!" Single face old red, he is a newly joined member, at this time can not be looked down upon, in the face of Fu Shaohua's contempt, he chose not hesitate to launch, rushed to the past.

Sitting upright, Fu Shaohua crossed his legs. He didn't mean to fight back at all. He looked at Shan Yu, but he was indifferent.

"Shan Yu! No!" Yang Wei was stunned.

However, Yang Wei shouted slowly.

In just one second, Shan Yu leaped tens of meters and rushed to Fu Shaohua.

In order not to hurt Fu Shaohua, Shan Yu didn't pull out his weapon. Instead, he turned his palm into a claw, grabbed his arm, and was ready to pull him up and throw him out. The purpose was to make a fool of him.

Simple capture and wrestling skills are incisively and vividly performed in Shan Yu's hands. It can be seen that he has great attainments in this regard.

"The old boy was really clumsy when he fought with Yang Wei!" Lin Xiao's eyes lit up slightly.


Lin Xiao's comments are not over yet. The battle over there is over.

I saw Shan Yu fall on the steps under his head and feet, his eyes turning straight to the sky, and he was crying out for pain.

"Overestimate your strength!" Fu Shaohua withdrew his fist and said with an understatement smile, "such goods are only allocated to me as a attendant. If you want to go, I can take you!"

The people were very surprised, and their eyes stared round.

Shan Yu is a master of master wuduan. With all his strength, he can fight hundreds of moves with master wuduan's Yang Wei, which is enough to show that he has long internal power and full toughness.

Unfortunately, in the hands of Fu Shaohua, a young man, he can't walk away.

"Hum!" With a cold face, Yang Wei went over to pull Shan Yu up and scolded angrily, "Fu shaoke is a master of master Qiduan. Why should you fight him? You want to die?"


Master Qi Duan!

Everyone was surprised.

Many people have heard of Fu Shaohua's name. They know that he was once the little iron fist king in Zhennan, known as a genius who inherited the throne of martial god.

Some time ago, I heard that it was only the sixth section of the master. Why did it break through to the seventh section in less than half a month?

This talent is too scary.

Shan Yu was foolish and didn't dare to speak for a while.

Fu Shaohua didn't care. In front of absolute strength, he didn't need to prove himself with cruel words. His sharp eyes swept the audience. "I'm going to take five helpers. After the task is completed, I can take out 20 contribution points for you to distribute. In addition, I can recommend you to become a two-star member!"

"Of course, if you die in the task, you will not only lose your life, but also lose all benefits and benefits. The remaining people can still get 20 contribution points." Fu Shaohua's expression was joking, as if to remind everyone of one thing.

Twenty for five, four for each.

Four points can be exchanged for a lot of materials.

Within the martial arts association, Yuan medicine is in short supply, and you can exchange it for one in ten.

In this era, force is becoming more and more important, and it is urgent to improve our strength.

Many people's eyes are bright.

Master Qi Duan took the lead, greatly increased his strength and greatly increased his chances of survival.

Besides, it's just to save people. It's not really competing with the army of the evil house. The probability of success is very high.

Even if five people share 20 points of contribution, it is also a great wealth for them.

Moreover, it can be directly promoted to a two-star member. In the future, it will have a higher status in the meeting and get more benefits.

Thinking of this, more than a dozen people immediately stood up and said that they would follow Fu Shaohua and be willing to be a helper.

Although we know that the so-called helpers are just cannon fodder, we all hold a breath and take this risk anyway.

Fu Shaohua nodded with satisfaction. "In addition, I would like to explain that anything obtained in this mission belongs to me. You are not allowed to have any objection or share. Do you agree?"

Lin Xiao's eyes flickered slightly, thinking that Fu Shaohua's purpose of taking this task seemed not very simple.

"Fu Shao! What do you say? We'll follow you!" Some people immediately agree that as long as they can come back alive and get contribution points, others are small things.

Nowadays, important materials, including Yuan medicine and other auxiliary items that play an important role in martial arts, are controlled by some large companies, groups or officials. It is too difficult for individuals to buy through channels.

The contribution score of the martial arts association solves this problem very well. As long as you work hard for the official and earn enough contribution score, you can get enough benefits.

With contribution points, you can not only exchange many materials, but also exchange the Yuan medicine that martial artists most desire, and even some magic weapons from the black evil army.

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