Fu Shaohua smiled silently and looked at the competing group of people.

agreement is difficult if there are too many people.

Attracted by Fu Shaohua's proposal, he just pushed three obstacles and four obstacles, but now he is more and more anxious, as if a slow step will reduce hundreds of millions.

"Stop it!" Yang Wei only blushed for a while. These people are experts anyway. At the moment, they are like street gangsters fighting for territory, which is looked down upon by people.

The scene is quiet.

"Fu Shao! What do you think now? There are only five candidates. It's not easy to choose!" Yang Wei actually didn't want Fu Shaohua to take risks, but he couldn't refuse it too directly. He had to say it carefully and asked, "do you want to think about it? After all, this action is very dangerous!"

Fu Shaohua didn't answer Yang Wei's words. It was obvious that he had made up his mind. He swept the whole audience leisurely, and his eyes suddenly fell on Lin Xiao in the corner.

Lin Xiao has been silent. He is thinking about how to rescue Qiankun city as soon as possible.

In Qiankun City, there are puppets left by him, including Lvmao, Dingqiu, madman and Luocha. He only keeps invincible in the dark and supports himself at any time.

But even so, Qiankun city was still defeated, which is enough to show that the puppet supreme of the evil house has a repressive advantage.

Thinking about how to use the strength of the martial arts association to save people, Leng Buding heard Fu Shaohua's voice ringing in his ear.

"I let him be my attendant!"

Everyone's eyes fell on Lin Xiao. They didn't quite understand why Fu Shaohua liked a new boy.

Lin Xiao nodded blankly and asked, "what are you talking about?"

Fu Shaohua looked arrogant and condescending. He said in a deep voice, "I asked you to be my attendant and go to heaven and earth city with me to save people! Can't you understand people?"

Lin Xiao looked strange. He felt that countless pairs of eyes around him looked at him and couldn't help laughing. Originally, he was still thinking about how to get into the team. Now he was just ready, so he immediately replied, "OK! I'm worried that I'm not qualified to take the task. It's best that Fu Da Shao is willing to take me!"

"And you!" Fu Shaohua pointed to Fang Qing around Lin Xiao.

Fang Qing's eyes lit up and nodded hurriedly, "OK!"

"You!" Fu Shaohua pointed to Shan Yu with a black nose and a swollen face.

Shan Yu was overjoyed. "Thank you, Fu Shao!"

Fu Shaohua seemed to order the troops at will. His eyes swept around the people and ordered the other two.

"You, you and you!"

Two ordinary looking, old-fashioned and boring looking men came out. They should be a pair of brothers with 70% similar looks.

Yang Wei shook his head secretly. He was puzzled by Fu Shaohua's childish behavior, but he couldn't contradict him face to face, so he had to gently advise, "Fu Shao! The rescue of heaven and earth city is very important. Is it inappropriate to choose a few people like this?"

"Why, are you questioning me?" Fu Shaohua's eyes were horizontal and said coldly, "isn't it?"

Yang Wei was a little embarrassed, but he still argued, "not questioning, but worried that something would happen to you, in case..."

"No chance!" Fu Shaohua said carelessly, "everything will be under my control, but I still want to state that you can't ask about anything you get in the task, okay?"

In addition to Lin Xiao, the four people selected by Fu Shaohua nodded in agreement.

Among the people present, Fu Shaohua has the strongest strength on the surface. His words are naturally the golden rule. Even if they are dissatisfied, they can only bear it.

After all, contribution points are rare to anyone. They are more valuable money than money.

"Yes!" After being beaten, Shan Yu was really obedient and nodded solemnly.

"What's your name?" Fu Shaohua seemed to be very interested in Lin Xiao. He raised his chin slightly towards him, with an arrogant attitude.

"Xiao Lin!" Lin Xiao said faintly.

"Xiao, Xiao Lin?" Fu Shaohua's face changed slightly and said subconsciously, "this name is a little strange."

"Strange?" Lin Xiao smiled and pretended not to understand each other's meaning. "Where's the blame? Xiao Weilin, what's so strange?"

"Nothing!" Fu Shaohua's arrogant performance was slightly restrained. He thought of the scenes that Lin Xiao had cleaned up several times in the past. He was somewhat unconvinced. He thought that if he met Lin Xiao now, he must make him look good.

"And you?" Fu Shaohua looks at Fang Qing.

"Fang Qing!" Fang Qing made no secret of it.


Fu Shaohua looked at the other two. Before he could speak, the other party couldn't stop reporting his name.

"My name is Wang Yang!"

"My name is Wang Yue!"

"Are you brothers?" Fu Shaohua asked casually.

"Yes!" Both nodded at the same time.

Fu Shaohua stood up, did not allow Yang Wei to refute, and said directly, "it's settled. The five of you will wait for me outside the door at 6 a.m. tomorrow morning!"

Yang Wei tried to stop, but he knew that he would offend the young master for nothing, so he had to reluctantly answer, "I see! I will arrange corresponding equipment and supplies for them!"

"Yes!" Fu Shaohua slowly put his hands behind him and walked out calmly. "I'll send someone to pick you up early tomorrow morning!"

Lin Xiao said tentatively, "time is pressing. Why don't you start now? I'm afraid it will change if it's late!"

"Are you in charge or am I in charge?" Fu Shaohua stared at Lin Xiao and shouted angrily, "do a good job of your attendant, don't be self righteous!"

Lin Xiao frowned. It's not appropriate to fall out with Fu Shaohua now. He has to rely on him to sneak himself into heaven and Earth City.

There is martial law outside the city of heaven and earth, but out of the relationship of temporary cooperation with the official, the evil house obeys the orders of the black evil army and will not embarrass the official people too much.

So the people of the martial arts association went, at least there will be no problem in identity.

If others want to enter the heaven and Earth City, they will encounter great crisis. I'm afraid they will be blocked before they enter.

"Stand aside!" Fu Shaohua pushed Lin Xiao away and swaggered to the door.

Yang Wei hurried out to see him off.

After a while, Yang Wei returned, looked at Lin Xiao with complicated eyes, resolutely pulled him aside and said earnestly, "Xiao Lin, I think you are a genius. I wanted to keep you to do well in the association. Why do you have to wade in this muddy water? Do you know how dangerous this task is?"

Lin Xiao casually found a reason, "I just want to survive. With such a high contribution score, I can become a two-star member after completion. Is it very tempting for me as a newcomer?"

"It's really a profitable business, but you have to come back with your life!" Yang Wei sighed, "this time, you just died. Even if you have some life-saving skills, you are still in great danger!"

"Fu Shao is a master of master Qiduan. He can protect himself enough. As long as he doesn't meet the puppet supreme, his life won't be a problem. You're just cannon fodder, okay?" Yang Wei told Lin Xiao the truth because he liked Lin Xiao's talent and didn't want him to die in vain.

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