"I know! But wealth insurance is a must! Thank Vice President Yang for reminding me." Lin Xiao smiled and said indifferently, "in troubled times, only adventure can prosper!"

Yang Wei looked at Lin Xiao and smiled, "well, I won't persuade you. Although you'll die this time, it's also a test for you. If you can come back alive, it's good for your cultivation! Go back first. Come to the hall at five o'clock tomorrow morning and I'll bring you some equipment on the road."

"Thank you!" Lin Xiao bowed his hand to thank him.

After returning to the hall, Yang Wei ordered a few more words to remind the five people of some precautions, and then dismissed everyone.

Lin Xiao was about to leave and go back to his room when Fang Qing stopped him.

"Hello! Xiao Lin!" Fang Qing followed Lin Xiao and asked with a smile, "you are very similar to a friend of mine. Are you him?"

Lin Xiao pretended to be confused, with a blank face, "Miss Fang, what are you talking about?"

"Still installed!?" Fang Qing deliberately turned as like as two peas, and said, "you are Lin Xiao, right? I see your tone and name are exactly the same as him!"

"Ha ha..." Lin Xiao shook his head. "Miss Fang is afraid to recognize the wrong person. Which Lin Xiao are you talking about? The wanted one?"

"Aren't you?" Fang Qing looked confident, "don't pretend, I can see that you are Lin Xiao! Come on, what will be the attempt and conspiracy to come to public security management?"

"Inexplicable!" Lin Xiao sneered and walked across Fang Qing. He didn't intend to continue to talk to her.

"Ah?" Fang Qing was stunned. She was just testing, but she found that the boy didn't have any flaws. She couldn't help thinking, "isn't it really the boy?"

Fang Qing is still unwilling and takes the initiative to catch up with her.

Lin Xiao returned to the room all the way, but Fang Qing still followed behind him. He turned angrily, "what are you always doing with me?"

Fang Qing was not frightened. She turned around Lin Xiao for a few times and said meaningfully, "I know you are wanted, so I dare not reveal your identity. However, with our relationship, how can I report you? Although reporting you has a lot of benefits, I'm not that kind of person!"

"You're really sick! Do we know each other?" Lin Xiao knows that Fang Qing is a ghost girl. If she finds out her identity, she will have some trouble.

Anyway, at this stage, the acting is about to play a full set. Lin Xiao decided to deal with her.

"Why not? You must be Lin Xiao!" Fang Qing chased Lin Xiao and blocked him from entering the door.

Lin Xiao's eyes were cold and did not hesitate to fight.


Fang Qing didn't expect Lin Xiao to dare to do it. She was caught off guard for a moment. She was severely patted on her shoulder. She stumbled and almost fell.

"How dare you do it?" Fang Qing's eyes were horizontal, "do you want to fight?"

"Afraid of you?" Lin Xiao's face was expressionless. His camouflage was more exquisite than Fang Qing. Even the micro expression on his face was lifelike.

The reason why Fang Qing tried several times was to observe his facial expression and try to find abnormalities.

Unfortunately, the result disappointed Fang Qing.

"Hum!" Fang Qing knew that she couldn't beat each other, so she angrily stepped back and said angrily, "no, it's not. Why do you hit people? Don't you know how to pity fragrance and cherish jade?"

"Get out!" Lin Xiao whispered.

"OK! You wait!" Fang Qing was angry and smiled, "he's still a jerk. He's playing with me, isn't he?"

Lin Xiao ignored her, pushed the door into the room without expression, and closed the door tightly.


Fang Qing was startled. "Is this boy sick?"

"Hoo!" Lin Xiao breathed a sigh. He didn't expect that it would be so difficult to pretend to be another person. Just now he almost revealed his secret. If he has a habit, Fang Qing may find out.

Lying on the crack of the door, Fang Qing left angrily. Her room was opposite, and the distance between the two sides was only 20 meters.

Fang Qing lived with an old woman. The old man slept early. When she returned, it was dark in the house.

After washing, Fang Qing closed her clothes and went to sleep, but she kept thinking about "Xiao Lin" in her mind.

"I always think it's strange. Is it Lin Xiao? But it's not! He can't pretend to be so calm. Is he really suspicious?"

Lin Xiao was ready to go to bed after a simple wash.

Lying in bed, I can't sleep. I've been thinking about recent events in my head.

The world is changing so fast that people are caught off guard.

A month has passed since the black evil army invaded the earth.

Earth shaking changes have taken place in the world this month.

The power structure from top to bottom has changed significantly.

In particular, the large growth of martial artists has led to drastic changes in the operating mechanism of the world.

"As soon as the black evil army came, they wanted to catch me and said I was the son of a king. What did they mean?"

Lin Xiao's mind revolved most about the "son of the king".

It's not uncommon that he is the descendant of the king's front hall, but how can the king's front hall outside the earth have anything to do with himself?

"And ah Jin! She is the real descendant of the heaven and earth Academy. I don't know if I will meet you this time!"

Through the window, Lin Xiao looked at the bright moonlight, and his eyes fell on the dark and huge Phoenix warship again.

The Phoenix warship, which is countless times larger than the flying dragon, is like a huge planet suspended on the earth's surface.

"Such a big warship must have incomparably strong shipborne firepower. It's nothing to destroy the earth. It's just that a black evil army is so powerful. What about the power of the heaven and earth court? It's numbing to think about it."

If you want to dive under a warship and make trouble, you will be given nothing without supreme strength.

Lin Xiao was also worried. He didn't know when he would become the supreme.

While thinking, Lin Xiao suddenly moved his ears and heard a slight sound of footsteps in the hospital.

Lin Xiao jumped up quietly, lying vigilantly by the door and looking out through the moonlight.

I saw an obscene shadow, crept to Fang Qing's door, looked inside, and didn't know what he wanted to do.

Lin Xiao observed for a long time. The other party didn't act too much. He couldn't help laughing in his heart. "Is it a flower picking thief? It's too brave to dare to pick Fang Qing's flowers."

Others don't know Fang Qing, but Lin Xiao knows it very well.

Although Fang Qingchang is good-looking, she looks harmless to humans and animals. In fact, she is very cruel and ruthless. She has a very high talent and is good at assassination and sniping. Ordinary people really can't handle her.

If you want to make up her mind, the consequences will be terrible.

Lin Xiao stared for another minute and found that the "thief" was moving. He quietly blew something like sweat smoke into the house. After staying for 30 seconds, he slowly opened the door and went in.

"What a thief!" Lin Xiao doesn't care. He believes that with Fang Qing's ability, he won't suffer losses in the hands of a thief.

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