Within a minute of the thief's entry, Lin Xiao heard a muffled noise.


The whole area was shocked, and someone immediately flew out of Fang Qing's room.

Everyone is a great master. They have a good ear and a good eye. Many people have long found abnormalities in the hospital, but they have not done anything and are just watching.

Now there is a problem. Many people can't sit still. For fear of involving themselves, they rush out of the room one after another.

I saw a dark shadow overturning on the nave, coughing, and blood gushing out of the corners of my mouth.

It was the "thief" who had just sneaked in.

But Lin Xiao felt that the thief seemed to be acting deliberately, because his breath was not panic and stable.

Lin Xiao's limitless skill works subtly, and his grasp of breath is very accurate. He thinks he is absolutely right.

"What is this boy hiding?" A doubt rose in Lin Xiao's heart.

"What the hell?"

"Who is this?"

People looked at the figure in black who fell to the ground for no reason, with a look of surprise and surprise.

It was funny enough to touch a woman's room in the middle of the night and be beaten out.

The key is, don't the thieves know that all the people who live here are great masters?

Don't mention the petty thieves. Even if an army comes here, it can't be nice. It's really an angry and laughing behavior.

"Hum!" Fang Qing walked out at random, stared at the fallen 'thief', and angrily said, "where's the garbage? Dare you break into my room and look for death?"

The thief slowly stood up and glanced around. He didn't seem to be nervous or speak. Suddenly his legs were pulled up like an arrow into the sky.

"Huh? Want to run?" Fang Qing sneered and spun up like a light spirit, giving the other party a hard blow.


The thief took Qingqing's palm, retreated out with inertial force, fell lightly on the roof, and then turned his head to shoot out.


In the blink of an eye, the thief disappeared without leaving any trace.

Many great masters present, including Lin Xiao, didn't expect each other's lightness skills to be so outstanding. They couldn't help showing their amazement.

"Who was that just now?"

"What a fast body method!"

"Not easy!"

At this time, everyone looked at Fang Qing.

After all, the other party broke into Fang Qing's room and should have something to do with her.

"This bastard! Don't let me catch you!" Fang Qingqi stamped his feet.

Yibai was disturbed to rest and almost poisoned. Fang Qing was angry and had no place to send it.

"Fang Qing! What's going on?" As a manager, Yang Wei couldn't help but make a noise. He couldn't watch such strange things happen in his own territory.

"How do I know?" Fang Qing angrily said, "I was about to sleep when I smelled a strange smell. I was almost dizzy!"

"Ordinary smoke addicts have no effect on the great master. What poison can get you caught?" Yang Wei asked in surprise.

Fang Qing couldn't help thinking at this time. Her mind was full of the scene just now. She said in a deep voice, "it should be the Gu smoke in the western regions..."

"Western regions?" Yang Wei's pupil contracted slightly.

The Wulin of the western regions has infiltrated the Central Plains too frequently recently.

"Is it a monkey?" It was questioned.

During the day, the monkey ran away in frustration. Maybe he came back with a grudge to make trouble?

Moreover, the monkey's body method and lightness skills are good. Maybe he hid his strength at that time.

"Not a monkey!" Fang Qing resolutely rejected this statement, "he has much deeper internal power than the monkey, but he doesn't show it for some reason..."

Yang Wei said in a deep voice, "Fang Qing! Why did this man steal your room? Do you remember the details?"

"How do I know? When I was sleepy, I heard someone come in. He first touched the living room, then opened my door, and then I attacked him and kicked him out!"

"Since his internal power is deeper than that of a monkey, why did you kick him out? Are you stronger?" Yang Wei raised his eyebrows and thought, does Fang Qing also hide his strength?

"Well," Fang Qing rolled her eyes, "didn't I say? He has the strength to make it out. As for why that foot is effective, it's because of my sneak attack, sneak attack, understand?"

"All right!" Yang Wei nodded silently, glanced at the others and said in a deep voice, "be careful! It's an eventful time recently, and it's inevitable that inexplicable enemies will appear!"

Since there was nothing to do, we went back to the room after a few casual discussions.

Yang Wei went into Fang Qing's room to check. He found that the old woman was still sleeping. She seemed unaware of what had happened. It was a little strange.

"Mrs. Zhuang?" Yang Wei knocked on the door and asked carefully.

Mrs. Zhuang has been silent and doesn't communicate with everyone since she entered the public security management meeting. But as long as there is any task or action, we will spare no effort to implement it.

Mrs. Zhuang is a transparent person in everyone's eyes. She is not outstanding, her strength is general, and her actions are ordinary. She can't attract anyone's attention at all.

Therefore, Yang Wei doesn't know much about Mrs. Zhuang.

However, when such a thing happened at night, Mrs. Zhuang felt it all by herself, which inevitably made people confused.

Bang Bang

Yang Wei knocked on the door again.

Fang Qing came over and said, "when I came back, she went to bed. I didn't respond to her greeting. What a strange old woman!"

Yang Wei looked back at her. His mood suddenly became tense. He grabbed the door handle and made a slight force. He only heard a click, and the door lock was destroyed.


After the door was opened, the room was dark, and the curtains were drawn so tightly that there was no light.

Vaguely, you can see that the bed is very flat and there is no sign of the bedding spreading out.


Yang Wei turned on the lights. The tidy room was empty and there was no shadow at all.

"Where are the people?" Yang Wei was stunned.

Fang Qing, who followed in, was also stunned, "no one?"

"What's going on?" Yang Wei narrowed his eyes fiercely, immediately turned and walked out of the door, then took out the phone to call the two guards guarding the door, "did you see Mrs. Zhuang today?"

The two guards yawned for days. When asked by Yang Wei, they were immediately inspired. One of them hesitated, "Mrs. Zhuang? I haven't seen you all day today, but..."

"But what?" Yang Wei asked urgently.

"At dawn this morning, someone came to see Mrs. Zhuang, and then Mrs. Zhuang left in a hurry. In short, she hasn't been seen since then. What's the matter, vice president Yang?"

"Get the monitor out!" Yang Wei vaguely felt something was wrong.

The members who were startled again gradually came out and looked surprised when they asked the truth.

"Mrs. Zhuang is usually very low-key, and she doesn't communicate with others. Where did she go today?"

"I don't know. I seem to have seen it in the morning. I don't look very good. I don't ask much if I don't communicate at ordinary times!"

"The man is gone?"

"The thief didn't come to find Mrs. Zhuang just now, did he?"

"Looking for Mrs. Zhuang? Why?"

Everyone was full of gossip, and their attention was instantly attracted by Mrs. Zhuang's behavior.

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