The strange incident of Mrs. Zhuang and the mysterious "thief" will make the whole public security management lively.

In the middle of the night, when I was sleeping, this kind of thing happened suddenly, which was unexpected and unsettling.

The whole day's monitoring was transferred out.

Sure enough, at more than six o'clock in the morning, just before dawn, a black SUV stopped outside the association. A man in a windbreaker and sunglasses came to find Mrs. Zhuang.

Mrs. Zhuang got in the car and left.

Since then, Mrs. Zhuang has never appeared again.

"Strange!" Yang Wei frowned and worried, "Mrs. Zhuang didn't say hello to anyone when she left. Now she suddenly disappears. Won't something happen?"

"Did you call her?" Yang Wei asked the security guard.

"No, I have been prompted not to be in the service area!"

Fang Qing looked nervous. "What's the origin of Mrs. Zhuang? Don't you have her identity information?"

"There is no information. Today's martial artists are experts hidden in the secular world. If the strength of heaven and earth did not soar and their strength improved, they might live in seclusion in the mountains and forests all their life. They don't even have an ID card. Where did they get the information?" Yang Wei said in a deep voice, "even if there is information, it is newly added and has no participation value at all.

Yang Wei called out Mrs. Zhuang's registration information and simply recorded the name Zhuang die, age 61, gender female, from Xuling County, south of the town.

No useful clues can be seen from the surface information.

Although it was strange, it did not have any bad impact.

Moreover, the emergence of "thieves" may not be directly related to Mrs. Zhuang.

Therefore, after this matter became noisy in the middle of the night, everyone did not continue to pay attention to it.

But Lin Xiao felt sensitively that this matter must not be simple.

So while Yang Wei and others were not paying attention, Lin Xiao quietly touched Mrs. Zhuang's room.

The tidy room is almost spotless, although the layout is simple, it looks exquisite and beautiful.

Lin Xiao came to the head of the bed and opened the pillow. There was nothing worth noting.

Lin Xiao turned over the drawer and bedside table, but he still didn't find it.

"What are you looking for?"

Just then, a joking voice appeared outside the door.

Fang Qing opened the door and came in. She held her hands on her chest and looked at Lin Xiao with a smile. "Aren't you the thief? What are you stealing?"

Lin Xiao stared at her angrily. "I don't have time to joke with you. I don't think the whole thing is as simple as it looks, so let's have a look. Maybe we can find something different in Mrs. Zhuang's room."

"You mean that the thief's purpose is to find Mrs. Zhuang? But Mrs. Zhuang... Isn't there. Doesn't the thief know?" Fang Qing put away her smile and sensitively realized that the problem Lin Xiao was worried about was really crucial.

She used to be the first special agent. Her mind was very quick. She was more skilled in analyzing such things than Lin Xiao. In fact, she had already found something wrong, but Lin Xiao was one step ahead of her.

"It should be that Mrs. Zhuang had something important in her hand that attracted thieves to steal it. But he didn't expect that a new man would suddenly appear in Mrs. Zhuang's room!" Lin Xiao smiled.

"It should be so. I didn't expect your insight to be very sharp," Fang Qing smiled meaningfully. "Sure enough, it's very similar to my friend. I think you're Lin Xiao?"

"My name is Xiao Lin!" Lin Xiao said solemnly, "don't mention Lin Xiao in the future. He is a wanted criminal. Do you want to make me unlucky?"

"Giggle..." Fang Qing laughed back and forth. "OK! What are you going to do now? It seems that it has nothing to do with you at night? Why are you so anxious?"

Lin Xiao pinched his chin into deep thought and said without reason, "I always think it may have something to do with me, but I just can't touch my head. There may be key objects for decryption in this house..."

"OK! I'll help you find it!" Fang Qing volunteered, walked into the room and began to search, "I'm suddenly interested!"

Lin Xiao didn't stop it. It's easier to find two people than one.

The room is not big, more than 50 square meters, a bookcase, two wardrobe, a bathroom and a small kitchen.

It's not so complicated to find, but I don't know whether there is such an "object". They are like headless flies. They can only rely on luck.

In half an hour.

Fang Qing was impatient and sat down on the sofa sulking. "I see, it's all your wishful thinking. What's there?"

"All the places to look for have been found," Lin Xiao slowly looked up and stared at a place on the ceiling. "Maybe it's hidden in a place we didn't expect!"

"That's enough!" Fang Qing's eyes turned to Lao Gao. "How can you be sure there must be something hidden in the room? Even if there is, it may have been taken away by Zhuang die!"

"If they are taken away, the thief will not run into the room in the middle of the night to steal things at great risk! I believe the things must be here!"

"What if the thief thinks the thing is still there? He doesn't even know whether Mrs. Zhuang is there or not, how can he be sure that the thing is still there?" Fang Qing said angrily, "OK! Don't look for it. It's a waste of time! I'll get up at five tomorrow. I have less than three hours to rest. I'll go to bed!"

After searching the roof for a long time, Lin Xiao's eyes suddenly fell on the fire sprinkler.

In ancient rooms like this, fire-fighting and alarm nozzles were installed later. If Lin Xiao was replaced, he might hide things in a place that is not suitable for discovery and convenient for installation.

He found a stool close to the fire sprinkler. Lin Xiao stretched out his hand and pulled the sprinkler down.

"Huh?" To Lin Xiao's surprise, he didn't find anything special, but there was a pinhole camera in it.

The camera is still glowing red and still recording.

This is an offline version of the camera, which only records locally without sending signals.

Probably because there is a signal shield inside the association, the other Party chose the offline version, which only runs locally. After the space is full, it will quietly take it back for playback.

"Who would put this thing here?" Lin Xiao took it out in doubt. From the dust accumulated on the surface, it can be seen that the time will not be too long.

"What?" Fang Qing was surprised to find something and asked, "camera? Who will secretly take pictures here? It's not a hotel!"

"Just look at the content? Maybe the answer is in it!" Lin Xiao shook the camera at her and pulled out the SD card. "Find a computer and have a look!"

Instead of telling others what they found, they quietly found a computer and opened the SD card.

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