Fang Qing was a little excited. She looked at Lin Xiao and joked deliberately, "what if she finds some hot videos?"

Lin Xiao didn't lift his head. He opened the folder and found the video files one by one. He said faintly, "let's have a look. Haven't you seen it?"

"I, where have I seen..." Fang Qing's face turned red at once, "don't talk nonsense!"

"Believe you, there is a ghost!" Lin Xiao lost his smile and decisively opened a recent video.

"Er, ah, er..."

A red faced voice came out.

Lin Xiao was stunned at that time.

There's really a hot video, and it's very clear.

Codeless enlarged version

The cry grew louder and louder, and Lin Xiao decisively turned off the video.

"Cough... I didn't expect it to be very powerful!" Lin Xiao gave a dry smile.

Fang Qing joked, "better than you?"

"Nonsense! How can I be as powerful?" Men never admit defeat in this, and Lin Xiao is no exception. He seems to be very proud, "you don't know anything at all!"

Fang Qing almost smiled, "I can see from your eyes that you must be Lin Xiao!"

"Still mention Lin Xiao?" Lin Xiao stared, "don't mention that bastard to me! He's a wanted criminal! Understand?"

"OK..." Fang Qing was speechless, and her eyes fell on the video again. "Do you still want to continue to enjoy it? Or are you ready to play the next paragraph?"

"Hum!" Lin Xiao angrily closes the video and opens the next file.

There are more than 60 files in total, and more than half of them are that kind of video.

However, the "hero" in the video is the same person, but the heroine has changed countless.

"I have to say, this man is really powerful!" Fang Qing said sincerely, "it's not important to change a woman every day. Unexpectedly, she can fly two or three times. She's very good!"

"Who is this man?" Lin Xiao is surprised that people who can live in the martial arts association dare to bring women back so recklessly. They must be not ordinary people, maybe important leaders.

Fang Qing pointed to the clothes hanging next to the hanger on the video, "I have observed this dress for a long time. It should be related to his identity!"

At this time, Lin Xiao found that the clothes were different, and his pupils narrowed slightly.

If Fang Qing hadn't pointed it out, he would subconsciously miss the dress.

"The uniform of the secret service?"

Fang Qing's eyes seemed to smile, staring at Lin Xiao and asked, "do you know the secret service? Do you say you're not Lin Xiao?"

"Less nonsense!" Lin Xiao asked angrily, "I know the clothes of the Security Bureau. What can it say? It can say I'm Lin Xiao? You're so funny."

"OK, if not," Fang Qing said. "You're right. This dress must belong to the confidentiality Bureau, and it's a special department with high authority!"

Lin Xiao was slightly stunned, "Oh? Do you know?"

"But..." Fang Qing hesitated, "I don't know him!"

Lin Xiao didn't seem to realize the "pit" in Fang Qing's sentence. He asked subconsciously, "if you don't know him, how can he have the clothes of the security bureau?"

Fang Qing asked with a smile, "it seems that you already know my identity!"

Lin Xiao's face stagnated and suddenly found that he had been cheated.

Only "Lin Xiao" knows Fang Qing's true identity. Now Lin Xiao directly asks her about the secret service, which is equivalent to not asking herself.

"Shit!" Lin Xiao rolled his eyes angrily.

"Giggle... I didn't expect that I could cheat the truth from General Xiao Lin in the hall. Would it be shocking if it was spread out?" Fang Qing giggled and didn't feel nervous at all.

Lin Xiao didn't want to defend, so he pretended he didn't know anything and began to check the remaining videos.

Basically, the protagonist in the video is the same man.

In addition to looking for different women to do that every night, he also does serious things

Finally, I found a video. The man answered a phone. Because this offline camera has no pickup function, I can't hear him.

But in the daytime, the face is very clear, and the facial expression is naturally clear.

Lin Xiao probably understood some meaning by reading lips.

"He has been in contact with Zhong wanjian of the security bureau!"

"What?" Fang Qing was stunned. She immediately grabbed the video and watched it again. Her face gradually became ugly.

Lin Xiao couldn't understand some of the content, because the other party said a secret language, but Fang Qing saw it clearly.

"He is out!" Fang Qing said gnashing her teeth.


"Code kill! The number one killer of the Security Bureau. If it weren't for him, I wouldn't be driven out of the Security Bureau and become a lost dog!"

Lin Xiao gloated. "I didn't expect anyone to cure you. It's really strange."

"Hum!" Fang Qing stared at Lin Xiao, "you can still laugh. He contacted Zhong wanjian. Do you know what to do?"

"What are you doing?" Lin Xiao was stunned. He didn't understand the last part of the man's lips. It was in the clouds.

"He's planning with Zhong wanjian. He wants to cooperate with the black evil army, and is ready to take you as his name. He completely depends on general Ye lost and becomes a dog leg of the heaven and earth court!"

Lin Xiao was surprised. "You mean the plan made by Zhong wanjian?"

"What do you think Zhong wanjian is?" Fang Qing sneered, "you approached Wanquan and became a general. Zhong wanjian made a lot of ghosts behind his back. They all spoke ill of you. You still think he's a good man?"

"Don't you know how dark his mind is to be the head of the security bureau?" Fang Jing sneered, "now that I've escaped, he pretends to get a new identity for me. However... How long has it been? I'm not running around like a dog?"

Lin Xiao frowned, "then who is monitoring the extinction?"

"Who else but Zhong wanjian?" Fang Qing said in a deep voice, "the old guy is very dark. He doesn't believe anyone. This must be his back hand. We're looking at the video. Maybe there's something else!"

Lin Xiao nodded subconsciously, "there's still a video left. I hope there's something we want in it!"

The last video is the first video after the initial installation, and it is also the first video after 'killing' to live in.

To their surprise, Mie's first video was still a hot video. Mie brought two women back and made the whole room dense and exciting.

Fang Qing blushed at the sight.

"Hey! Are you still looking? Do you want a face?" Fang Qing glared at Lin Xiao unhappily.

Lin Xiao was serious and said in a deep voice, "look carefully. What's that?"

Fang Qing was laughed by Lin Xiaoqi and dared not see more exciting pictures. "It's shameless, you, you..."

"What am I? I want you to look serious!" Lin Xiao pointed to a document on the table in the picture.

That was the document brought in by Mie when she came in. As soon as she read a page, she threw it on the table, and then began a hearty war with two women.

But in front of the camera, the contents of the document were at a glance.

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