Fang Qing opened her eyes and looked at the contents of the document. She was stunned in an instant.

It was a confidentiality agreement. The general content was a cooperation agreement signed with the black evil army in accordance with the secret order of the confidentiality Bureau.

"The Secrecy Bureau still exists? Has it not been dissolved?" Fang Qing was stunned.

"Hum!" Lin Xiao said in a deep voice, "Zhong wanjian has played a good hand. He knows that you have a good relationship with me. He's afraid you'll tell me, so he took the opportunity to drive you away and secretly cooperate with the black evil army. Up to now, he still wants to catch me together with Ye lost. It's really cruel!"

"What should we do now? Mie seems to be an important figure of the martial arts association. Since he cooperates with the black evil army, will it hinder our actions tomorrow?" Fang Qing seems to be afraid of this "extinction".

Lin Xiao glanced at Fang Qing and asked in a flat tone, "I'm very surprised. What's the purpose of you pretending to join the martial arts association and taking part in such a dangerous task?"

"Me?" Fang Qing was slightly stunned and replied, "earn contribution points, and then exchange Yuan medicine, so as to improve her strength!"

"Really?" Lin Xiao curled his lips, "with my understanding of you, your purpose can't be so simple!"

"Also," Lin Xiao continued, "Fu Shaohua took the lead in carrying out the task, but repeatedly told us not to rob him of the things we got on the way. I know this boy very well and have no intention of the city government. Since he put forward this condition, it means that some things are very important, and his purpose is not to save people, but just things..."

"As for whether he can save people in the end, I believe Fu Shaohua doesn't care. All he cares about is the so-called things!"

Fang Qing immediately echoed, "good analysis!"

"Don't cut me off. I ask you, what's the purpose?" Lin Xiao's voice was a little condensed. The girl appeared and disappeared every time, which made people confused.

"Didn't I say? Earn contribution points!" Fang Qing turned her eyes and said angrily, "besides, even if I have other purposes, it has nothing to do with you? I didn't know you were there when I came, so I'm sure it won't hurt you. You should take a hundred heart about this!"

Lin Xiao bullied him, pressed Fang Qing on the table and asked, "last time in the South China Sea, you disappeared for no reason. Where did you go?"

"Last time?" Fang Qing's eyes turned, "I saw a lifeboat and ran away quietly. I'm afraid of dying at sea!"

"Hum! We can't go if we want to. You say we can go? It's not as easy as you say. Did you have a plan before you got on the ship?"

Lin Xiao pressed down again.

The two had an affair.

At the moment, such a posture seems to suddenly ignite some kind of fuse.

"Ah!" Fang Qing felt something strange and subconsciously screamed, ashamed and annoyed, "smelly hooligan! Let go of me!"

"Hey!" Lin Xiao joked, "if you don't say it, you may lose your body today. I won't pity you."

"Er..." Fang Qing blushed and hurriedly said, "the reason why I left early is that I found the dark king's men ran away. I'll catch up!"

"Why did you chase the dark king's men?" Lin Xiao pressed closer and closer.

Fang Qing, who was short of breath, was a little flustered, but more looked forward to it. She gasped, "why? Are you interested in me? So you just want to possess me by making so many excuses?"

"Think of the beauty!" Lin Xiao slowly left Fang Qing's body. He was afraid that he really couldn't control it. When the gun went off, it wouldn't look good.

"Hum!" Fang Qing was a little disappointed and said angrily, "the dark king and the trial Council have always been the object of investigation by the Security Bureau. This is originally my task. What's wrong?"

Lin Xiao couldn't tell the truth from the truth in Fang Qing's words. "You've been kicked out by the Security Bureau. What's the task?"

"I'm a responsible person, can't I?" Fang Qing smiled angrily. "Why are you so nervous? I won't hurt you! If I want to hurt you, you'll die in MEL Moon Temple!"

Lin Xiao thought that Fang Qing really helped a lot when he was at the azk imperial temple.

However, on the contrary, Fang Qing's purpose of going to the azk Empire site with him is not so simple.

"I found a problem. Every time you encounter the birth of the supreme wooden tower, you will intervene. Isn't it a coincidence?" Lin Xiao narrowed his eyes. His eyes were very dangerous.

Fang Qing smiled. "The Security Bureau has various functions. Investigating such strange events as the supreme wooden tower is of course a top priority. What's strange? What task do I do? It's impossible to report to you one by one?"

"Of course," Fang Qing said, "you are still the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces. Although you hide your identity, according to the level, I am just a small subordinate. I can only answer what you ask. Since today's speech is here, you can ask if you have any questions!"

Lin Xiao was stunned. He didn't expect Fang Qing to suddenly be so free and easy. Instead, he doubted the other party's purpose.

"Hum! In short, be careful about tomorrow's task. I won't be soft if I show any abnormalities!" Lin Xiao warned fiercely.

"If I wanted to hurt you, I would have just run to the Black Ghost army to report you. Don't be paranoid all day." Fang Qing angrily pointed to the video and said, "let's think about Mie first. It's best to find out who stole things today and where Mie went."

Lin Xiao frowned, "Mrs. Zhuang is also very strange!"

"In fact," Fang Qing smiled, "do you know why I am divided with Mrs. Zhuang?"

"Oh?" Lin Xiao looked at Fang Qing somewhat unexpectedly. "Is this your arrangement?"

"Mrs. Zhuang has always been the object of my investigation. One of my purposes when I came to the martial arts association is to track and investigate her." Fang Qing youyou said, "and Mrs. Zhuang used to be a member of the martial arts association. I doubt that the purpose of killing is also for her!"

"What exactly is the origin of Mrs. Zhuang?"

Fang Qing looked at him and said with a smile, "Mrs. Zhuang is said to have something to do with the front hall of the king. The task I received before was to monitor and investigate her."

"Wang QianDian?" Lin Xiao was surprised. Now he is very sensitive to the words in the front hall of the king.

"Aren't you the son of the king in the front hall of the king? Why don't you even know your family?" Fang Qing joked.

"Inexplicable!" Lin Xiao turned off the video and walked out quickly. "I'm afraid the thief didn't succeed in stealing just now. I'm afraid he's already startled the snake. He won't come back. Mrs. Zhuang is in danger!"

"Where are you going?"

"Save Mrs. Zhuang!" Lin Xiao's body flashed out.

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