Mrs. Zhuang left early in the morning, and no one knows where she has gone. It's not so easy to find her.

However, from the video surveillance provided by the security guard at the door, Mrs. Zhuang got on an SUV, and the license plate number was just photographed very clearly.

Lin Xiao secretly contacted Wanquan of the military headquarters and asked him to launch means to check the license plate.

There is an agreement between the military headquarters and the black evil army. Both sides should exercise restraint as far as possible and there will be no serious conflict.

However, every move of the military headquarters will still be monitored.

Wanquan also managed to find the vehicle information in the traffic control department through private means.

The owner of the car is mysterious. He is a local tycoon, but the user of the car is someone else.

Soon, Lin Xiao got the driving track of the car and the current stop address.

Royal Garden community.

This is a fully enclosed community. The security check at the door is very strict. Foreign strangers are not allowed to enter unless they have the consent of the owner.

The two security guards are still martial arts, at least silver level, but now they are security guards.

Even if they were only the bottom security guards, they didn't feel humble and humble. Instead, they looked superior.

Because this royal garden community is not only inhabited by rich and noble people, but also by a big man from the black evil army, pioneer Yuye.

After Yuye came to the earth, she fell in love with it and even changed her living habits. She deliberately chose such a community just to feel the life of ordinary people.

Lin Xiao secretly listens to the chat between the two security guards and is surprised to find that Yuye lives here.

Coincidentally, the tracked vehicle stopped outside Yuye's villa.

"Was Mrs. Zhuang taken away by Yuye?"

Lin Xiao didn't disturb the two security guards. He jumped more than ten meters high and floated down in the courtyard wall.

It was gloomy and dark around, and cameras flashing red could be seen everywhere.

And there are dense secret outposts hidden in the corner, which is impossible to prevent.

With his strong insight, Lin Xiao sneaked in step by step and came near the vehicle.

It's already three o'clock in the night, but Yuye hasn't slept yet. She's talking to people about something.

"What the hell?"

Far away, Lin Xiao could see the bright lights on the second floor and the two figures walking around.

A woman with long hair has an enchanting figure. The typical back killer is Yuye.

The other one had half long hair and could not see whether it was male or female, but Lin Xiao guessed that it should be Mrs. Zhuang.

It's far away. I can't hear what they're talking about.

"Yuye really lives here!" Lin Xiao didn't show up for the first time. Since Yuye is here, it means that there must be an expert of the black evil army nearby.

Yuye is the vanguard of the black evil army. He is the most authoritative person in the black evil army of the earth except ye lost.

"Does Mrs. Zhuang have anything to do with Yuye?" Lin Xiao felt a thump in his heart.

The off-road vehicle parked outside the villa is the one that picked up Mrs. Zhuang during the day. The driver seems to be still in the car. The light from the cigarette hair held on his fingers is bright, dark and rhythmic.


Lin Xiao turned into a dark shadow and rushed into the car quickly.

The driver seemed alert and suddenly looked out of the window.


Lin Xiao cut his head and hit the driver in the throat. He just heard a puff, and his body suddenly became convulsed.

Taking advantage of the other party's inability to resist, Lin Xiao quickly drilled into the car.

"Don't move!" Lin Xiao pinched each other's throat and said in a cold voice, "a move will kill you!"

The driver is just an ordinary person. He can't help Lin Xiao's torture. His scared face is green. It's not easy to take a breath. He hurried to say, "don't kill me, I'm just a worker!"

"Where's Mrs. Zhuang?" Lin Xiao asked in a deep voice.

"Yes, upstairs!"

"What is she doing here?"

"I don't know. I'm just a working driver. I'll go wherever the boss wants me to go. I'll pick up whoever I want!" The driver quickly explained, "what do you want to do? Do you know who my boss is? I advise you to leave now. Maybe you can save your life!"

It seems that the other party didn't tell a lie. Lin Xiao thought about it and had a plan in his heart. He knocked him out with a direct punch.

After changing his clothes, Lin Xiao turned out a hat from the car and put it on himself.

After dressing up again, Lin Xiao got off and walked directly to the villa.

Ding Dong!

Lin Xiao rang the doorbell and lowered his head slightly.

Yuye had no doubt, so she let someone open the door.

Although the surface is calm, there are a large number of soldiers of the black evil army in this community.

Therefore, Yuye didn't expect anyone to be like this, but da Baotian dared to break in as a driver.

"What's up?"

Yuye and Mrs. Zhuang talked in the living room. The atmosphere was very harmonious and there was no conflict.

When Fang Qing told Lin Xiao that Mrs. Zhuang was from the king's front hall, he thought that Mrs. Zhuang might have been taken away. Now it seems that the other party is Yuye's person at all.

The expressionless rain leaf didn't even lift his head and asked faintly.

Lin Xiao imitated the driver's voice and said, "there seems to be something wrong with the martial arts association. Someone is looking for Mrs. Zhuang's whereabouts!"

"Oh?" Yuye was slightly stunned, and then looked at Mrs. Zhuang, "Mrs. Zhuang, you didn't make arrangements when you left?"

Mrs. Zhuang looks good and dresses well. The bun tied on her head reveals her noble temperament.

Moreover, judging from Yuye's tone, she seems to be very polite to Mrs. Zhuang, unlike the relationship between superiors and subordinates.

"It shouldn't be. I've always been very low-key in the martial arts association. I didn't communicate with people. I used to go for two or three days, and no one came to me." Mrs. Zhuang was surprised. She looked at Lin Xiao and asked in surprise, "who did you listen to?"

Lin Xiao still hung his head, so that Mrs. Zhuang couldn't see his face clearly.

Lin Xiao guessed well. Mrs. Zhuang was not familiar with the driver and didn't even know her appearance, so she didn't doubt Lin Xiao's disguise at all.

"I have an eye liner in the martial arts association, he just sent me the news!" While organizing language, Lin Xiao scanned the room with his remaining light and found several secret outposts.

These secret outposts hide out of sight, revealing a deep and powerful breath.

Yuye murmured, "Mrs. Zhuang, since your whereabouts are leaked, go back quickly to avoid suspicion. What we said should be done as soon as possible and can't be delayed any more!"

Mrs. Zhuang got up slowly and said in a deep voice, "please go back and tell the general that as long as you find the news of Lin Xiao, you will report it at the first time."

"Good!" Yuye's eyes brightened, "remember not to expose your identity. If the Zamu family knows that you are one of us, it will greatly affect our plan!"

"Don't worry," Mrs. Zhuang said with a smile, "I've been collecting all kinds of intelligence information for the Zamu family in the secular world. For decades, they won't doubt me!"

"That's good!"

The rain leaves deflected slightly and looked at Lin Xiao.

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