Lin Xiao subconsciously turned sideways, pretended to walk towards the door, and said, "Mrs. Zhuang, I'll drive!"

"Send Mrs. Zhuang back safely!" Rain leaf stared at Lin Xiao's back, and a little surprise flashed in her eyes, but it was only a moment.

"Yes!" Lin Xiao was about to open the door and go out.

"Wait a minute!" The rain leaf suddenly shouted.

Obviously, I felt the secret whistle in the corner alert, and the breath burst into an invisible pressure circle, covering Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao's cold hair stood upright, and he realized that the strength of these people was at least master Qiduan, or even stronger.

Yuye's bodyguard alone has such strength. It's hard to imagine how strong Ye lost, the commander of the black evil army, is.

Before Mrs. Zhuang returned, Lin Xiao quickly stuffed the driver into the trunk.

Of course, the driver is still alive.

Lin Xiao didn't want to kill an unwitting ordinary man.

Mrs. Zhuang didn't speak after getting on the bus. She didn't even look at Lin Xiao. Her eyes drifted high above the window, and then slowly stopped on the huge cosmic warship.

The sky is blurred by the colorful mapping of various spacecraft, as if it has completely entered the science fiction space, which makes people feel very unreal.

There are more and more ships of the black evil army, especially in the important area of Zhennan. Hundreds of thousands of small ships are arranged to patrol and monitor 24 hours a day.

Human beings on earth are like captive animals. Their every move is completely monitored and controlled without freedom.

This kind of life made Lin Xiao very depressed, which strengthened his belief to improve his strength and destroy the black evil army as soon as possible.

The car was running on the road. There was a high-speed toll gate two kilometers away from the martial arts association. Mrs. Zhuang suddenly said, "go down from the high-speed gate in front!"

Lin Xiao acted according to his words.

He wants to see what the hell Mrs. Zhuang is doing.

After getting off the highway, Lin Xiao walked about five kilometers to a comprehensive gas station according to Mrs. Zhuang's instructions.

There was still oil in the car. Lin Xiao didn't intend to refuel, but Mrs. Zhuang insisted that he refuel.

"Fill up the oil and I'll go to the bathroom!"

Mrs. Zhuang walked out.

There were a lot of cars in the gas station. Lin Xiao lined up behind the team and watched Mrs. Zhuang walk into the convenience store.

Seeing that Mrs. Zhuang disappeared, Lin Xiao immediately got out of the car and took out a wad of money and stuffed it into a young man who was refuelling. "Friend, help me fill up the car and put it at the front intersection!"

Seeing the money, the waiter smiled happily and immediately nodded and bowed over, "don't worry, I promise to serve you well!"

Lin Xiao took a few quick steps. When he came to the convenience store, he looked in.

There are not many people in the convenience store. Except for the guests, there is only a little cashier girl.

Mrs. Zhuang has disappeared.

"Where are the people?" Lin Xiao frowned slightly.

He went to the cashier and asked, "little sister, a lady came in to buy something just now. Where has she gone?"

The little girl didn't lift her head, "I don't know!"

After being shut down, Lin Xiao didn't care. He scanned around vigilantly and found that there was a small door half open next to the exhibition rack, so he went in when people didn't pay attention.

It was dark in the room, but there was a faint wind blowing in the face.

Lin Xiao turned a corner and a light appeared in front of him.

"Is this the back door?" Lin Xiao listened carefully at the door. There was no movement, so he quietly went out.

There are some sundries piled up outside the back door. The passage twists and turns. I don't know where it leads.

Lin Xiao stretched his body, tried not to make a sound, and slowly moved behind the wall of the garage.

Someone could be vaguely heard talking.

Mrs. Zhuang is inside.

"I have contacted Yuye several times, and the information I provided has made her trust me! I believe that the next plan is easy to succeed!"

Another old voice said slowly, "well, the young Lord's whereabouts are uncertain. It's very difficult for us to find him, and the black evil army has laid a net. If the young Lord shows his feet, he will fall into a tight encirclement. You must be careful!"

"Elder! Please rest assured! I will finish the task!"

"Xiaozhuang," the old man's voice became soothing, "you've been out for decades. Do you want to be home?"

Mrs. Zhuang was silent for a moment and sighed, "so what? I thought the evil house was our biggest enemy, but I didn't expect there would be an extraterrestrial civilization. The evil house on earth is just a small role. Even if it is just a black evil army, it can easily destroy us. Now, although I know the identity information of the young Lord, it's difficult to protect it. Just think about it, I'll be oppressed!"

"Our king's front hall has been inherited for thousands of years. The blood of the little Lord is pure and true, so we summoned the covet of the black evil army!"

The old voice continued, "I heard that the reason why Qiankun academy wants to catch the little Lord is that the blood of the little Lord can affect the cultivation of emperor Qiankun. If you get the little Lord, Emperor Qiankun will cultivate to an incredible level and defeat the 'King' in one fell swoop."

Mrs. Zhuang was stunned. "Emperor of heaven and earth? King?"

"I also heard from rumors that emperor Qiankun is one of the four great emperors in the universe and the head of the Qiankun Academy. His cultivation is unfathomable and far from being comparable to any guru or supreme master."

"However, the emperor of heaven and earth is subject to the Lord of the front hall of the king, that is, the king, and has been making small moves secretly. If they get the little Lord, they can compete with the king! That's why they spared no effort to invade the earth and want to get the little Lord!"

Mrs. Zhuang took a breath of air conditioning. "It's hard to imagine how huge the real heaven and earth court is!"

"I heard that the black evil army is only one of the thousands of armies in the heaven and earth court, and it is also the master of the black evil star. This warship on the earth is just a drop in the ocean!"

"So terrible?" Mrs. Zhuang was surprised. "Then, how can we fight them?"

"Xiaozhuang! Since you have joined the black evil army, you must firmly grasp the opportunity. Once the opportunity is ripe, we will enter the Phoenix warship and kill Ye lost, so as to relieve the danger for the young Lord!"

"But," Mrs. Zhuang frowned deeply, "leaf loss is the cultivation of the supreme second section. Even if the supreme puppet can't take him, how can we kill him?"

"Hum!" The old voice sneered, "don't forget, it's a science and technology society now, and personal force is not really invincible. As long as we can get a nuclear bomb, we can make him disappear!"


Suddenly, the old man's voice drank coldly and came out of the window fiercely.


Lin Xiao stopped his breath and cut his pupils. He could breathe inside and out for a long time. This is a real expert.

Not wanting to meet each other for the time being, Lin Xiao dodged and left.

"Eh?" The old man's voice was light, and then his body jumped out like a swimming dragon.

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