Lin Xiao ran very fast because he realized that the old man was very strong.

In his impression, probably only Xiaosu has the powerful strength of internal breathing and external release.

When did this figure appear in the Wulin of the Central Plains?

If Lin Xiao hadn't noticed each other's breath, I'm afraid he thought it would be master jianwuji.

Perhaps only sword Wuji has such talent and can become a master close to the supreme in this short time.

But I don't know that jianwuji has become a supreme master. At the moment, he is holding a spaceship and diving towards the Phoenix warship.

Sword Wuji, dressed in green clothes and holding Qinggang sword in his hand, stood behind the driver and stared at the approaching Phoenix warship.

"Come on! Don't play tricks!"

The two drivers were frightened.

The old man is too strong.

With one sword, he directly killed more than a dozen great masters in armor.

Only the supreme has such strength.

I thought that there could be no supreme puppet on earth, but they were surprised by the emergence of the limitless sword.


The spaceship accelerated and pulled up a very bright light tail in the air.

Lin Xiao subconsciously looked up and found that in the Far West, a blue light tail that seemed to cut through the space was slowly dragging and stretching, and then slowly disappeared.

He didn't take it seriously. His body method was faster. One minute later, he arrived at the meeting place agreed with Fang Qing.

"How's it going?" Fang Qing flashed out from the corner and asked in a deep voice.

"I found it, but the situation has changed!" Lin Xiao doesn't want to tell Fang Qing about Mrs. Zhuang.

It is still unclear which side of the spy Mrs. Zhuang is.

And Fang Qing's identity is sensitive, and Lin Xiao always keeps a vigilance against her.

"What do you mean? What about Mrs. Zhuang? Didn't you find the car? Where is she?"

Lin Xiao frowned. "Mrs. Zhuang has been saved by others. It is estimated that she will not come back."

"What? By whom?"

"How do I know?" Lin Xiao looked at her. "Why are you so nervous about Mrs. Zhuang?"

"Please," Fang Qing laughed angrily, "I'm here to help you. Now you ask me? You really have no conscience!"

Lin Xiao smiled, "OK! Let's go back! It's almost dawn. We'll gather at five o'clock. Don't let others doubt!"

While talking, Lin Xiao kicked at his feet like an arrow leaving the string and rushed out quickly.

At the same time, the old master followed some trace to the front.


Just ten seconds after Lin Xiao left, the old man appeared where they had stayed.

"Strange, what a powerful breath. Who is it?" The old man had long black hair spread over his shoulders.

If it weren't for the crow's feet, people would think he was a young man in his twenties.

It was this young man who spoke in a voice full of vicissitudes, as if he had experienced many joys and sorrows.

After a while, Zhuang Fu rushed over and asked suspiciously, "what did you find, old ye?"

Old Ye shook his head slowly, and his handsome face was full of doubt and confusion.

"Judging from the breath, the other party is very strong, and the strength is at least above me!"

"Strength is still above you?" Mrs. Zhuang looked stunned. "Doesn't that mean she should be a master of master Shiduan?"

"Almost," Mr. Ye took a deep breath, "and he's still very young..."

"A young master, Shiduan master, is terrible!"

"He heard our conversation? What should we do?" Mrs. Zhuang is a little nervous.

Old Ye looked at her, "don't go back for a while. Hide for a while and see if Yuye will send someone to deal with you. If not, it means that the young man is a friend rather than an enemy!"

"Now I have to!" Mrs. Zhuang sighed, "it's all my fault. I didn't notice the tail behind me!"

"I don't blame you! He is too powerful! If he had just started, I'm afraid neither of us would have been spared!"

"So strong?" Mrs. Zhuang was thrilled.

"Go back!" Ye Lao turned and walked into the darkness around the corner.

Mrs. Zhuang glanced at the direction Lin Xiao left, and reluctantly turned and followed up.

Lin Xiao and Fang Qing go all the way back to the courtyard.

After the burglar incident, everyone was sleepless and chatting in twos and threes in the yard.

They came back from the outside and attracted the attention of many people.

However, everyone was not surprised, but some strange smiles flashed in their eyes. They probably regarded them as lovers who went out for a tryst.

"Lin Xiao!" Just then, Shan Yu came over quickly, "where have you been?"

Lin Xiao glanced at him and didn't like this bully. He said coldly, "what's none of your business?"

"What attitude?" Shan Yu was stunned, "I just care about my teammates. Why do you exclude me so much?"

"What's up?" Lin Xiao asked faintly.

"Hum!" Shan Yu's enthusiasm was extinguished in an instant and said coldly, "it's all right! I just want to care about my teammates!"

"Really?" Fang Qing took over, "I think you have something to say? Just now I saw your eyes twinkle. Is there something you're hiding from us?"

Unexpectedly, Fang Qing's words broke her mind. Shan Yu's expression was embarrassed and his words twinkled, "well, since you want to know, I'll tell you! About President Yang!"

"What happened to President Yang?" Lin Xiao was not interested. He looked at his watch and found that he couldn't sleep at 4:30 in the morning, so he walked towards the house and was ready to wash.

The two people didn't care. Shan Yu's idea of taking it was dashed, so they had to say bitterly, "President Yang saw the president just now. It seems that there is a change in tomorrow's action!"

"Oh?" Lin Xiao and Fang Qing looked at each other and stopped.

Tomorrow's action is crucial and there can be no mistakes.

Because going deep into the heavily guarded Qiankun city must be full of crisis.

If there is a slight mistake, it will be the end of the total military defeat.

"What did they say?" Lin Xiao asked in a deep voice.

"Go in and say!" Shan Yu stealthily glanced around and took them inside.

"It's mysterious. What's the matter?" Fang Qing was most disgusted with Shan Yu's obscene people and shouted angrily, "say it quickly!"


Lin Xiao opened the door and stepped in.

Fang Qing will push Shan Yu into the house.

Shan Yu stumbled a few steps and said with a dry smile, "don't worry. This matter is very important and can't be known by others!"

"Hum!" Fang Qing glanced back and found that Wang Yang and Wang Yue were watching this way. He didn't care and closed the door directly.

After closing the door, Shan Yu breathed a sigh of relief, quickly waved to them and whispered, "come on! I'll tell you!"

They rolled their eyes and scoffed at Shan Yu's mystery.

They don't believe what serious news this boy can bring.

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