Lin Xiao was also surprised that Fang Qing had such a childish moment.

So he subconsciously glanced into the iron box and was stunned at that time.

In the box is a nice scarf.

It looks like a scarf, but Lin Xiao knows it must not be so simple.

Sure enough, Yang Wei's eyebrows picked and couldn't help laughing, "you can pick! Do you know what this is?"

Fang Qing has picked up the light green scarf and fondly rubbed it in her hand, "what?"

The scarf is about 1.5 meters long and about 30 cm wide. It feels delicate and soft, pulls hard and has strong elasticity.

Even with the strength of master Fang Qing, it can't be torn under force, which is enough to show that its toughness and material are very strong.

Yang Wei came over with a solemn expression and said in a deep voice, "this is the booty handed over from the Black Ghost army!"


Even Wang Yang and Wang Yue put down their weapons and came together curiously.

It's not easy to get booty from the Heisha legion, and it's just a scarf. How amazing it can be.


Suddenly, Fang Qing didn't know what mechanism she had touched. The whole scarf sparked blue and shook like life.


In a short moment, the scarf seemed to become a smart snake. It suddenly turned around Fang Qing's body and bound her firmly inside.

"Ah!" Fang Qing was startled and hurriedly struggled.

But the more she struggled, the tighter the scarf was. No matter how hard she tried, she tore it constantly.

"Be careful!"

Lin Xiao came forward to help. His powerful internal breathing broke out in an instant. He grabbed both sides of the scarf and pulled it up. The scarf sent out a hissing electric light again.

Yang Wei looked at Lin Xiao in surprise, as if surprised by his strength. Then he came forward quickly, pinched his fingers on the scarf at will, and the scarf slipped into Lin Xiao's hand.

"Hoo! What the hell is this?" Fang Qing's face was pale. At that moment, she really thought she was going to be strangled. That feeling was really real and terrible.

Yang Wei took over the scarf and said in a deep voice, "according to the people of the black evil army, it's called a bundle of immortal rope. It's very powerful, not to mention the great master. Even if the Supreme Master is entangled, he can only be caught."

"What?" All the people shouted in unison, and Shan Yu asked, "is it so powerful?"

"This is a kind of weapon to catch the enemy. Generally, it is only the soldiers and leaders who maintain order within the black evil army who have the right to use it," Yang Wei seemed reluctant and muttered. "Hasn't this weapon been handed over to the state treasury? Why is it still in the box?"

Fang Qing immediately liked it, "said quickly. Didn't you say that the weapons here can be selected at will? Can you give me this?"

Yang Wei looked at Fang Qing and hesitated, "it's OK to use it, but it will be returned after the task is completed!"

"So stingy? I'm trying my best to do the task. Just reward me." Fang Qing laughed.

Yang Wei weighed the scarf, angry and smiling, "don't you contribute? If you don't, well, this scarf can give you more time!"

Fang Qing rolled her eyes. "OK! I'll use it for this mission!"

Yang Wei threw the scarf into her hand, "don't move, I'll tell you how to use it!"

"How to use it?" Fang Qing learned to be careful this time. She didn't move and let the scarf hang in her hand.

Yang Wei stepped forward and pinched the scarf a few times.

Just listen to a few dark sounds of current, and a string of blue light spots float on the surface of the scarf.

"Come on, enter your fingerprint!" Yang Wei put the scarf in front of Fang Qing and pointed to a blue corrugated area.

Fang Qing carefully stretches out her finger and points in the area.


The blue awn flickered, and the scarf was wrapped around the arm like silk. This time, it was not wrapped with death, but stuck quietly like an umbrella.

"However, then how to use it?" Fang Qing seemed to be the child who found the treasure and asked in surprise.

Yang Wei pulled Fang Qing aside and whispered a few words.

As soon as they saw that Yang Wei had to keep it secret, they didn't ask much. They scattered to one side and continued to look for suitable equipment.

A large room of weapons and equipment dazzled the audience.

Shan Yu also found a short sword and hid it quietly around his waist.

Yang Wei saw it, but didn't say anything.

Lin Xiao walked all the way and didn't find the weapon he had. He still had the laser sword he had grabbed, so he picked some auxiliary tools and got ready.

Ten minutes later, everyone finished selecting and followed Yang Wei back to the courtyard.

Fu Shaohua was impatient. He looked at the time and said in a deep voice, "are you ready for such ink?"

Yang Wei responded, "we are all ready to start at any time!"

Fu Shaohua took the guard and turned away.

Lin Xiao looked curiously at Fu Shaohua's escort. Although the other party was hidden under his cloak, it still made him feel familiar.

This sense of familiarity is still very strong, as if the other party is a very familiar person, at least had a good friendship.

"How can it be? It should be the supreme puppet. How can it be someone I know?"

However, in this case, Lin Xiao could not directly go over and take off the other party's cloak. He could only follow behind and look forward to the opportunity to identify again.

Fu Shaohua led the team to the door. A military green off-road Hummer stopped by the street. The driver was leaning against the door to smoke.

Seeing Fu Shaohua and others coming, the driver quickly put out his cigarette butts and got on the bus.

The car is spacious. It's enough to put down seven of them.

"Let's take this bus? Isn't it too publicity?" Shan Yu asked casually.

The driver has taken out a stack of badges from his handbag and handed them to him respectively. "Here's your pass!"

A pass is required to enter the western region, because all national roads are blocked, and the airspace is directly prohibited, and it is not allowed to pass without permission.

Therefore, they make these identities in order to pass the security check safely.

Of course, the martial arts association is responsible for the production of these things, and the identity information of Lin Xiao and others are also input into the badge magnetic card.

"Get in the car!" Fu Shaohua said coldly.

After they got on the bus, Yang Wei chatted with Fu Shaohua and looked at Lin Xiao intentionally or unintentionally.

Fu Shaohua frowned slightly and nodded after pondering for a long time.


The vehicle opened slowly. Before dawn, it quickly drove into the expressway and rushed to the forbidden entrance of the western region.

Lin Xiao hasn't been out of the city for a long time. Looking at some desolate buildings around him, he feels sad.

Since the black evil army came, the streets have become deserted. Many factories have closed down and a large number of unemployed people have been displaced.

Zhennan also belongs to the strict control area, and many people ran away.

Tens of millions of big cities, now less than a million, are desolate and terrible.

"I heard that many people were killed here. The pit is full of corpses!" Fang Qing didn't know what to think and pointed to the location of fireworks in the distance.

Everyone immediately turned their eyes and saw that a large pit blasted out by the energy gun was full of corpses. Many soldiers in black armor were walking around looking for something in the corpses.

"Ruins!" Lin Xiao sighed.

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