Everyone's mood also became low.

After all, it used to be my home. Now it's so desolate that it's hard for anyone to feel.

"It's all the damn black evil army!" Fang Qing seemed to feel more intense. She bit her teeth, clenched her fist and stared at the hole.

Lin Xiao looked at her and felt Fang Qing's reaction was too big. He couldn't help asking, "what's the matter with you?"

"Nothing!" Fang Qing said coldly.

Lin Xiao was surprised. He looked at her again and found that her eyes were red.

Usually Fang Qing is very strong. She doesn't say a word when she is seriously injured, but now she has wet her eyes for some reason.

"In that pit..." Lin Xiao seemed to understand something and asked subconsciously, "do you know anyone?"

"Don't worry!" Fang Qing's mood became more and more unstable.

Fang Qing has been alone. No one knows her details. Whether she has relatives, friends or lovers are confidential files.

Even if she sometimes had a little affair with Lin Xiao, Fang Qing never planned to go further. The relationship between the two sides always remained between comrades in arms and friends, saying whether it was far or near.

Generally speaking, Fang Qing is very mysterious. Even Lin Xiao can't guess the real purpose of her every action, let alone her identity origin.

In Lin Xiao's eyes, Fang Qing is a machine that only knows how to work.

Do whatever you want for the task, and do whatever you want if you don't achieve your goal.

Until today, Lin Xiao felt that Fang Qing was a man of flesh and blood for the first time.

At least, she will cry for something or someone.

"What are you looking at?" Fang Qing glared at Lin Xiao.

Shan Yu noticed Fang Qing's mood change, got closer and said with a smile, "Miss Fang, where are you from? How do I feel like I've seen it before?"

"Get out!" Fang Qing was angry and smiled, "how old are you? Still thinking of flirting with your sister?"

Shan Yu's expression was slightly embarrassed. "Although I'm in my fifties, I have a long life for practicing martial arts. Now I'm so strong that I can live for one or two hundred years. Now I'm still young! And I've never been married, so..."

"Roll the calf!"

The whole car laughed.

The atmosphere seemed to lighten up.

Fu Shaohua turned his head, frowned gently and said in a deep voice, "this time we are not going to visit mountains and rivers, but we have an arduous task. Don't relax our vigilance!"

"Good!" Shan Yu nodded quickly and asked pleasantly, "Fu Shao, do you already have an action plan? I heard that heaven and earth city is under martial law. How can we get in?"

Fu shaoleng said, "don't ask what you shouldn't ask. Just listen to my command. Do you understand?"

"Yes..." Shan Yu smiled and withdrew.

Fang Qing was reminded by Shan Yu. She couldn't help looking at Fu Shaohua and said in a deep voice, "Fu Shaohua, I think we are a whole. If the plan can't be shared, what else can we talk about completing the task?"

Fang Qing's harsh tone made Fu Shaohua unhappy. "Fang Qing! Don't you think you manage a lot? I'm in charge of this team. You just have to obey!"

"I think the plan should be shared. We are all co taskers, not your attendants!" Lin Xiao said with a faint smile, "so, Fu Shao, you'd better talk about the detailed plan."

"Hum!" Fu Shaohua has always been critical of Lin Xiao, and he always has a feeling of fear. He will not be polite to people he hates. "I invited you as an assistant to carry out the task. Without me, how can you be qualified to come here?"

"You can't say that. Now we are a whole, aren't we?" Lin Xiao looked directly into Fu Shaohua's eyes. "If we make mistakes because we don't know the details of the plan, will it affect the progress of the whole task?"

"Therefore, I think if Fu Shao has any plans, he will make it clear to us so as not to affect the completion of the task. Is that right?" Lin Xiao said to the others.

Everyone nodded subconsciously.

Even the silent Wang Yang brothers also expressed their approval one after another. At the same time, they looked at Fu Shaohua and hoped to get his response.

Fu Shaohua's heart tightened. If only one person questioned him, five people questioned him at the same time. If they don't do it well, it may cause trouble.

He didn't want to encounter a crisis in the team before the task began.

"Hum! It doesn't hurt to tell you," Fu Shaohua said in a deep voice. "I have an insider who works in Qiankun city. He comes from a local army cooperating with the black evil army and will help us establish a stronghold in the city."

"Local forces?" Fang Qing was slightly stunned. "Isn't this the puppet army?"

"In short, he will help us collect some useful information and help us save people!"

Lin Xiao has been to heaven and Earth City. He knows that the terrain in the city is complex and the area is very large.

In a small city with a population of hundreds of thousands, there are two floors. Even if you spread your hands to search, you may not be able to find a few people who deliberately hide.

What's more, they have to save people under the surveillance of the black evil army. The danger is self-evident.

It's good to have insiders, but it will also increase the risk of action.

"Is he reliable?" Lin Xiao asked cautiously.

Fu Shaohua said coldly in his eyes, "do you think I'll joke with my own life?"

"That's good!" Lin Xiao smiled, "since Fu Shao has a plan in mind, we will easily share the contribution with you!"

"Hum!" Fu Shaohua turned back and looked directly at the scenery outside the car. "I've said everything I should say. I hope you can cooperate well when I take action!"

"That's natural," Shan Yu said quickly. "You must obey Fu Shao's arrangement!"

The fish belly white has been exposed in the sky, and the Hummer has also driven out of the Zhennan area and sped towards the western region pass.

The pass from Zhennan to the western regions is more than 680 kilometers. According to the plan, it can be reached before noon.

As the vehicle moved forward, the people on board were drowsy, and only the puppet supreme in cloak did not move, as if it were a sculpture.

In addition to Lin Xiao, the Wang Yang brothers obviously didn't know about the puppet supremacy. They also wanted to chat with the cloaked people. The only response to them was silence.

It was finally dawn.

After several hours of long-distance driving, the car came to the western region checkpoint.

More than a dozen spaceships are cruising in the air, and near the checkpoint Road, there are several towering black iron towers standing straight, like tall and powerful steel soldiers, and the huge ball at the top of the iron tower is slowly releasing light blue light.

The light turns into blue lines, intertwined and reciprocated, just like the positive and negative attraction of alternating current.

There are many vehicles waiting to enter the checkpoint in front, forming a long queue.

Fu Shaohua's Hummer was forced to stop and follow the team without showing mountains and dew.

Fu Shaohua looked back. "Take out your badges and certificates and prepare for inspection! Don't talk later. I'll deal with it!"

Everyone followed their words and looked out of the window. They were immediately attracted by the two tall iron frames not far away.

"What is that?" Shan Yu asked suspiciously, pointing to the black iron frame.

The crowd was confused, and they had never seen it.

The driver seemed to know this thing very well. When he heard the speech, he glanced. "You are so ignorant that you don't even know this thing?"

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