"What are you talking about?" Shan Yu asked angrily.

Driver Xiao Wang pointed to the spaceship in the sky. "The two iron frames, like signal towers, are responsible for the signal transmission between spaceships, and the signal source covers the whole area. As long as they are within the area, the communication of all frequency bands will be monitored and controlled."

"So powerful?" Shan Yu took a breath, "then don't we have no privacy? We'll be monitored when we make a phone call?"

"Do you think? Now in the eyes of the black evil army, we are a group of captive aborigines who are slaughtered!" The driver seemed a little angry and honked his horn to urge the car ahead to go.

The platoon is long, but the driving is slow, which makes people suffer.

I used to get stuck in traffic in the city, but now I come to the desolate place of the western regions, but the traffic jam is even worse. People will be upset for no reason.

In particular, I think of today's life, which is monitored everywhere. I can only rely on the breath of the black evil army. No one will be in a good mood.

Didi didi!

In front was an extended version of the dash, and the driver was also very angry. When he heard the sound of the horn, he immediately stretched out his head and put up a middle finger at Xiao Wang.

"What's the rush? You can fly over! Bah!"

Xiao Wang's face turned green. He leaned out his head and said, "grass! You want to die? Do you know who's sitting in the car?"

"All right!" Fu Shaohua scolded angrily, "don't make trouble!"

"Hum!" The driver drew back angrily, "Fu Shao! This boy is too arrogant to tell us what to do!"

"Don't create complications!" Fu Shaohua scolded, "we have important tasks. We can't delay the business!"

"I see!"

The motorcade continued to advance slowly, and several gunshots and screams came from time to time in the distance.

In addition, there were also some vehicles that did not know the so-called brutally broke through the checkpoint, but the outcome was very tragic. In the end, they were either killed or the car was blown to pieces and disappeared.

By the time it was their turn to cross the border, it had come to 4 p.m.

I waited for three and a half hours.

Six black armor soldiers walked around the car with instruments, and then two people waved to the people in the car, "get down!"

According to the agreement, Fu Shaohua took out a purple letter paper that was different from the others' pass and handed it to him, "I'm the head of Zhennan Martial Arts Association. This is the special order personally issued by general Ye!"

Lin Xiao was surprised that Fu Shaohua had such a thing.

Lin Xiao heard that only a person with the status of the head of a city is qualified to have the concession order personally issued by Ye lost.

For example, provincial and municipal leaders, important officials of important departments, and so on, are qualified to have.

Although the armed forces association is an official organization, it does not have much power. It only has the power to command the armed forces and cannot participate in the administration.

Even Fu Taiyang of Zhennan martial arts association may not be qualified to obtain the license.

Fu Shaohua was young, but he had such qualifications, which had to surprise Lin Xiao.

The two black armor soldiers were obviously stunned.

They have been guarding the checkpoint here for more than half a month. It is the first time that they have met someone passing through with a license. This kind of thing is very rare and can't be fake. Their expression has become more solemn.

Other black armor soldiers also gathered around and looked at Fu Shaohua's expression with a little respect.

They are important people who can get the special order issued by general Ye personally. They also need some respect.

"Hello, Mr. Fu, what business are you doing in the western regions?" A middle-aged man with the appearance of a small captain walked through the black armor soldier queue, came to Fu Shaohua and others, smiled and asked, "if you need any help, Mr. Fu, just ask!"

Fu Shaohua was also very polite. He knew that these people were not easy to provoke. He put away his usual pride and said with a smile, "may I ask your name?"

"Ouch! What's your name? I'm also from earth," the middle-aged man smiled strangely. "Just like Mr. Fu! Just call me Zhang Sheng!"

"Oh?" Fu Shaohua was slightly stunned. The earth people even mixed a small leader in the black evil army. This ability is not bad. He thought for a moment and said in a low voice, "Mr. Zhang, can you give me a convenience? I'm entrusted by the martial arts association to do an important thing in Qiankun city!"

"Go to heaven and Earth City?" Middle aged people look cautious.

The muzzle of other black armor soldiers unconsciously lifted a few centimeters, and the atmosphere became tense in an instant.

Recently, what happened in heaven and Earth City has spread all over the world, and the gratitude and resentment about the evil house and heaven and earth court are also well known in the streets.

Almost everyone knows that the reason why the black evil army invaded the earth is not only to find the "son of the king", but also a very important reason, that is, it originated from the dispute between the heaven and earth court and the king's front hall.

In the case of heaven and Earth City, although the black evil army did not directly intervene in the action of the evil house invading heaven and Earth City, their behaviors still showed the intention of safeguarding the evil house.

So at the official level, no one dares to interfere in the affairs of heaven and Earth City.

Fu Shaohua showed his intention so directly that the middle-aged man hesitated for a long time.

"Exactly! Because this matter is very secret, I can't say it clearly. Please forgive me!"

"But..." the middle-aged man hesitated. "There is an order from above. Everything about heaven and earth city should be reported. If there is no detailed action report, I'm afraid it's difficult to get in!"

"I have a special order issued by general Ye personally. Should I be privileged? And my task is a secret order from the top. I can't disclose it. Maybe it has something to do with you general ye..."

"About general ye?" The middle-aged man was obviously stunned and hesitated, "is it true?"

"Of course! How can this be false?" Fu Shaohua pointed to the Phoenix warship in the sky and said proudly, "who dares to pretend to be general Ye's warrant? Isn't that trying to die?"

Middle aged people think so.

Now general Ye Weiling is in control of the whole world. Who dares to blatantly borrow his name at this time?

Seeing more and more vehicles lining up behind, the middle-aged man waved to his men, "you guys, take Mr. Fu to the registration office of heaven and Earth City, and cooperate with Mr. Fu to complete the task."

"Yes!" A black armour soldier pointed forward and motioned Fu Shaohua and others to follow.

After they got on the bus, they followed a military vehicle and walked towards the inside of the checkpoint.

Inside the checkpoint is a straight road. In the distance, the mountains are rolling, with a faint blue light shining. In the looming ridge line, there are also tall black iron frame signal towers.

Seeing these arrangements, Lin Xiao felt more and more worried.

If the current situation continues, the vast western region will sooner or later become a complete colony of the black evil army.

At that time, the earth people will really become slaves and be completely enslaved by the black evil army.

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