"Lin Xiao, the black evil army is becoming more and more arrogant. It not only affects the power of all countries, but also starts to establish bases in the western regions. This is the rhythm of trying to completely control the earth!" Fang Qing's voice is a little low.

Since entering the level, Fang Qing's mood has become uneasy, far from the usual calm and ease.

Lin Xiao couldn't help asking again, "what happened recently? I think your mood has been wrong! If you need help, tell me!"

"You can't help!" Fang Qing's eyes wandered away and seemed to be searching for something.

Lin Xiao stared at her for a long time. Knowing that he couldn't ask anything again, he had to keep silent.

His understanding of Qing is limited, and he doesn't know what she has experienced. He just feels that this woman is really mysterious and always appears suddenly under inexplicable circumstances.

Thinking about it, Lin Xiao suddenly had a creepy feeling, and the cold hair stood up in an instant.


Suddenly, a short vibration sound in the air became more and more obvious, from far to near!

“RPG!” There was a scream in front of the motorcade, and then the car deviated from its direction.

Then there was a loud bang on the road.


The fire blazed into the sky.


As the first RPG rocket blew up the vehicle, a succession of rockets seemed to fall from the sky and rush madly with a thick smoke tail.

Lin Xiao has kicked open the door and pulled Fang Qing down.

Boom, boom!

"What happened?" Fu Shaohua was also surprised and rushed out of the car.

The party dodged left and right and hid in the concave slope on one side of the road under the light of fire.

"Where did the attack come from?" Shan Yu looked out and found that there were heads flashing on a hill about 200 meters away. The Rockets were fired from there.

At the same time, dozens of motorcycles rushed across the road, and the riders swept the team with submachine guns.

Dada dada

The fierce gunfire was like setting off firecrackers, which instantly turned the vehicle into a sieve.

A group of great masters were disheartened and almost shot.

Shan Yu was immediately angry. The short sword in his waist choked out of its scabbard. At the same time, his body shape was generally electric.


The great master's strength has exceeded the limit of mortals, and his every move has incomparable strength. Motorcyclists are just ordinary people, and it is difficult to fight even with guns in their hands.

In just a blink of an eye, Shan Yu passed through the motorcade and cut off more than a dozen people.


Blood spurted out almost at the same time and dyed a large area of space red.

The black evil warrior also reacted, and the blue awn flashed quickly. That was the power of the laser weapon.

Poof poof

As long as those who are hit will be crushed and disappear into the air.

Seeing this scene, Lin Xiao and others' faces changed again, and they were frightened by each other's weapons.

"This is the killer mace of the black evil army!" Fang Qing clenched her teeth, stared at the special weapons in the hands of the black evil soldiers, and said in a deep voice, "it is said that everyone in the regular army of the black evil army has such weapons! Once we go to war with the earth, we have no room to resist!"

Lin Xiao nodded deeply. "From the battle just now, we can see that the earth army is a local chicken and tile dog in front of the black evil army. It's vulnerable! The gap is too big!"

"Unless nuclear weapons are used!" Fang Qing looked at the sky. The huge Phoenix warship revealed its severe authority, which was very depressing.

"Once we get to that point, the whole earth will be over," sighed Lin Xiao.

"If the black evil army deceives people too much, I believe people on earth will not be tied up. It's a big deal to kill the fish and break the net!" Fang Qing's tone is sharp, and her mood has always been extreme.

Lin Xiao looked at her and said meaningfully, "there will always be a solution!"

The battle here ended soon, but Lin Xiao and others' journey was delayed.

A large number of Black Ghost soldiers gathered from around and began to eliminate the remaining attackers nearby.

Fu Shaohua and his party were hung aside, which made him very uncomfortable.

But now he can't say anything. He can only wait quietly.

From the conversation between these people, we can hear that the attackers were some rebels nearby.

It is said that several rebel forces are rolling up all over the world, and more and more hot-blooded people begin to join the rebels to fight against the black evil army.

Sudden attacks like those just now will happen from time to time in the western regions, and the black evil army has long been used to it.

Soon, the middle-aged man named Zhang Sheng drove to Fu Shaohua after a tour.

"Mr. Fu, you are frightened. It's just some rebels. But... You can't go to heaven and Earth City for the time being."

"What?" Fu Shaohua's pupils narrowed slowly, "why?"

"The rebels have become more and more rampant recently. Just now, this group of rebels is a very cunning organization. Although they attacked us, another group wants to attack Qiankun City, so..."

"What trouble!" Fu Shaohua murmured.

I didn't expect to kill Cheng Yaojin halfway. In this way, I'm afraid their plan will be delayed.

Zhang Sheng continued, "what the boss means is to temporarily block heaven and Earth City, no entry or exit, when to catch the rebel leader, and when to release!"

Lin Xiao is a little worried. If he delays, who knows what will happen to the elders.

"Mr. Zhang, I'm curious. Why should the heaven and earth city be sealed off? I heard that the people of the heaven and earth court have been arrested. More than 100000 people have died, right? Is it still necessary to seal the city?" Lin Xiao pretended to ask. In fact, he wanted to inquire about the actual situation inside.

Zhang Sheng was slightly stunned and looked at Lin Xiao. He had been talking to Fu Shaohua and only regarded him as a person of status.

In his opinion, Lin Xiao was just a follower of Fu Shaohua. He didn't want to talk to him, but he thought of the license in Fu Shaohua's hand, so he had to say with a smile, "this little brother, the name of Qiankun court can't be said casually. Qiankun city is just a rebel, and their citizens are not orthodox. We call it Qiankun court rebel. We should pay attention to what we say in the future!"

"Oh!" Lin Xiao said with a dry smile, "I'm just curious to ask!"

Fu Shaohua glanced at Lin Xiao and didn't speak, but he was obviously unhappy. He probably thought you were qualified to ask East and West. He looked very unhappy.

Zhang Sheng pondered for a moment and said casually, "there are indeed several remaining evils at large, but they won't be long. The city is searching with all its strength. It's only a matter of time to find them."

"Really? Who is so powerful that he can persist for so long under the search of the black evil army?" Lin Xiao asked again. He wanted to know who the three trapped people were.

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