
This time, Zhang Sheng was a little unhappy. "It's just a few mice. They can survive by being familiar with the interior of heaven and Earth City. Today, it's not powerful. An old man named Zhan Qingyi is the most hateful. He has been obstructing the action of the black evil army!"

Lin Xiao's heart jumped. Master Zhan Qingyi is still alive. This is good news.

"I believe that with the strength of the black evil army, it is easy to catch these rebels!" Lin Xiao faked a flattery, and then stepped aside.

Having determined that Zhan Qingyi was safe, Lin Xiao was relieved.

Fu Shaohua couldn't help asking, "Mr. Zhang, when can the heaven and earth city be opened?"

"This..." Zhang Sheng hesitated. "I don't know. It depends on whether we can wipe out the rebels. It is said that the rebel leader who has been making trouble recently has great power in the local area and is difficult to deal with. It is estimated that it will take at least a few days."

Fu Shaohua thought for a moment and asked, "otherwise, I brought members of the armed forces Association. They are all experts. They may be helpful to your actions. Moreover, we are also local people. It is convenient to take action. If we can eliminate the rebels as soon as possible, we can enter the City as soon as possible."

"This..." Zhang Sheng glanced at the crowd and found that these people were all experts. Although he was a small leader, he was an earth man after all. It was difficult to command those rebellious black evil warriors. It would be great if there were local people to help. "Of course it would be good if Mr. Fu didn't mind the trouble!"

"No trouble," Fu Shaohua replied quickly, "how can I be troublesome? It's my honor to help Mr. Zhang solve his problems!"

"Hahaha..." Zhang Sheng said with a smile, "OK! Mr. Fu is so happy. Let's go back to the base first and talk about it in detail!"

Fu Shaohua made a gesture to the crowd.

The highway had been blown up and all the vehicles were damaged. Zhang Sheng called and soon a helicopter flew over from the sky to pick them up.

The helicopter pulled them all the way to the base of Heisha regiment No. 6 more than 100 kilometers away.

The six tall black pillars are divided into six directions of the base. There are currents intersecting each other, releasing a strong pressure. Occasionally, birds pass through them and turn into fly ash in an instant.

"What a powerful shield!" Lin Xiao's pupil contracted slightly.

The helicopter landed outside the shield and two military vehicles drove out quickly.

"Mr. Fu, this is the sixth base of the Heisha Corps in the western regions. I am responsible for the arrangement and deployment here for the time being. Please come in with me!"

Being able to hold general Ye's Charter and be a VIP in front of Zhang Sheng, he naturally has to be polite.

Fu Shaohua is a little cautious.

Once you enter the base of the black evil army, you face the danger that may happen at any time.

Earth people, in the eyes of the Heisha legion, are indigenous and inferior.

"Mr. Zhang, it's really not easy for you to get into this position as an earth man! It's great!" Fu Shaohua sighed heartily.

Zhang Sheng immediately showed a trace of pride and said proudly, "I'm just lucky. I can't say whether it's powerful or not. Mr. Fu can get the special order signed by general ye at a young age. This is my real skill!"

"As far as I know, there are no more than ten franchises signed by general ye on the whole earth, which is enough to show that Mr. Fu is really powerful!"

Zhang Sheng is telling the truth. He has always wondered what the origin of Fu Shaohua is. He is only 20 or 30 years old. It's incredible to get this honor.

At this time, Lin Xiao was also a little surprised.

At the beginning, he didn't know the weight of the license. Until he saw a glimmer of envy in Zhang Sheng's eyes just now, he thought that this thing must have a long history.

Lin Xiao looked at Fu Shaohua and was also surprised. Where did the boy get the license.

"Fu Shao! How did you get this license, which is so important?" Fang Qingren spoke quickly and had already asked what Lin Xiao thought.

Fu Shaohua glanced at Fang Qing and said in a cold voice, "don't ask if you shouldn't!"

"What's the big deal?" Fang Qingcai rolled her eyes. "If you don't say it, don't say it!"

Fu Shaohua snorted coldly and said in a deep voice, "of course, general Ye signed it to me personally. Is there any fake?"

Zhang Sheng hurriedly said, "how can there be a fake? After special anti-counterfeiting treatment, you can see the authenticity at a glance. Moreover, you don't dare to pretend to be general Ye's order!"

Not to mention Zhang Sheng, even those black evil warriors next to him knew that Fu Shaohua had a license, and their eyes showed respect at the same time.

The party entered the base and came to Zhang Sheng's office, a circular spherical building.

The light inside the building is bright, transparent on all sides, and can be seen clearly on the upper and lower floors.

More than a dozen staff are operating computers on the first floor to maintain the security and electronic system of the whole base.

"Mr. Fu, come to the office with me!"

On the second floor, Zhang Sheng motioned to his men to open the door of the office.

When you enter the office, the bright space shines in front of you.

"Sit down!" Zhang Sheng asked Fu Shaohua to take the seat and hung the others aside.

Fu Shaohua glanced around and said with heartfelt emotion, "Mr. Zhang's office is so luxurious that he doesn't spend less money?"

"Hehe, it's all made by the black evil army. I'm just running a public. I can't talk about luxury!" Zhang Sheng touched the electronic button on the table, opened a window from the wall and stretched out a metal plate with two cups of steaming coffee on it.

When he handed the coffee to Fu Shaohua, Zhang Sheng was relieved. He sat across from him and asked, "is Fu Shaohua really willing to help me?"

"Of course!" Fu Shaohua patted his chest and said, "these experts I brought are good hands of one enemy and ten. It's easy to help Mr. Zhang catch those sentenced troops. I just hope that after completing the task, let's enter the city as soon as possible!"

"Good!" As soon as Zhang Sheng's eyes lit up, he waited for Fu Shaohua's words, so he immediately said, "it's really difficult now. The other party's strength is not too strong, but it's extremely cunning. The personnel are very scattered. Even if you catch one or two judges, others will run away. It's very difficult. If Mr. Fu can lead a team to help, then catch the leaders of those people

It's much easier. "

"Is the leader strong?" Fu Shaohua smiled proudly, "with us, the other party can't lift any waves!"

"It's really strong!" Zhang Sheng said with a wry smile, "it is said that he is at least an expert of master LiuDuan. The black evil army can't take him. He has been escaped by the other party many times and damaged a large number of hands!"

"Master, it's just six paragraphs! It's not worth mentioning!" Fu Shaohua smiled proudly and quickly stood up. "As long as you find his whereabouts, it's easy to deal with him!"

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