The three-dimensional diagram in the mobile phone indicates Lin Xiao's most familiar place, the base of the original medicine dragon temple.

It's a top secret stronghold, deep underground.

However, after Lin Xiao was wanted all over the world, in order to ensure the safety of his brothers, he dissolved everyone and abandoned the base.

Sure enough, within a few days, the base was discovered by the black evil army, and a considerable degree of cleaning was carried out.

All the useful things outside the base were emptied, empty like hell, but the real inside was not found.

Unexpectedly, the rebel leader would hide in that place.

In order to eliminate the rebels, the black evil army also sent troops to search. However, the interior of the base is complex, and it is difficult to find the object of hiding.

However, looking for someone in his own home is simply too easy for Lin Xiao.

He is the real master of the base. Going in and out is like entering a no man's land.

Even if the internal security measures are damaged, the complexity of the terrain still resists a large number of people. Probably only Lin Xiao and his brothers can get in and out calmly.

Lin Xiao was still a little happy.

Because the task is easy for him.

You can get yuan Dan easily, which is also an unexpected joy.

Of course, Lin Xiao did not intend to really deal with the rebel leader. He just wanted to take the opportunity to learn about the rebels.

"Yes!" Lin Xiao received the map and said to Zhang Sheng, "Fang Qing and I will start right away! We can come back in a day at most!"

"One day?" Zhang Sheng was slightly stunned. "The terrain there is complex and there are many rebels. It's a dream to complete the task in one day. Are you sure you understand the difficulty of the task?"

"Don't worry!" Lin Xiao didn't say much. He winked at Fang Qing, and they turned and walked out.

"Wait a minute!" Zhang Sheng suddenly walked quickly over and took out a certificate. "This is a pass! There are checkpoints along the way. You can use this to release!"

Lin Xiao took it over and looked at it. It was a certificate made of special ciphertext. The ciphertext format made him very familiar.

Ares code!

The ciphertext used in the dragon and tiger team.

But the ciphertext in front of us is more obscure and profound, and the characters used are more complex.

But Lin Xiao could see at a glance that this was definitely another version of the God of war code.

"This ciphertext... What's the origin?"

Lin Xiao asked subconsciously.

"I don't know the general ciphertext of the black evil army. In short, they can understand it!" Zhang Sheng said casually.

Lin Xiao wondered why the communication ciphertext of the black evil army was similar to the God of war code?

The God of war code is the communication means that master's sword Wuji transmits to himself, and it is also an excellent means of transmitting information. No one can understand it at all.

This ciphertext is even more complex than a language, and it is impossible to crack it by calculation.

Even with the most advanced computers on earth, it takes thousands of years to crack a paragraph of words day and night.

One can imagine how powerful the confidentiality of this ciphertext is.

Only by understanding the ciphertext law and algorithm can we quickly solve the content.

Using this ciphertext to make a pass, there is no possibility of fraud.

The internal staff of the black evil army can see the truth at a glance.

With doubts, Lin Xiao put the pass away and didn't say much. He immediately turned and left with Fang Qing.


A helicopter landed on the spacious square.

Two black evil warriors came quickly and stopped them expressionless.

"Captain Zhang has ordered us to escort you to the Kunlun Mountains!"

Lin Xiao glanced at Fang Qing, "thanks!"

The helicopter took off soon and headed for the Kunlun Mountains.

The continuous Kunlun Mountains span thousands of kilometers, and the original medicine dragon temple is hidden on a peak.

Of course, the real base of the medicine dragon temple is hundreds of meters underground in the deepest part of the mountain.

The entrance of the medicine dragon temple has been blasted flat, and the messy scene makes Lin Xiao feel a pain in his heart.

This is his ten years of hard work, but today it has become so broken that his hatred grows rapidly.

"Black evil army! Sooner or later you will pay the price!" Lin Xiao clenched his fist and was cruel in his heart.

It was desolate on all sides, and many helicopters searched nearby.

Not long after they got off the helicopter, a team of Black Ghost soldiers drove two cross-country combat vehicles from the plain.


When the vehicle stopped, a tall black ghost soldier jumped out of the chariot and aimed a laser gun at the two, "this is a restricted area! No admittance!"

The other party spoke some strange language. It seemed that he was the most authentic black evil star. Lin Xiao couldn't understand it at all.

Lin Xiao took out his pass and said with a smile, "we're here to catch the rebel leader. This is the pass given by Captain Zhang Sheng!"

The other party savagely grabbed the pass, looked at it, walked around them condescending, and said in broken English, "indigenous people of the earth, you can catch the rebels?"

The undisguised contempt and disregard in the other party's eyes made Lin Xiao very uncomfortable.

It's like a human staring at a worthless ant on the ground. He doesn't even have the impulse to raise his feet and trample to death.

That kind of discrimination and disdain from race, like something born in the blood of black Shaxing people, can't be changed at all.

Lin Xiao knew that this view would always exist, and now he can only endure it.

"Captain Zhang Sheng asked us to come!" Lin Xiao said faintly.

"Hum!" The tall black evil Star Warrior didn't seem to be interested in Zhang Sheng. He said coldly, "what is Zhang Sheng? He's just a slave. Since you want to die, I won't stop him. Remember my name, ha God!"

Lin Xiao remembered the name silently.

According to his observation, this ha God has good strength. At least he is also an expert of master LiuDuan.

Presumably, he is also a person at the captain level, who can lead soldiers to fight.

Lin Xiao glanced around again.

The dozen soldiers who got down from the car vaguely worshipped ha God and looked at him with respect.

Then Lin Xiao found a glittering badge on the right arm of HA Shen's armor, engraved with the shape of axe and sword, and a ferocious skull.

The badge is about half the size of a palm, and the workmanship is very exquisite.

He noticed that Lin Xiao was looking at the badge of HA God. A black evil warrior nearby said proudly, "Ha God is a combat hero and the most brave soldier under general Ye! Even the rain leaf pioneer should respect him!"

Lin Xiao suddenly realized that no wonder he felt a fierce and bloody breath in Ha Shen, indicating that the other party must be a powerful figure in the vertical and horizontal battlefield.

The strength of this kind of person can't just look at the internal power level. The real battle level will certainly exceed expectations.

"It's Lord ha!" Lin Xiao pretended to be respectful and said, "I've heard a lot about you!"

"Do you know me?" Ha, God is a little surprised.

Who knows, Fang Qing stepped out and said with a smile, "the name of Lord ha Shen is like thunder. The last time a pair of three forces fought the three elders of Dongfeng, it was an eye opener. I really admire you!"

"Huh?" Ha, God is even more surprised.

Few people know about fighting against the three elders of Dongfeng. The woman in front of me has heard of it. It's strange.

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