Ha Shen seemed to be interested in Fang Qing. His eyes were full of laughter. He waved and drank back his men. He stood in front of Fang Qing and glanced from high to low, "do you know me?"

"Who doesn't know the prestige of Lord ha God?" Fang Qing's mood was not quite right. At least Lin Xiao felt a very strong fluctuation and hid it.

Lin Xiao's heart jumped and hurried to pull Fang Qing.

He felt that there was a volcano hidden in Fang Qing's heart, which could erupt at any time.

Buzzing, buzzing!

In mid air, several spaceships passed quickly and were conducting cross inspection.

It can be seen that this place must be a restricted area and its military status is very important.

If there is a conflict here, even with Lin Xiao's strength, he may not be able to break out of the siege.

Lin Xiaosheng was afraid that Fang Qing would suddenly do anything.

"Ha ha......" Ha Shen didn't notice Fang Qing's abnormality at all. Instead, he laughed excitedly. The eardrum of the person shocked by the laughter was painful and ready to crack.

Anyone who is praised to his face will be very happy, let alone a rough man like God ha.

However, ha Shen didn't seem to see the deep hatred in Fang Qing's eyes, but immersed in complacency.

Lin Xiao was very strange. Fang Qing and ha Shen should have no intersection. Why did they suddenly have such a great hatred?

Fang Qing quickly adjusted her state and said with a smile, "is Lord ha Shen patrolling nearby? I'm sure the rebels can't do anything, can they?"

"That's nature!" Ha Shen smiled proudly, "I'm here! Even the so-called rebel leader dare not show up. As long as he appears, I can behead him!"

"I also heard that Lord ha Shen made great achievements in the war and killed thousands of people when he fought with the Resistance Army in Zhennan!" Fang Qing youyou said, "that war was a river of blood, and even many innocent civilians were affected!"

"Oh?" Ha God stopped laughing and asked proudly, "do you know this? It seems that my image in the hearts of the earth is very tall!"

"Of course," said Fang Qingpi with a smile. "Lord HA is very powerful and has always been my idol!"

"Hahaha..." hahaha God was floated to the sky by Nai, and immediately felt full of superiority. "Your words made me very useful. I decided to agree with you to catch the rebel leader, and the green light will be turned on!"

"Thank you, Lord ha!" Fang Qing smiled.

Lin Xiao frowned. He felt that Fang Qing's mood was not right, and he also heard some unusual meanings.

"All right! You two take them into the restricted area!" Ha, God waved behind him.

Two black evil warriors walked over quickly, and the other Qing and Lin Xiao made a guiding gesture.

Fang Qing took Lin Xiao and left quickly, but she didn't stop at all.

When she got to the car, Fang Qing began to gasp, her face turned red, and the anger in her eyes flooded out without concealment.

"What's the matter with you?" Lin Xiao asked in a deep voice, "do you know this ha God?"

"More than understanding!" Fang Qing clenched her teeth and said, "I know him all when he turns into ash!"

"Keep your voice down!" Lin Xiao looked at the driver and whispered, "don't be heard, otherwise we can't get out!"

The Black Ghost soldiers sent them to the inside of the restricted area and put them on the barren plain.

Lin Xiao looked up at the bombed cave on the hillside and said in a deep voice, "Ha God seems to be afraid of the base of the medicine dragon temple, but why not send troops here?"

"You see," Fang Qing pointed to those looming tall black signal towers around. "Only this is a plain area. There are ambushes within a radius of about 60 kilometers, and the defensive force can be called an iron bucket!"

"You mean, ha God is trying to catch a turtle in a jar?" Lin Xiao took a breath. "He surrounded but didn't attack. He wanted to wait for more people to appear and catch them all?"

"If it wasn't ha God, maybe I couldn't think of this possibility. Since it was him, it must be this situation!" Fang Qing has a very special hatred for God ha, "he did it in Zhennan!"

Lin Xiao thought, "what happened to you?"

"Let's go!" Fang Qing didn't want to say more. She said coldly, "this time, I'm not only going to save the rebel leader, but also let ha Shen, an asshole, die without a burial place!"

"Where are you going?" Lin Xiao asked unexpectedly.

"Of course, go where God wants us to go!" Fang Qing's eyes are cold.

Far away.

Ha Shen stood on the stronghold and watched Fang Qing with a telescope.

"Hum! What do these two ants want to do?"

A black evil warrior nearby said respectfully, "Lord ha Shen, it's just two ants. It's not worth mentioning. It's general Ye's order. It's almost time, or..."

"No hurry." Ha Shen said faintly, "there are still three days to find the three old miscellaneous hairs in heaven and Earth City. I'm very interested in these two people. Who dares to run in and catch any rebel leader at this time? It's like looking for his own death!"

"Sir, do you mean..." Ha Shen's assistant pondered, "these two are with the rebels? That's why they dare to go deep into the tiger's den?"

"Hum!" Ha Shen said lightly, "just now the woman's eyes thought they were well disguised, but she didn't know that she had exposed her intention! That hatred can't be formed simply..."

"My Lord! Let me send troops to catch them directly? Save them trouble!"

"Hey!" Ha God waved his hand to stop the other party, "what's the hurry? What's the meaning of catching them? I just want to know what they want to do!"

"Then... Need I send someone to follow?"

"Well, send a scout to follow. Maybe we can find the rebel base!"

"We searched for nearly half a month and couldn't find the real entrance to the underground base. Can these two find it?"

Ha Shen sneered, "I just have a feeling that these two people are not simple!"

Knowing that HA Shen's Legion was around, he was likely to implement the strategy of catching turtles in a jar. Lin Xiaoxing worked more carefully.

Lin Xiao also had an ominous premonition and guessed that HA Shen's calculation might not be so simple.

At the entrance of the middle of the mountain, a pile of corpses were randomly piled on one side of the wall. The blood had dried up, but the battle scene was faintly visible.

"They were all killed by someone who cut their trachea directly with a sharp blade..." Fang Qing looked at Lin Xiao. "Ha God's weapon is a dagger. His predecessor was a killer. He was happy to kill!"

Lin Xiao saw a handsome young man in the middle of the body, staring at himself with wide eyes.

"Ah Lu!" Lin Xiao trembled slightly.

He knew the dead young man and was one of the members of the guard at the door of the medicine dragon temple.

Every time Lin Xiao came back, ah Lu would personally wait at the gate and give him a standard military salute.

Accustomed to a Lu's smiling face, Lin Xiao only felt some heartache when he saw a Lu dying in peace.

"These people were killed by God ha?" Lin Xiao's voice was a little low.

"Nine times out of ten!" Fang Qing said coldly, "this is his usual means. He likes to watch the enemy bleed slowly in front of him."


Lin Xiao clenched his fist very tightly.

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