"Come on! Get in! We should talk to the rebel leader!"

Fang Qing stepped into the darkness.

"Looking for the rebel leader?" Lin Xiao's eyes brightened.

The descending elevator has been damaged, but Lin Xiao also knows another secret pedestrian road.

Through the secret Road, you can directly reach the central area of the underground base.

However, very few people know this secret way, which is only clear to the senior management of Lin Xiao and the eight King Kong.

After a fierce battle, even the secret path hidden in the dark was damaged.

The huge combat impact caused numerous cracks inside the channel, which almost collapsed.

"How did this place come out?" Fang Qing walked in the sealed space, a little stuffy, and the winding passage in front of her was filled with a trace of Yin.

"This passage has been dug for ten years!" Lin Xiao said in a deep voice, "when the base was established, I found a natural gas hole directly under the ground, so I used it to dig this secret road."

"Air hole?" Fang Qing asked thoughtfully, "I've heard that the air hole in the mountain can lead to a very deep place underground, where there are often some strange sounds. I'm curious about what exists in that very deep place?"

Lin Xiao's face changed a little and seemed to be afraid, "there are not only hot magma, but also all kinds of toxic gases, and even some creatures we can't imagine. When the channel was established, I blocked the gas hole deep underground and didn't continue to explore!"

"What a pity!" Fang Qing smiled. "If you keep looking down, you may find something beyond your imagination!"

"Why do you think of asking this?" Lin Xiao asked suspiciously, "what does this have to do with the rebel leader?"

Fang Qing sold a pass and said thoughtfully, "what do you think I joined the Public Security Management Association for?"

Lin Xiao was slightly stunned and asked subconsciously, "for what?"

"In addition to taking the opportunity to kill ha God, it is to get close to the rebel leader!"

"Oh?" Lin Xiao knew Fang Qing was secretive and his every move was mysterious, but he didn't expect that the other party's purpose was the rebel leader.

"No wonder Fu Shaohua offered to help. You agreed without hesitation. You expected such a day?" Lin Xiao was completely convinced of each other's mental calculation. It was almost unfathomable.

Fang Qing said indifferently, "in fact, it's easy to guess!"

"Since the public security administration has sent a task, I hope someone will complete it!"

"I accept the task to come to the western regions. I can not only act in the name of the public security management committee, but also deal with the black evil army unconsciously!"

"I've long found out that HA Shen's black evil army stationed in the western regions is specially responsible for dealing with the rebels!"

Fang Qing continued, "if you want to enter the heaven and Earth City, you must ask the black evil army. Even if Fu Shaohua holds a charter, you can't make an exception! With his impatient character, you can't wait for the rebels to be exterminated before taking action! You will try your best to shorten the action interval!"

Lin Xiao's scalp tingled.

Fang Qing almost calculated every step, and the goal was very clear, just for HA God and the rebel leader.

"Therefore, Fu Shaohua will certainly cooperate with the black evil army and try his best to destroy this rebel! As long as you give me this opportunity, I can find a way to get close to the rebel leader!"

"Just," Lin Xiao still had a question, "why did you approach the rebel leader?"

"Why?" Fang Qing asked with a smile, "do you know why the rebel leader brother Tian wants to put his base camp in your medicine dragon temple?"

Lin Xiao's mind moved. Thinking of Fang Qing's reaction just now, he asked subconsciously, "is it related to the depths of the earth?"

"Good!" Fang Qing said in a deep voice, "I received a tip! Brother Tian chose your site to find some benefits underground!"

"And..." Fang Qing smiled. "Do you think Fu Shaohua came all the way to the western regions at the risk of his life, really just for a hundred points?"

Lin Xiao nodded. "Fu Shaohua really has another purpose. What he wants is unknown. Is it difficult... It also has something to do with the depths of the earth?"

As they walked and talked, the air gradually became hot and dry, and the oxygen became thinner and thinner.

In order to ensure smooth breathing, Fang Qing deliberately slowed down her speech, "Lin Xiao! You don't know many things! Why can the eight supreme wooden towers stir the vitality of heaven and earth and make the vitality content of the whole earth soar hundreds of thousands of times?"

Lin Xiao really didn't think about it. He was surprised and asked, "do you know why?"

"I only know a little," Fang Qing mused. "The foundations of the eight supreme wooden towers are hundreds of meters underground, and they are guarded by a large array, which is mysterious."

"From beginning to end, we don't know where the indestructible iron chain in the supreme wooden tower leads. I'm sure you haven't noticed it?" Fang Qing looks at Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao shook his head blankly.

He never noticed where the iron chain inside the wooden tower led.

Maybe it's not an iron chain at all, but some unknown metal chain.

From its material analysis, it has never appeared on the earth. Its hardness and toughness are far beyond imagination.

"It is said that eight iron chains converge from eight places on the earth, and the central point is under your medicine dragon temple!" Fang Qing seems to know a lot of things. Every word can make Lin Xiao stare, "and the chain is like a conductor, which can accommodate the transmission of massive vitality."

"The source of vitality transmission is the central point of the convergence of eight chains!"

"Really? How long does it take to get together?" Lin Xiao lost his voice and exclaimed, "at least tens of thousands of meters? How does such a long chain pass through the ground?"

"I just got information from intelligence. It's hard to say whether it's true or false!" Fang Qing smiled. "The reason why the rebel leader occupied your base is that he found the secret deep underground. As long as he can study it thoroughly, maybe the secret of the explosion of heaven and earth can be solved!"

"There is another saying, who can unlock the secret of the explosion of vitality, who can break through the great master and become the supreme power!" Fang Qing's eyes flashed brightly, "Supreme... Even if ye lost, who is as powerful as the Heisha army, it's just the second section of the supreme! But he can command the Heisha warship army and occupy the planet like walking on the ground!"

"Who is this rebel leader? How could he know that my secret base is the gathering point of the eight towers?"

Fang Qing smiled. "This is what we need to understand. Only when we see brother Tian can we know the real reason!"

"According to what you say, this brother Tiange's purpose is not pure. He may not get along with us peacefully. There are many underground bases, just in case..."

Before Lin Xiao's voice fell, he felt a violent fluctuation under his feet from far to near.


The wave like an earthquake happened without warning.

The rocks on the top of my head rustle and fall.

In the mountainside, there is only one passage for walking. In case of collapse, almost ten people will die.

Even the Supreme Master can't escape being trapped in this environment.

"No!" Lin Xiao's face changed greatly.

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