Fang Qing's expression also became unnatural.

If there were an earthquake, they would surely die without a burial place.

In this narrow and closed space, even if you want to hide, there is no place to hide. You can only watch huge rocks fall and smash yourself into meat patties.


The shaking became more and more intense. Even in Lin Xiao's state of mind, he was a little flustered.

"What should I do?" Fang Qing has changed her face. She doesn't want to die in such a place. She rushes quickly into the deep underground in panic.

A light flashed in Lin Xiao's mind. This happened in the secret way. There was only one possibility that someone started the emergency defense means and opened the secret way mechanism.

There are three kinds of secret ways.

The first is rolling stone, which is suitable for resisting the enemy near the entrance.

Lin Xiao and Lin Xiao have gone half the way, and the rolling stone has little effect.

The second is the most dangerous. It releases a combustible gas. After ignition, the fire will block the whole passage.

This method has great limitations, and the scope of influence will not be too wide. It can only be used as an emergency defense means.

The third kind is not dangerous, but it has an unusually large effect on trapping the enemy.

Lin Xiao once set up twelve huge stones weighing dozens of tons in the secret road as dragon breaking stones to cut off the passage.

As the name suggests, as long as the broken dragon stone is put down, even the dragon is difficult to escape.

Sure enough, as soon as Lin Xiao had a thought in his heart, the shaking and vibration stopped.

"No!" Lin Xiao frowned, "probably the broken dragon stone has been opened!"

"What do you mean?" Fang Qing is a little nervous. She doesn't want to hear any bad news.

"An ancient cutting mechanism, although rough, is very practical! Once the broken dragon stone is put down, we can't escape!" Lin Xiao said word by word.

The broken dragon stone weighs tens of tons, is ten meters wide and fifteen meters long. As long as it is cut off in the passage, the shells can't be destroyed.

At that time, there will be only a dead end.

Twelve broken dragon stones are distributed all over the cave. There are dangers everywhere. They won't be opened unless they have to.

"What about that? We won't be trapped to death, will we?" Fang Qing was a little flustered. She looked around and found that a burst of soil fog began to diffuse in the air. "It seems that the broken dragon stone really fell and the air in the hole became thinner!"

Lin Xiao said in a deep voice, "as soon as the broken dragon stone falls, the oxygen will be consumed rapidly. We can't last long!"

"Won't you really die here?"

"Hey!" Lin Xiao looked at Fang Qing and said with a smile, "if it's just a broken dragon stone, it's hard not to beat me..."

"After all, it's the mechanism I designed. If I don't have a back hand, wouldn't I have to wait to die if my people were trapped?"

Fang Qing was angry and smiled, "then what's the point? It's all burning. Are you still kidding?"

"No hurry!" Lin Xiao said in a deep voice, "someone knows that we are coming, which shows that they have been prepared long ago and are very familiar with the secret way. I suspect there is a problem in the medicine dragon temple!"

"You mean a traitor?" Fang Qing was slightly stunned.

"Apart from my brothers and I, few people know the existence of this secret Road," said Lin Xiao youyou. "In those years, this channel was almost formed naturally, so we built it ourselves. Outsiders can't know it at all, but..."

Fang Qing said anxiously, "if it's a traitor, he must know the inside of the base like the back of his hand. Who is it?"

"I don't know," Lin Xiao shook his head slowly. "My brother is loyal to me and will never betray. Maybe it's just that the news was accidentally leaked!"

Fang Qing's palm touched the rock wall, and Xiumei suddenly frowned, "Lin Xiao! The rock wall is a little hot. What's the matter?"

"Huh?" Lin Xiao quickly walked over and touched the wall. His fingers shrank back like lightning, "something's wrong..."

"Go!" Lin Xiao pulled Fang Qing up and rushed to the depths.

Fang Qing didn't ask much. Since Lin Xiao was so nervous, there was an unpredictable danger.

Dada dada

Their footsteps were very clear in the channel, and the echo kept ringing in their ears, making the whole environment very ethereal.


Lin Xiao suddenly stopped and said in a deep voice, "in a moment, according to my instructions, beat the mountain wall hard, understand?"

"OK!" Fang Qing knows it's not too late. It's useless to ask more questions now. It's the king's way to act together.

Deep underground.

Different from the dark hole in the passage, it is a very spacious underground base.

The interior of the base is brightly lit, people come and go, and a lively scene.

There are cold steel buildings everywhere, and many transport vehicles shuttle among them, carrying guns, ammunition and some logistical supplies.

In the control room, a young man in a white suit was staring at the monitoring screen, pointing to two red dots and asking, "why aren't these two dead?"

There is a special infrared scanning device in the channel, which can collect the characteristics of the heating body and send it to the terminal computer for monitoring.

"Brother Tian!" A fully armed man quickly said, "the broken dragon stone has been put down, and the magma has drained away. They will die!"

"Hum! It's strange that someone should be able to enter the secret way. Are they familiar with the secret way by mistake?" Brother Tian wears a mask and looks very mysterious.

The men around him seemed to be afraid of him. When he spoke, no one dared to say a word.

Brother Tian said to himself, but no one paid attention to him. He suddenly felt boring. He suddenly turned back and pointed to one of his men and said, "you! Go to the channel immediately. I want to make sure that these two mice die without a burial place! No one can sneak in!"

"Yes!" His men immediately took orders and turned around to leave quickly.

"I really don't believe it. In such a tightly guarded place, someone can break in?" Brother Tian sat down on the soft leather sofa and smoked a cigarette comfortably.

"Brother Tian! I think it must be a mouse who accidentally broke in. How can anyone know the secret way?" An obscene middle-aged man came over with a smile, "there's no need to bother about these two mice. The top priority is to find a way to get something deep in the air hole..."

Brother Tian rolled his eyes.

Of course, he cut off the mask, and no one could find his tiny expression.

In the eyes of outsiders, brother Tian has always been a ruthless and ruthless person.

However, no one knows that the face hidden under the mask is not only young, but also very young.

"My guard has been working hard. I believe I can make a ventilation hole soon. Then..."

Brother Tian said with a smile, "it's said that the things inside can make people become supreme and powerful. I'd like to see what it is

"Yes, when brother Tian becomes the supreme, we will follow you to eat hot and drink spicy, and we don't have to be bullied by anyone!" The middle-aged wretched man said with great joy.

"Hum! Don't flatter me. Go and get ready for me. Once we find the treasure, we'll kill it immediately!"


Brother Tian waved lazily and drank back his men around.

When everyone left, brother Tian took off his mask and said breathlessly, "I'm so tired of pretending to talk all day!

His white face was very tired, with some bitter smile.

If Lin Xiao saw his true face, he would be surprised.

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