Lin Xiao ran in the direction of Fang Qing all the way, very fast.

"Where are you taking me? Isn't the way back blocked?" Fang Qing couldn't help asking.

"There are 160 meters left!" Lin Xiao said in a deep voice, "get ready!"

"What the hell are you doing? 160 meters?" Fang Qing is completely confused. She doesn't know what medicine Lin Xiao is selling in the gourd.

The air is getting hotter and hotter, and the long lights on both sides of the channel also have some illusory feeling, and the heat is steaming.

If this situation continues, the temperature will reach an extreme in less than five minutes. Even if they are great masters, they can't last long.

"Forty eight meters!"

A few seconds later, Lin Xiao roared, "the protrusion of the right wall ten meters ahead!"

With Lin Xiao's roar, Fang Qing saw a protrusion on the wall not far away by the dim light.


I don't know where the hot magma came from behind, and the hot flame rushed over in an instant.

Fang Qing was surprised. She didn't expect the magma to come so fast.

"Where's the magma!"

Lin Xiao looked back, his pupils narrowed fiercely and said sharply, "hurry up! When the magma pours, we will all be burned!"


A flame rushed out of the magma and almost burned Fang Qing's hair, which made her look pale.


Still a strand of hair was burned to ashes and scattered in the air.

Their faces turned red in an instant. They didn't want to drop money like beads of sweat.

According to Lin Xiao's instructions, Fang Qing clapped at the protrusion without hesitation.


The ground collapsed, and a trench 20 meters long appeared behind Fang Qing, a few meters thick under his feet.

The trench was so deep that Fang Qing was in a cold sweat.

At the same time, Lin Xiao also pressed a protrusion on the right front wall, and the whole wall on his side began to shrink inward.


A second later, a hidden door appeared in the depression of the wall, and Lin Xiao immediately shouted.


Fang Qing jumped to the secret door.

After the two rushed in one after another, in just a few seconds, magma poured over and quickly filled the place where Fang Qing had just stood.


The secret door was blocked again, and they were dark in front of them.


Lin Xiao lit the lighting tools. There was a very narrow passage in front of him. The air was stuffy and suffocating.

"The oxygen here is only enough to support more than ten minutes. We need to find an exit as soon as possible!" Lin Xiao groped forward slowly.

This secret passage is an escape passage dug out by Lin Xiao in the secret passage.

There are six escape routes like this in order to prevent them from trapping themselves after the broken dragon stone falls.

"How close!" Fang Qing looked back with lingering fear, "another two seconds later, we'll be over!"

"The danger has not been completely relieved. This passage is another broken dragon stone. There must be magma there. We must find another secret passage as soon as possible!"

"The terrain here is really complex," Fang Qing said thoughtfully. "You designed it?"

"At that time, in order to ensure safety, I designed more than a dozen secret roads, but I didn't expect to be really useful one day!" Lin Xiao stopped while talking. On his right side, there was a dragon shaped handle engraved on the wall.

He gently pulled down and saw the ground fall, revealing a downward channel.

"There are supplies below. We estimate that we will stay here for more than eight hours!"

"Ah? Why?" Fang Qing was stunned. She followed Lin Xiao down and saw that the stone room was not big, and there were only some simple and crude cabinets. She couldn't help asking.

"The magma above can only cool down after a period of time. Do you want to go out and be roasted into suckling pigs?" Lin Xiao said jokingly.

"You are the pig!" Fang Qing was angry and smiled, "it's good to roast you!"

Lin Xiao did not quarrel with her. He quickly took off his armor and even his underwear, revealing his strong upper body.

"What are you doing?" Fang Qing is a little nervous.

Lin Xiao glanced at her, "don't worry! I'm not interested in you. Don't be nervous!"

"You..." Fang Qing was angry and smiled. "Do you think my mother cares for you?"

"What are you nervous about?" Lin Xiao smiled jokingly. At the same time, he took out a small bottle and began to apply something light green, similar to glue.

A faint fragrance came from Lin Xiao.

Fang Qing was confused, but she was embarrassed to ask, pretended to change the topic and said, "the oxygen in the secret room can't last long. We really have to hide for more than eight hours?"

Although he didn't directly ask Lin Xiao why, his eyes have been dishonestly sweeping around. I don't know whether he is appreciating his body or wondering about his behavior.

Lin Xiao didn't answer her directly. After painting the upper body quickly, he threw the bottle over.

Fang Qing quickly reaches out to catch it.

"Apply it on the body first, and then on the bottom!"

Fang Qing was a woman after all. She blushed at the words. "Lin Xiao! What the hell are you doing? What is this?"

"Prevent you from being burned into a roast pig!" Lin Xiao smiled and walked slowly to a cabinet. He began to rummage through the boxes and found two small leather boxes.

Fang Qingfang smelled at the tip of her nose. Suddenly her eyes brightened. She seemed to think of a rumor, "this is the cooling cream of the dragon and tiger team?"

Cool cream is a kind of plaster that can effectively resist hot air scald. I only heard that it has been used inside the dragon and tiger team. There is no such thing outside.

Lin Xiao is not only the captain of the dragon and tiger team, but also the war doctor of the team. This cooling cream comes from his hand.

"It is said that the cooling cream can prevent scald and steam spray. Is it really effective?" Fang Qing asked subconsciously.

When the magma cools, a large amount of hot gas will remain in the cave. Ordinary people can't bear it at all, and it will melt in an instant.

Even if the great master has strong physique and internal breathing, he can't last long.

But after applying the cooling cream, it can last for at least a few hours.

Lin Xiao was prepared and brought many useful drugs when he came.

"Put this on later!" Lin Xiao threw an oxygen shield at him.

"Well prepared!" Fang Qing couldn't help saying, "the enemy certainly didn't expect that we would survive in this situation!"

Lin Xiao put on the oxygen mask directly, and then continued to take off his pants.

"Put it on now!"

"You, what are you doing?" Fang Qing quickly turned to avoid, "do you just take off your pants?"

Lin Xiaosi didn't care. She didn't even have any underwear left. She slowly applied cooling cream. She smiled at the speech. "How can I take it off if I don't take it off like this? There's only one room in the secret room. Why don't you go out and take it off?"

"Get out!" Fang Qing didn't dare to look back and muttered, "it's shameless!"

Lin Xiao had a thick skin. He glanced at her and joked deliberately, "why don't you take it off? Do you put the cooling cream on your clothes?"

"Don't worry!" Fang Qinghong blushed and looked around at the environment, hoping to find a place that could be covered.

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