Lin Xiao wiped and rubbed, and was very happy. He also made a puff puff sound, which made Fang Qing blush even more ashamed.

"Why do you make that noise?" Fang Qing drank angrily, "are you sick?"

Lin Xiao didn't care. "I can tell you that if you don't wipe it now, you'll regret it when you're burned into a suckling pig!"

Fang Qing is well aware of the environment to be faced.

Even if the magma cools down, the hot gas and toxic gas accumulated in the cave will be quite deadly.

Glancing at Lin Xiao secretly, he found that he had finished wiping and was dressing, so he pretended not to care and turned around, "you stand over there, don't peek!"

"Peeping? The beauty of thinking..." Lin Xiao curled his lips without lifting his eyelids.

"What are you... Talking about?" Fang Qing smiled angrily and stamped her foot. "I'm not worth seeing?"

"You woman," Lin Xiao rolled his eyes, "you can't see it or not. What are you going to do?"

"Get out!" Fang Qing didn't want to break with him. Angrily, she pulled a piece of cloth from the bed and threw it directly onto Lin Xiao, blocking his face.


The external vibration began again.

Lin Xiao knew very well that it was the sound of the broken dragon stone being opened. It should be the enemy checking the results.

In the underground base, brother Tian is listening to his report.

"Six places of the broken dragon stone have been closed, the magma has stopped pouring in, and no enemy's remains and traces have been found in the channel!"

Brother Tian crossed his legs and sneered, "no bones? After the magma, there are fart bones? They have long been turned into ashes!"

"Brother Tian said that now the enemy has been eliminated and there are no worries. There is an air hole..."

"Zhang Sheng!" Brother Tian looked at his men, "you seem to be very concerned about the things over there. Do you have any ideas?"

Zhang Sheng's face trembled fiercely and quickly covered up, "brother Tian misunderstood. What do I think? I work wholeheartedly for you. I just want to get the baby under the gas hole as soon as possible!"

"Hum! Don't think I don't know your careful thinking," brother Tian sneered. "Only I can have the secret under the gas hole. No one else can touch it. If anyone dares to make up his mind, I'll throw him into the magma to take a bath!"

"Yes..." Zhang Sheng was frightened and sweating, "I absolutely dare not have any evil thoughts!"

"That's the best," brother Tian glanced at him obliquely. "Tell him to go down and arrange the weapons and equipment as soon as possible. After the air hole is repaired, go out with something immediately!"

"I see!"

Zhang Sheng left in a hurry.

Brother Tian's "repair" is now deeper underground, holding a huge shovel and quickly digging underground in a large hole made of black and green unknown metal!

At the bottom of the cave, there is a hole about half a meter in diameter. This is the so-called gas hole, which is said to go straight to the earth's core.

This kind of hole is very difficult to find. It is generally hidden only in the softest place of underground material.

What is more strange is that under this hole is the convergence of eight iron chains.

Tens of thousands of kilometers of iron chains converge under this gas hole from eight directions at the same time. Just thinking about this amount of work is enough to make people startled.

At least we can't do it with the scientific and technological level of the earth.

Thousands of years ago, the king's front hall was able to achieve this level, which is enough to show the strength of this force.

Unfortunately, such a powerful force still disappeared on the earth.

The relics left by the king's front hall on the earth are slowly being excavated.

Xiu's hand-held shovel is like a tireless machine. When it is chiseled down, huge waste residue is dug aside.

With the pit getting deeper and deeper, a strange smell slowly came out.

Xiu was not interested in the smell. Even his eyes didn't fluctuate. The whole person's facial muscles were stiff.

The people in charge of logistics all around hid great surprise and surprise in their hearts. They were very shocked by Xiu's strong strength.

Xiu has been digging here for three days and nights, and has been shown to stop.

Even a top master is tired after three days of intensive activities.

Unfortunately, Xiuze didn't mean to rest.

Pedal pedal

At this time, Zhang Sheng came down, looked at Xiu with fear and ordered other humanitarians, "be quick and carry out the waste residue. In addition, brother Tian ordered that once you find the baby under the gas hole, you should take it away immediately without delay!"


Dozens of soldiers immediately held their heads high and said they had received orders.

Even Xiu seems to have stepped up his action, and the action of waving the shovel is faster and faster.


The 142nd shovel was destroyed.

A soldier immediately ran over, handed him a shovel, and then left quickly.


Inside the chamber of secrets.

Fang Qing has finished foaming and starts to dress.

Lin Xiao seemed petrified. His head was still covered with black cloth and did not move.

Fang Qing wanted to laugh, but suddenly she couldn't help asking, "Lin Xiao! I heard... Nangong brocade was taken away by the black evil army?"

Lin Xiao trembled slightly, quickly pulled down the black cloth, threw it aside, and said angrily, "how do you know?"

"It's all spreading outside," Fang Qing gathered up half her long hair, revealed half a fragrance, and deliberately stroked it, "saying that Nangong brocade is the princess of the heaven and earth court and the master of the whole black evil army. Then you are the accessory of the black evil army!"

"Hum!" Lin Xiao heard Fang Qing's ridicule.

The black evil army is not only an invader, but also a great enemy in the eyes of the whole earth.

Since the black evil army invaded the earth, it has created a lot of killing.

According to incomplete statistics, in just one month, the black evil army slaughtered more than 200 million people worldwide.

This figure is shocking, but also planted the seeds of hatred in the hearts of people on earth.

Fang Qing means that Nangong Jin has probably become the object of hatred in the hearts of people on earth, because she is the enemy's princess.

Lin Xiao is Nangong Jin's husband again. Naturally, people hate him intentionally or unintentionally.

Even knowing that Lin Xiao was wanted, he did not dilute the deep-seated hatred.

"Lin Xiao, you know human nature very well. No matter how many good things you have done or what you have sacrificed for them, you can't cover up any wrong thing you have done!" Fang Qing tilted her lips, "not to mention this hatred that is close to exterminating the family?"

Lin Xiao disagreed and said coldly, "why should I care about other people's opinions when I work for Lin Xiao? When I improve my strength and have a chance, I will naturally kill the Phoenix warship and make ye lose his blood."

"Tut tut..." Fang Qing said with a smile, "I'm really confident. If others hear this, they must think it's Tianfang night lake, but I... Believe you!"

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