Lin Xiao lost his smile. "Do you believe that I can defeat Ye lost and repel the black evil army?"

"Of course..." Fang Qing deliberately lengthened her voice, and then suddenly turned around and said with a smile, "I believe in the forces behind you!"

Lin Xiao was slightly stunned and immediately reacted. It turned out that Fang Qing was talking about the front hall of the king.

Today, Lin Xiao's identity as the successor of the king's front hall has been widely spread.

His wanted notices are hung on major Internet platforms every day.

Almost everyone knows that the main purpose of the black evil army coming to the earth is to catch Lin Xiao.

Even though Lin Xiao dressed up easily and hid her figure, she has always been in a state of crisis.

And his forces and brothers fled and disappeared.

With his current state, not to mention killing the Phoenix warship, even self-protection becomes a problem.

Fang Qing's words not only mean ridicule, but also remind that only relying on the power of the king's front hall can we resist the black evil army.

Fighting against the huge black evil army with one's own strength is tantamount to hitting stone with an egg.

Lin Xiao, who turned to God, frowned. "I don't understand what you mean? But the power of the king's front hall on earth is only the Zhamu family in the western regions. How can they fight against the black evil army? It's just a mantis arm in the car!"

Fang Qing shook her head thoughtfully. "Think about it, the black evil army can come to the earth. What about the king's front hall? Since the king's front hall is the master of the whole universe, can't they find the earth?"

Lin Xiao's heart moved.

"So, I think there must be a problem in some part that prevented the army from coming to the front hall of the king. As long as you wait patiently, the front hall of the king will be able to kill the earth and save their master!" Fang Qing said half jokingly and half seriously, "so the risks you take now are unnecessary!"

"Ha ha," said Lin Xiao with a smile and in a very firm tone, "how can I be a shrinking turtle? No matter whether the front hall of the king will come or not, I will kill the Phoenix warship step by step and pay the price for Ye's loss!"

Fang Qing had finished wearing, rechecked her equipment and supplies, and glanced at Lin Xiao, "I appreciate your confidence!"

"I've always been confident!"

Fang Qing pondered for a few seconds, "for Nangong brocade?"

"Ah Jin..." Lin Xiao sighed, "there should be no danger, but I just want to ask. She is really just for my safety, or obsessed with the identity of the princess of heaven and earth court!"

"Giggle..." Fang qingjiao laughed. "It's rare for you to be so lost. Unexpectedly, there is a fragile side to Lin Xiao!"

"Where is it?" Lin Xiao raised his eyebrows, "I'm just unwilling!"

"What are you unwilling to do? Being abandoned by Nangong brocade?" Fang Qing joked deliberately.

"Ah Jin is not that kind of person," Lin Xiao thought of Nangong Jin, who planned to exchange blood and poison for himself, even at the expense of his own life. He couldn't repay her for this friendship alone. "She must have difficulties, and I must rescue her!"

"Cut!" Fang Qing's eyes darkened and whispered, "what an idiot! I don't know how to die!"

"You don't understand!" Lin Xiao raised his hand and looked at his watch. "We have to stay a few more hours and have a rest. Maybe there will be a fierce battle soon!"

"Good!" Fang Qing resolutely went to the iron bed and lay down with clothes. She was very obedient and slowly closed her eyes.

Lin Xiao could feel a strange breath on Fang Qing. He had never seen such Qigong before.

All along, Lin Xiao was very curious about the origin and identity of each other's Qing, but he never asked about her inheritance and mental skills. At this moment, he became interested.

Lin Xiao sat aside and asked casually, "Fang Qing! Where are you from?"

"Why do you ask this?" Fang Qing's eyelids moved slightly.

"Do you have very important relatives in Zhennan? Otherwise, you won't hate God ha so much. He killed your relatives, right?"

Fang Qing obviously didn't want to mention this topic, but her emotions surged uncontrollably and her chest fluctuated slowly. "So what? It doesn't matter to you!"

"Why do you carry it alone? We are now comrades in arms in a trench. Shouldn't we keep watch and help each other?"

Fang Qing slowly opened her eyes and stared at the top, "I want to avenge this revenge myself!"

"Ha Shen is unfathomable. On the surface, he is the level of master six sections, but according to my observation, at least he is master seven sections. With your current strength, even if you wear armor, you may not have beaten him." Lin Xiao said seriously, "hatred will only blind your eyes. And ha God has a strong army backing. If you act rashly, you will lose more than you gain!"

"I know what you mean. Don't worry. I won't affect your plan," Fang Qing sneered. "Ha God is afraid of the rebel leader. As long as we see brother Tian, we will have the opportunity to use his power to give ha God a hard blow!"

"No wonder you deliberately planned to get close to the rebel leader. It was your idea, but now this situation..." Lin Xiao smiled. "Brother Tian may not be polite to us!"

"The enemy of the enemy is a friend. I believe brother Tian will understand when he sees us," Fang Qing slowly closed her eyes again. "When the mechanism contacts, I believe he can see brother Tian!"

Brother Tian is a little restless at the moment.

There was a problem with the excavation of the gas tunnel.

Even if it is as strong as "repair", it can't dig another inch down.

A mirror smooth metal partition appeared at the end of the hole and even covered the hole.


Someone struck the partition with a shovel and made a dull, impinging rock sound.

"Do you want to try without explosives?" Comments were made.

Xiu stood still, as if waiting for some order.

Anxious brother Tian came with big steps, and the hot air made him sweat.

"Shit! What the hell? It's not done yet?"

Seeing the huge light silver metal partition under his feet, brother Tian quickly scratched his head and shouted, "blow it up with a gun!"

"Brother Tian!" One of his men walked over carefully, "if you blow up with a gun, it will lead to the collapse of the cave. Then we will all be buried underground!"

"Don't you understand directional blasting? Find an expert!" Brother Tian roared.

There is not much time left for him. He has received a tip that HA God's legion is closing the siege. I'm afraid it will launch a raid in one day.

Even if relying on the underground base can effectively stop the attack, Tiange is still restless and afraid of accidents.

If you can't find the baby in a short time, all the arrangements that day will be wasted.

Brother Tian, who was in a hurry, roared around the circle, "do you hear me? Call the experts to me quickly!"

"Yes..." his men ran out in a hurry.

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