In a few minutes, a group of blasting experts was called.

These people are good at blasting, and directional blasting is their specialty.

But when they saw the special metal partition, they were stunned.

After inspection and investigation by several experts, a fact has been determined. If you want to use blasting means, there is only one result in the end, that is, futility.

Three experts came to brother Tian carefully.

"Brother Tian, this metal partition belongs to a metal material that has never been found outside the earth. I estimate that, let alone explosives, even a nuclear bomb may not be able to explode!"

"Really? Are you kidding a three-year-old?" Brother Tian scratched his hair. "Nuclear bomb? Do you think I dare not try with nuclear bomb?"

"No, no, no..." the expert was scared with a dry smile and quickly explained, "we have been measured. If you don't believe it, you can try!"

"Shit!" Brother Tian directly grabbed the assault rifle of a soldier next to him. After checking the magazine and confirming that it was all armor piercing bullets, he burst towards the metal partition.

Bang Bang

There was fire everywhere.

However, there was not even a scar on the metal partition.

The hard defense made brother Tian a little stunned.

There is no doubt about the power of armor piercing bullet. Even if it can't penetrate the steel plate, it's easy to leave a scar.

Unfortunately, with such dense and close fire, the metal partition has not even a mark.

When the expert saw brother Tian stop, he took the initiative to explain, "brother Tian! I found some doubts!"

"Say!" Brother Tian is also melancholy. He believes that the baby must be under the partition.

The reason for the partition is that there is a real baby.

Prove that the rumor is not false, but a true fact.

"First, there is information about the baby under the underground gas hole. It's too easy to come. Don't you find it too weird?"

Brother Tian's eyes flashed, "how weird?"

"I always feel that someone deliberately released the news, just to let people explore and look for it!"

Brother Tian frowned slightly, "as long as you get the baby, what if it is used? I think the other party's final result is just the beauty of being a man!"

"That said, we have to guard against it," the expert said in a deep voice, "so we must be careful not to become a tool for others to detect mines. It's good to make sacrifices in vain!"

"Hum! I see," brother Tian said impatiently, "what's the doubt?"

"Second, I found that the fine lines on the partition board are very similar to or even the same as the Phoenix warship!"

The expert invited brother Tian to the partition board, took out an extra large magnifying glass, aimed at a small grain, and said in a deep voice, "you see, this octagonal serial pattern has a clear structure and is linked with each other. Each corner has a special line direction. According to my analysis, this is an energy conductor! It can easily offset the strong impact from the outside!"

"Oh?" Brother Tian didn't understand this. Looking at the expert, "continue!"

"I doubt..." the expert said in a deep voice, "there is a super warship buried underground!"

"What do you mean?" Brother Tian was stunned and reacted for a long time. "You mean there is a spaceship like the Phoenix warship buried underground?"

"It should be..." the expert was not sure. He pondered for a few seconds and said with a bitter smile, "this is just a speculation, because this material is very rare, and this kind of texture has only been seen on the Phoenix warship."

"I've studied those small spaceships. Their material is far inferior to that of the Phoenix warship. Our armor piercing guns can be easily penetrated, but now the metal partition under our feet can resist armor piercing bullets, so I have this guess!"

"I'm good..." brother Tian was excited. "If it's really a super warship, if we can drive out, it's not invincible?"

The people were silent.

Even if such a warship exists, can you drive it out?

Not to mention whether you have that technology, even if you have it, how can you drive out underground?

The excited brother Tian made a big circle and immediately ordered, "come on! Dig it for me right away. Be sure to dig out this warship!"

All mobilization.

Hundreds of soldiers came down with shovel and explosive explosives, and crowded the holes.

"Listen to me. There is a super warship under our feet. If we can dig it out, there may be a big surprise!"

Brother Tian stood high and shouted, "give me your strength and try to dig out the warship for me in half a day!"


All responded with a roar.


A muffled noise woke up Lin Xiao and Fang Qing, who were closing their eyes.

"What's going on?" Fang Qing jumped off the plank bed and listened carefully.

The explosion lasted for several seconds, shaking the whole chamber of secrets, which was very terrible.

Lin Xiao frowned, "it seems to come from deeper underground. They are blowing something."

"Have you found the baby?" Fang Qing glanced at Lin Xiao. "Do they want to blow up the gas hole?"

"These mallets!" Lin Xiao was a little impatient. "When the gas hole was destroyed and the atmospheric pressure changed, the magma would spray out. At that time, the whole underground would be finished. Didn't they think about the consequences?"

Fang Qing's face changed. "What should we do? We can't let them fool around!"

Lin Xiaomin stood up at once, quickly put on his armor and said quickly, "we must stop before they completely bury us, otherwise the consequences will be unimaginable!"

"Now?" Fang Qing was stunned. "The heat wave is still going on. Aren't we going out to be burned?"

"I can only take risks!" Lin Xiao rummaged through the boxes and found two sets of special protective clothing.

This kind of protective clothing is specially made to prevent being eroded by magma, but it can only last for a very short time, about ten minutes.

If they can't find a way out within ten minutes, they will be burned in the cave.

Fortunately, Lin Xiao is very familiar with the terrain. It is not impossible to break out in ten minutes.

Fang Qing took over Lin Xiao's protective clothing and knew it was a real risk. If she didn't pay attention, she would really set herself on fire. She didn't say much and put it directly on her body.


There was another sound.


Lin Xiao came to the mechanism and held the handle in his palm. As long as he pulled it down, the chamber of secrets would be exposed to the uncooled magma.

Thinking about driving in the magma, Fang Qing is not only afraid, but also excited. After all, this is an unprecedented experience.

"Lin Xiao!" Fang Qing suddenly looked at Lin Xiao, "Ha God killed my father. He's just an ordinary man living in seclusion in the countryside! But ha God beheaded him and killed him without mercy, so I must avenge him!"

Lin Xiao smiled easily and patted her on the shoulder. "We are comrades in arms! I'll avenge you!"

At this moment, brother Tian is holding hands excitedly and standing in the distance to observe the excavation.

After several rounds of directional blasting, the rock layer covered on the metal isolation plate is gradually being cleaned up.

As the rock was cleared, the complete appearance of the metal isolation plate was gradually revealed, and some strange pits and metal devices began to appear on the huge area.

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