"Sure enough, it's a warship..." brother Tian's eyes brightened and took a deep breath of air conditioning. "Just look at the exposed part of the warship. The whole is likely to be thousands of meters long! It's definitely no less than the Phoenix warship!"

All the soldiers nearby were shocked.

They have seen the power of the Phoenix warship with their own eyes. It can be called a destroyer of heaven and earth.

If the Phoenix warship is fully fired, it is believed that the military forces of the whole earth are difficult to compete.

We can imagine how powerful a super warship is.

If we can dig out the warship for our own use, it means that we have the confidence to fight against the Black Ghost regiment.

"Dig! Dig hard for me!" Cried brother Tian.

"Brother Tian! I can't dig it out in half a day," said one of my men panting and worried. "Ha God's Legion has begun to act and may attack at any time! We can't hold out until the warship is dug out!"

"What should I do?" Brother Tian frowned slightly and fell into anxiety in an instant.

I'm afraid it won't take ten days and a half months for these hundreds of people to dig out such a large hull.

But now time does not wait, we must find another way.

"Brother Tian, I have an idea." just then, a middle-aged man with elegant appearance came out of the passage.

Brother Tian looked at him, and his expression seemed to be a little disgusted. He couldn't help humming coldly.

In fact, this middle-aged man is the real rebel leader. Only after brother Tiange suddenly appeared, did he change his identity and push brother Tiange to the forefront of the storm.

The middle-aged man who seems harmless to humans and animals is actually a smiling tiger. People can't touch his depth.

If brother Tian didn't have some thoughts, he would have turned against each other.

The middle-aged man pointed to the huge back of the warship and said in a deep voice, "now that it has been determined that this is a super warship, it's better to find a way to dig a channel leading to the interior of the warship. As long as it can be started, why don't you worry?"

"Think about the power of the Phoenix warship. When one shot comes down, a city will disappear, let alone the rock strata covered on the ground?"

Brother Tian looked at him, "Chen Feng, can you drive a warship? Even if you find the entrance, what can you do?"

"Ha ha..." Chen Feng looked indifferent and seemed confident. "As long as we find the hatch to go in, even if we hide inside the warship, we will avoid damage and loss. Even if we can't open it, it's good to be a hiding base?"

Brother Tian's eyes brightened and said thoughtfully, "you're right! OK! In that case, start work immediately and try your best to dig out a passage to the hatch!"

"Besides," brother Tian looked at Chen Feng, "how do you determine the position of the hatch?"

Chen Feng had a plan in mind. "I just observed that the scale of this warship is not much different from that of the Phoenix warship. Probably the position of the hatch should be the same. As long as you dig in three batches according to my direction, you can certainly find the hatch in half a day!"

"Just listen to you!" Brother Tian took a step back, "since you know about warships, the excavation project will be handed over to you!"

"Good God!" Chen Feng glanced quietly, motionless, stood at "Xiu" behind brother Tian, and then walked to the excavation site without expression.

Brother Tian hugged his chest with both hands, sneered on his face, and thought to himself, "this boy must be upset and kind. I should be careful of him!"

The excavation was carried out again, but this time it was concentrated in three locations.

Hundreds of people used machines and tools to carry out the excavation in full swing.

After a group of people dig for a few minutes, another group of people will dig immediately, which can ensure that everyone has plenty of physical strength.

It's hot here, and it's steaming over Lin Xiao.

After entering the magma area, they were red in front of them.

Only two hours later, the magma did not completely cool down. Even with the double protection means, they still couldn't stand the heat, as if they were about to be melted.

"Hot!" Fang Qing was so hot that she wanted to take off her protective clothing directly, so she had to try her best to gather Dantian's internal force to resist the waves of heat.

Hiss, hiss

The protective clothing makes a burning sound and is consuming the energy inside.

"It's too hot." Lin Xiao shouted, "we can't last long, five minutes at most. Now there's no way back. We have to walk about a kilometer and pass two secret doors. As long as we get to the base entrance, we'll be safe!"

Fang Qing didn't want to talk anymore. She clenched her teeth and followed Lin Xiao behind. She thought to herself, "anyway, I'll give you this life!"

Didi didi!

An alarm sounded suddenly inside the base.

The red light swept through many areas and attracted the attention of many people.

"Huh?" Even Tiange and Chen Feng, who have been paying attention to the excavation site, noticed the alarm.

"What happened?" Brother Tian looked back at his men.

My men frowned when they received the news from the phone.

"Brother Tian! There is a moving heat source in the channel!"

The meaning of moving heat source means that there are strangers.

"What?" Brother Tian was stunned. "Aren't you sure the man is dead? Why did he come out again? What the hell are you doing? Is the information accurate?"

"Brother Tian, I'm also very strange, but the alarm shows that two heat sources are rushing towards the underground base at a high speed. It is expected to reach the entrance in up to five minutes!"

"Hum!" Brother Tian sneered, "I don't know where the two mice can survive under the double mechanism of broken dragon stone and magma. They have some skills..."

"It's impossible for them to enter the base. The electronic door has a human identification system. Outsiders without identification code can't enter!"

After his men finished, brother Tian was a little relieved.

However, two mice that suddenly ran out to make trouble still made him feel uncomfortable.

He thought for a while, suddenly waved to his men and said in a deep voice, "bring the boy to me. I want to know who else knows this secret way!"


The two soldiers left quickly, and soon came over with a thin man with dishevelled hair.

The man's eyes were covered by his hair, his body was scarred and his breath was very weak, but he still swaggered and stubbornly kept his chest up.

Brother Tian frowned, walked slowly and slapped him.


The man remained motionless.

"Pretty tough? I think how long you can hold on!"

After the fight, brother Tian quickly approached and said in a low voice, "brother, be patient for a while. After Chen Feng handed over the key, I'm trying to save you!"

The man looked up slowly, his sharp eyes staring at him through the gap between his hair, "why do you help me several times?"

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