Brother Tian said anxiously, "you are the brother of the young Lord. Naturally, you are my brother. How can I not help you when you are in trouble? But this Chen Feng has many tricks. He has set a bomb on you. You can't solve it without an unlocking key. You are enduring more time."

"Good!" The man nodded slowly, "your name is Lin Tian?"

"Yes, yes..." Lin Tian smiled, secretly looked at Chen Feng, who was busy, and said anxiously, "I won't tell you more. It's time to continue acting!"


Lin Tian slapped the man again and said loudly, "I ask you, who else knows the secret way?"

The man said calmly, "except me, of course, my boss knows that he can live so well in the secret way. Ten * * is my boss. As long as he comes in, you are all finished!"

Lin Tian was stunned. Then he was ecstatic and almost lost his state. He asked in a low voice, "ah Fei! You mean the young Lord is coming? How is it possible? Isn't he hiding? How can he risk to save you?"

"No! The boss didn't know I was in the base, so he didn't come to save people, maybe..." ah Fei looked at Chen Feng who was walking fast, and suddenly said loudly, "you people are all going to die!"

"Brother Tian!" Chen Feng hurried to the front and hurriedly said, "what did he say? Lin Xiao is coming?"

Lin Tian deliberately said carelessly, "I don't care about him. If he dares to come to the underground base, he will never come back!"

Chen Feng was obviously a little impatient and said in a deep voice, "brother Tian, this Lin Xiao is not simple, and this base is his base camp. He knows the terrain and layout here like the back of his hand. If he comes in, the consequences will be unimaginable!"

"Hum! What are you afraid of?" Lin Tian pointed to "repair" and said, "I'm afraid of him because I have repair?"

"I'm not afraid to work in the front, but Lin Xiao is full of tricks and knows the terrain and layout here. It's definitely a big trouble! Brother Tian doesn't want to get the baby in the super warship by others?"

Lin Tian sneered in his heart. I want to find a baby, but also to honor the young Lord. You fucking want to get involved and don't know how to live or die.

However, Chen Feng not only holds the key to implant a bomb on ah Fei, but also holds the secret information about the black evil army.

Lin Tian was sent to rescue Qiankun City, but most of his men died in the war. Qiankun city was still occupied in the end.

Now Lin Tian is worried to learn that three elders are trapped.

After all, he heard that the relationship between heaven and Earth City and Lin Xiao is very deep. It would be a great achievement if he could take this opportunity to rescue the elder and please Lin Xiao.

Lin Tian, who knows the details of the front hall of the king, knows very well that Lin Xiao is the little Lord, and he will be the king of the front hall of the king in the future.

The whole universe is Lin Xiao's territory.

If you can become Lin Xiao's confidant, it's worth making more efforts.

"What about that?" Lin Tian deliberately asks Chen Feng about his plan.

Chen Feng's eyes turned, "I think we should directly destroy the electronic door system at the entrance, and no one is allowed to enter!"

"Destruction? Then how can we get out? There is only one exit. Do you want to be trapped?" Lin Tian drank angrily.

"That's not what I mean..." Chen Feng said with a dry smile. "You think, we have super warships. As long as we can start and bombard, the ground will have to break a big hole. It's not easy to get out?"

"Hum! How do you know you can start the warship?" Lin Tian is not stupid. He seems to be very careful. He vaguely feels that Chen Feng has a great secret.

At the beginning of the war between the rebels and the black evil army, there was a big fight in Qiankun city. Lin Tian brought people to the rescue and almost had a conflict.

However, at that time, the main enemies of both sides were the black evil army.

As the saying goes, the enemy of the enemy is a friend. Lin Tian took the opportunity to unite with Chen Feng and fight out of the siege.

Had it not been for Chen Feng's reminder, Lin Tian would not have known that there was such a secret base in the hinterland of Kunlun Mountain, let alone the existence of treasure deep underground.

After arriving at the underground base of the drug Dragon Temple, Lin Tiancai found that Chen Feng had captured many people in the drug Dragon Temple, of which ah Tian was the most important prisoner. It was said that he was one of the eight King Kong under the drug Dragon King.

Lin Tian tried his best to save ah Fei's life. He has been waiting for an opportunity to save him.

Chen Feng did not directly answer Lin Tian's questions and quickly changed the topic. "The top priority is to stop Lin Xiao, otherwise all our efforts will be in vain. If he finds out what we do, he will certainly destroy it."

"Hum! I have repair. What are you afraid of him?" Lin Tian deliberately made a proud expression, "he dares to come, just catch him and receive the reward! I heard that he caught Lin Xiao, general Ye lost of the black evil army, and rewarded 100 yuan pills!"

The soldiers around were instantly quiet and shocked by a hundred yuan pills.

One hundred yuan pills are enough for them to improve and break through the seventh and eighth sections of the master and become a real top expert.

Lin Tian glanced at Chen Feng and found a hot expression on his face. He was probably looking forward to it, and couldn't help laughing.

"Hum! This bastard still wants to catch the young Lord. It's beyond his strength!"

Lin Tian said, "so don't be afraid. Just let him in and let Xiu catch him. Then we'll share the benefits equally. How about it?"

"Oh?" Chen Feng didn't expect Lin Tian to be so generous. He couldn't help asking, "really?"

"Why not? We are allies and comrades in arms now. We should help each other," Lin Tian said with a smile. "Are you right?"

"Brother Tian said," Chen Feng said with a dry smile, "do you mean... Let Lin Xiao in?"

"Of course!" Lin Tian waved his hand and ordered his opponent, "you go and guard the entrance. After Lin Xiao came in, lead him here. Remember not to write down the killer, okay?"

"Yes!" A group of soldiers were ordered to leave.

Lin Tian took Chen Feng aside and pointed to ah Fei, "Chen Feng! This boy is Lin Xiao's brother. Using him as bait has a better chance of success. I have an idea..."

"Brother Tian, please say!" Chen Feng seldom saw Lin Tian being so polite to him and was a little frightened.

"Lin Xiao has a lot to do with heaven and Earth City. We let ah Fei go and hid a bug on him. After they meet, they will certainly discuss the matter about heaven and Earth City. Maybe we can find out where the three elders are hiding!"

"Oh?" Chen Feng's eyes brightened. "I heard that the three elders offered a high reward. Each of them had ten yuan pills! If we can catch them, it will be a lot of wealth!"

"Ha ha..." Lin Tian said with a careless smile, "the reason why your rebels are in chaos is not for interests? Now interests are in front of you. It depends on whether you dare to take them!"

"But... Does Lin Xiao really know the secret of heaven and Earth City?" Chen Feng asked subconsciously.

"Whether you know it or not, it's always a chance, isn't it? Besides, ah Fei is useless to us. It's better to let him give full play to his waste heat!" Lin Tian said with a smile, "how's it going?"

"Since brother Tian said so, I agree. I'll let ah Fei go now..."

"Wait a minute!"

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