Lin Tian pulls Chen Feng, "ah Fei has a bomb on his body. If Lin Xiao finds it, there may be an accident. If he finds the bug on his body, it will be bad. It's better to completely remove it to avoid suspicion!"

Chen Feng thought, it's just a Fei, just a worthless chess piece. And what Lin Tian said is reasonable. Maybe he can get the information about heaven and Earth City.

Chen Feng also wants to catch three elders to exchange rewards. Maybe he can take this opportunity to talk to the black evil army about conditions.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng immediately decided, "OK! Just do it according to brother Tian!"

A Fei was released and stumbled away from the excavation.

Before leaving, Lin Tian quietly asked him to bring a message to Lin Xiao and tell him the situation at the moment.

After this, Lin Tian pulled Chen Feng aside again.

"Chen Feng, did you know that there are super warships under the ground?"

Chen Feng looked slightly changed and said with a dry smile, "how could it be? How could I know that there is such a thing underground?"

"Is it from the inside of the black evil army?" Lin Tian said with a smile, "you don't have to hide it from me. You fought with the black evil army in heaven and Earth City. It's just a means to hide people's eyes and ears. The purpose is to make the illusion of being chased and killed, and then come here quietly for treasure!"

"The black evil army outside only encircles but does not attack. It seems to surround us. In fact, it is just protecting you, isn't it?"

Lin Tian seemed to talk about Chen Feng's heart and let him clap.

"Don't be nervous," said Lin Tian with a smile. "Everyone likes interests. The reason why I tell you this is that I want you to help me build a line, contact the black evil army and make money together!"

Chen Feng suddenly became vigilant and said with a dry smile, "how can I make friends with the black evil army? Brother Tian joked."

"Bright people don't talk secretly," Lin Tian sneered. "If not, how can you be so confident that you can start the warship after digging it out?"

"This......" Chen Feng took a breath.

"Why, you can't trust me?" Lin Tian raised his eyebrows and scolded angrily, "if I wanted to deal with you, I would have ordered Xiu to kill all of you. Do I have to wait until now?"

Chen Feng's face slowly sank. He subconsciously looked at Xiu and knew that Lin Tian was telling the truth.

Xiu is the supreme puppet. His strength is very strong. Everyone present can't be his opponent.

If Lin Tian is in trouble, Chen Feng can't stop it at all.

Looking at Lin Tian with a smile, Chen Feng said calmly, "brother Tian is really smart. You can see it!"

"So," Lin Tian pretended to hold his shoulder warmly and said with a smile, "isn't it good for everyone to get rich together?"

"Besides," Lin Tian said with a smile, "you borrow my name, fight against the black evil army, push me to the top of the wind and take risks, and I share some interests with you. Is it always right?"

"All right." After a few seconds of silence, Chen Feng stopped pretending and said frankly, "I'll tell brother Tian the truth. I did accept the solicitation of the black evil army and work for them!"

"Hey!" Lin Tian's eyes brightened. "That's right. Tell me quickly. What cooperation do you have?"

"Ha ha..." Chen Feng pointed at his feet. "Let's get the super warship first. This is one of the cooperation agreements!"

"Really?" Lin Tian was itchy. He was about to get the secret, but the other party sold it. He couldn't help asking, "do you want to tell me in advance?"

Chen Feng's pupils narrowed slightly and then said with a dry smile, "don't worry, brother Tian. When we get the super warship out, it will be of great benefit. The black evil army won't treat us badly!"

The more Chen Feng says so, the more it shows that there is a ghost in his heart. Lin Tian can't wait to know the secret.

But Lin Tian knows very well that if the performance is too urgent, it will arouse the suspicion of the other party, and the gain will not be worth the loss at that time.

"All right!" Lin Tian said, "then dig out the warship quickly!"

"Come on..." Lin Tian clapped his hands, "let's work harder and dig out the warship!"

Ah Fei was released, but he was seriously injured. He had to rest for a while before long.

Because his Dantian was seriously damaged, he couldn't even lift his internal power. Even an ordinary person can easily knock him down.

But ah Fei had a stubborn spirit, gritted his teeth, walked out of the channel and ran towards the gate of the base.

Vaguely, he saw many people rushing towards the gate of the base. He knew that Lin Xiao was about to appear.


When the temperature in the channel reaches thousands of degrees, ordinary people will be gasified directly.

Even if Lin Xiao had protective clothing, they suffered a lot at the moment. They were full of heat and heat waves. There was no time to wipe the thick fog formed on the mask.

"There are still two hundred meters!" Lin Xiao pointed to a broken dragon stone in front of him, "the exit is right there!"

"Well, that's the broken dragon stone. We have no way..." Fang Qing's mind is blurred. She only vaguely sees a broken dragon stone in the front passage under the dim light.

Blocked by the broken dragon stone and the heat wave behind him, where is there a way to live?

In a short moment, they came to the broken dragon stone.


The protective clothing has shown signs of melting, and the energy is completely consumed. Now we can only rely on our own materials for final resistance.

It can only last 30 seconds at most.

"It's over!" Fang Qing is completely desperate.

There is no way forward and no way back.

Once the protective clothing is completely damaged, even if there is a cooling cream to protect the body, it will inevitably be burned to ashes.

Lin Xiao groped on the broken dragon stone and looked very calm.

Other people would have panicked at this time.

Even if you know that there is a mechanism on the broken dragon stone, I'm afraid it can't be opened easily.



Lin Xiao's protective clothing suddenly caught fire and burned quickly, but he didn't move, and his palm patted on the broken dragon stone.

Fang Qing's nervous heart almost stopped beating.

"Hurry up!"

Ten seconds later.


The broken dragon stone rises slowly to expose the passage.

A cool breath blew violently.


The flame on Lin Xiao's protective clothing was extinguished in an instant.


Lin Xiao took Fang Qing and jumped out, fluttering into the channel.

Bang bang!

The mountain walls on both sides kept hitting spikes, completely locking the enclosed space behind them.

Even if they slow down, they may be put into a sieve.

The broken dragon stone stopped halfway up, and then fell back slowly.

The heat wave was blocked out, and the air in the channel suddenly condensed.

"This way!" Lin Xiao breathed a sigh of relief, pulled Fang Qing around the corner, groped on the ground for a moment, and pulled up a handle.


Downward steps appear on the ground.

The two quickly walked down one after another.

Gradually, the eyes became spacious and the lights became brighter.

There is a power supply system here, which proves that it is further away from the underground base.

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