"How close!" Fang Qing took off her protective clothing and sat panting underground, "no! I want to rest!"

Lin Xiao looked back at her and said in a deep voice, "you'll enter the base right away. After you finish the task, you have time to rest!"

"Do you know how to cherish jade?" Fang Qing, no matter how powerful, is just a woman. During her escape just now, she experienced danger several times and her mood has been in a state of collapse.

At the moment, Fang Qing naturally wants to seize the opportunity to have a rest.

"There may be a battle after you go in. Don't you want me to hold you back?" Fang Qing said unhappily. At the same time, she lay down and put a big character on her back.

Inside the protective clothing is battle underwear, which shows Fang Qing's good figure without doubt.

In particular, the lines bound in some places were very obvious. Lin Xiao inadvertently looked at them, and his blood was suddenly tense.

"Cough..." Lin Xiao quickly turned around and said with a dry smile, "OK! You can rest if you want. I'll go ahead and have a look!"

"Hum!" Fang Qing didn't notice Lin Xiao's abnormality at all. Now she just wants to lie on the ground and feel the comfortable coolness from the ground.

When Lin Xiao walked to the electronic gate, a hollow mechanical sound began.

"Welcome back!"

Listening to the familiar welcome, Lin Xiao was not happy.

It's my own territory, but I sneak in like a mouse. I'm always unhappy.

All this was caused by the black evil army, which made Lin Xiao hate the black evil army even deeper.


Lin Xiao printed his palm on the electronic door. A few lights flashed, and the door opened unimpeded.


There was an ambush behind the door. Two soldiers stabbed fiercely in the chest with daggers.


Lin Xiao's internal power flew out, and they immediately shot out like a broken kite.


Other hidden soldiers were smashed and collapsed.

"Hum!" Lin Xiao was not at all soft on the enemies who invaded his territory, so he immediately cut them down with Qi.


In the violent uprising of Qi, a record of startling training was like a tornado, and the wind beat hard among the crowd.


At that time, there were several screams, and several rebel soldiers died in blood and flesh.

The order they got was to lure Lin Xiao into the excavation site and let him fall into an ambush, but now they found that they didn't even have the qualification to lure each other, and even lacked the strength of World War I.


Dozens of rebel fighters had only one idea: to run away at once.

The characters in front of them can cut through the air. That's a supreme means. They can't even mention the idea of confrontation.

In the twinkling of an eye, it becomes empty in front of you. It's so quiet that you can hear it clearly when you breathe.

"What's going on?" Fang Qing reacted like a quick civet cat and fluttered forward.

"Have you rested?" Lin Xiao looked back at her.

Wearing tight clothes and beautiful lines, Fang Qing nodded seriously, "of course, what's the situation now? They know we're coming?"

Lin Xiao said in a deep voice, "I should know. Someone leaked the secret of the base and opened the infrared thermal imaging scanning system. I have a bad hunch!"

"Don't worry! Didn't you say your brother won't betray?" Fang Qing comforted.

"I'm not afraid of their betrayal, I'm afraid of their accidents!" Lin Xiao strode in, "go! Go and see the situation!"

One by one, they rushed into the base.

Behind him, the door closed quietly, and the sound of air flow came from all around.

Lin Xiao threw away his oxygen mask and took a big breath. He felt refreshed.


Suddenly, a figure flashed at the end of the metal channel.

As soon as Lin Xiao's pupil shrinks slightly, he raises his hand to start Qi chopping.


Just then, a weak voice stopped Lin Xiao's action and made his eyes stare.


Ah Fei stumbled over and fell to the ground before he came near.


Lin Xiao rushed over with the an arrow step, held ah Fei in his arms, sighed his breath gently, and was relieved to be sure that he was only seriously injured and his life was not in danger.

"Go over there!"

Lin Xiao hugged ah Fei, walked to the end of the passage, opened a door and went in.

After a few minutes, ah Fei slowly opened his eyes, grabbed Lin Xiao's arm and gestured with him with a joint gesture, "boss, someone asked me to take a few words for you!"

"Who?" Lin Xiao was slightly stunned.

"A young man named Lin Tian." A Fei took a few breaths and continued to sign, "I have a bug! He asked me to tell you that there is a super warship buried underground. If it falls into the hands of the enemy, the consequences will be unimaginable. We must find a way to grab it!"

After the gesture, ah Fei deliberately shouted, "it's an asshole named Lin Tian. He caught me and forced me to tell the secret of the base!"

"Lin Tian?" Lin Xiao was stunned. "You mean the rebel leader in the base is Lin Tian?"

"Yes, it's not..." ah Fei was not good at words. He said so many words in one breath. It's inevitable that he stuttered.

He has communication disorder, and the more anxious he is, the worse he can say.

"Lin Tian is not the rebel leader, but the other one named Chen Feng is, but everyone regards Lin Tian as the leader and calls him brother Tian. But these are not facts. They are the smoke bombs made by Chen Feng. He has another purpose..." ah Fei still uses gestures to communicate smoothly.

After the competition, ah Fei continued to say loudly, "boss, run quickly. These people are not easy to mess with!"

"Speak slowly. It's not urgent." Lin Xiao quietly took out the silver needle, cleaned up the organ injury for ah Fei, and stabbed it for several times. Ah Fei's face obviously improved.


Ah Fei finally calmed down.

During this time, he was tortured.

Even with ah Fei's determination, he didn't survive to the end. He still leaked out the secrets about the base and the secret way.

"Boss, I'm sorry! I was caught by them!" Ah Fei hung his head in shame.

"Victory or defeat is a common thing for soldiers. You don't have to blame yourself! As long as people are all right!" Lin Xiao comforted and asked casually, "how did Lin Tian come here?"

"Drink water!" Fang Qing handed over a bottle of water.

A Fei looked at Fang Qing suspiciously and didn't reach for it.

"This is Fang Qing, my friend!" Lin Xiao made a brief introduction.

"Oh!" Ah Fei grabbed the water and drank it all at once.

"Cough..." ah Fei almost choked by the water. After drinking, he quickly gestured, "boss! The super warship will be dug out soon. You must be careful to ambush. Don't enter the excavation area! When he enters the super warship, he will find a way to pick you up!"

"Yes!" Lin Xiao frowned, "what the hell is Lin Tian doing?"

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