"Lin Xiao! I ask you, is Lin Tian the dandy of the Zamu family?"

Fang Qing saw the abnormality between them and began to communicate in sign language. She remembered the arrogant boy when she acted in the South China Sea.

"That's him!" Lin Xiao wanted to laugh when he mentioned Lin Tian, but he didn't expect to meet him in this situation.

"I heard that Lin Tian took experts to support heaven and Earth City and finally failed. He met rebel leader Chen Feng by chance and fled here for some reason. However..." ah Fei pondered for a few seconds. "Lin Tian asked me to tell the boss that Chen Feng seems to have some unclear relationship with the Black Ghost army. They are not the same people!"

"Also," ah Fei quickly gestured, "Lin Tian also asked me to tell the boss that he knew the hiding place of the three elders trapped in heaven and Earth City, but he didn't have a chance to save them. If you came for this, he can help you!"

Lin Xiao's eyes brightened slightly, "Lin Tian, this boy... Very clever!"

"Lin Tian is full of bad water and has a good brain. Lin Xiao, you can't trust him completely!" Fang Qing sneered and kept gesturing with her slender fingers. "When he was in the South China Sea, this boy made trouble everywhere. Now he's here again!"

"Indeed," Lin Xiao smiled, "this boy always does things unexpectedly! I didn't expect it!"

"Boss, the rebels have at least 300 people and are fully armed. I'm afraid it's not easy to deal with!" Ah Fei is in a hurry to jump out of bed.

Lin Xiao came forward to stop him, and a cold arc came up at the corner of his mouth, "don't worry! This is our territory. There are only 300 people. What's the point?"

"Yes!" Ah Fei obviously relaxed.

In recent days, ah Fei's nerves have been tense.

Lin Xiao's appearance made him completely take his heart back.

With the boss, even more enemies are not enough to fear.

What's more, this is their territory. They are familiar with both organ layout and channel rooms.


Ah Fei crushed the bug.

Chen Feng, who was eavesdropping, felt a buzz in his ear, quickly took off his headphones and said suspiciously, "what's going on?"

Lin Tian disguised, "maybe there's a fault? Now ah Fei and Lin Xiao have joined together and know what we're doing. We're sure to come and make trouble, so we'll set up a net and wait for him to come in!"

Chen Feng nodded thoughtfully and took out his walkie talkie. "Team two and team three take out the power grid and prepare to catch people in a moment!"

The two teams of fully armed soldiers are ready, and now they don't hide it. They directly take out the weapons of the black evil army, standard laser guns and some strange catching tools.

Even if Lin Tian knew that Chen Feng had something to do with the black evil army, he was still cluttered when he saw such complete equipment.

"Chen Feng! You are really hiding." Lin Tian deliberately made an envious expression, "if only I could get this kind of equipment and armed!"

Chen Feng looked at him and said with a smile, "brother Tian, don't worry. When we get the super warship out, we will get unimaginable rewards. What are these things?"

"That's that..." Lin Tian laughed.

At this time, Lin Xiao came to the side of the room and stretched out his hand to press on the metal wall.


The cabinet beside the wall moves to both sides to reveal a secret space.

There are all kinds of guns, big and small, and a small tablet computer lying quietly in the space.

Lin Xiao opened the tablet computer and connected the electronic defense system of the whole base.

Since it is the base where Lin Xiao personally participated in the design, he will naturally leave behind in various places.

This looks like an infirmary, but there is a control computer with the highest authority, which can easily invade the control system and remotely control the security of the whole base.

After opening the interface, Lin Xiao entered the monitoring terminal and called out the video near the excavation site.

As the excavation went deep underground, cameras were not arranged in advance, and only some outlines could be seen from a distance.

Just the outline, Lin Xiao has found the back of the super warship. The huge and dignified picture makes his heart shrink suddenly.

"As expected, it is comparable to the Phoenix warship! If you can get it, you will have the confidence to challenge the black evil army!"

"Lin Xiao! What did you find?" Fang Qing came over and just looked at the picture. She was shocked and lost her voice. "Phoenix warship?"

"No!" Lin Xiao shook his head and said in a deep voice, "this is a super warship comparable to the Phoenix warship. There are similarities and differences..."

"My darling, how can there be a super warship under the ground? It's incredible." Fang Qing exclaimed in a fuss.

Lin Xiao pointed to the image from the monitoring picture and said, "the veins here are obviously different from the Phoenix warship. Its shape is more like a dragon!"

"Dragon?" Fang Qing's eyes brightened, "do you mean..."

"The totem of the king's front hall is the dragon, while the totem of the heaven and earth court is the Phoenix, and the eight supreme wooden towers are the masterpiece of the king's front hall, so can you guess so..."

Lin Xiao said in a deep voice, "is this super warship left by the king's front hall?"

"It does make sense!" Fang Qing's eyes brightened, "that's right with ah Fei!"

"The black evil army cooperates with Chen Feng, so the confusion is to prevent others from knowing the existence of the super warship and to seize it quietly!"

Lin Xiao nodded silently and sneered, "in that case, it shows that this super warship has the power to frighten or desire the black evil army!"

Fang Qing moved in her heart, "in terms of volume, this warship can indeed be comparable to the Phoenix warship. If we can get it, we will have the confidence to fight against the black evil army?"

"It should be!" Lin Xiao finally showed a long lost smile on his face, "in that case, we are bound to win this warship!"

A Fei wrapped up the wound by himself and quickly came over, "boss!"


"Go?" Ah Fei bit his teeth, endured the pain and wanted to kill him for revenge.

Chen Feng almost tortured him to death. Of course he will avenge him.

"No hurry!" Lin Xiao shook his head and continued to monitor with his tablet computer. "When the warship shows its true body, we will act no later."

The underground base is in disorder.

Hundreds of Chen Feng's confidants, armed, began to kill in the direction of the entrance and exit.

Somehow, Chen Feng suddenly changed his order and asked his men to kill Lin Xiao under the gun.

Mingming negotiated to lead Lin Xiao to appear, let him fall into an ambush and catch him, but Chen Feng suddenly changed his plan, which made Lin Tian very angry.

"Chen Feng! What are you doing?" With a very angry mood, Lin Tian roared at Chen Feng, "you are beating the grass and frightening the snake, which will only let Lin Xiao escape!"

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