Chen Feng disagreed and said in a deep voice, "I just received a report from my subordinates. Lin Xiaoqiang's outrageous behavior is useless because of our ambush! If he kills us, maybe the whole army will be destroyed!"

"So, I temporarily decided to let someone stop him. We should seize the time to dig a channel into the super warship!"

Chen Feng raised his hand and looked at his watch. "Time is running out. I don't think those people can stop Lin Xiao for long, up to two hours! Within two hours, we must dig out a channel! Enter the warship!"

"At that time, with the power of super warships, Lin Xiao can't help us!"

Lin Tian heard the confidence in Chen Feng's tone.

It seems that as long as he can enter the super warship, Chen Feng may be sure to drive it away and even call the weapon system.

It can be imagined that Chen Feng is not closely related to the black evil army, but still has a very close relationship.

Otherwise, how could he be entrusted with such an important task?

Moreover, God knows whether there will be robots like the supreme puppet in the super warship. If there is, even Lin Tian can't protect himself.

Chen Feng is insidious and vicious. If Lin Tian had not been guarded by a puppet supreme, he might have plotted against him.

Lin Tian is a little anxious. He is afraid that Lin Xiao will really be targeted by Chen Feng, but he can't show a different way. He is anxious to scratch his heart and liver.

Chen Feng ordered to speed up the excavation.

Although Chen Feng only left a team of people to dig and sent out all the teams of hundreds of people, the efficiency did not decrease too much.

Lin Tian had heard the beginning of the battle, and the sound of gunfire came one after another.

Boom, boom

Several grenades exploded outside the door, and the metal and electronic doors were deformed. It won't be long before they will be completely blown open.

In such a confined space, heat weapons play a great role. Even if a great master is blown up on the spot by a grenade, he will only be crushed to pieces.

"Boss!" Ah Fei was surprised. "It seems that this is going to kill. What's going on?"

Lin Xiao saw from the monitoring that the excavation team went all out and even used some explosives.

There was a faint vibration from the ground.

"These fools," said Lin Xiao angrily, "if you blow up like this, the whole underground base will have to be swallowed up by magma!"

As soon as Fang Qing's face changed, she had a psychological shadow over the magma.

The hot environment and the temperature that can almost distort space make people shudder when they think of it.

Boom, boom

Several more grenades exploded outside the door.

The electronic metal door was completely blown open.

More than a dozen soldiers carefully leaned over with thunder in their hands. They had opened the strings and could be thrown indoors at any time.

Lin Xiao raised his hand and slapped it on the wall.


Immediately slide a floor on the ground and a ladder extending downward appears.


Lin Xiao jumped in first.

The next second they jumped, more than a dozen grenades came in.

Boom, boom

The interior was bombed in chaos, and rubble and metal garbage filled half the house in an instant.

After a long time, dozens of armed soldiers slowly pressed over and waited quietly outside the door.

There is no sound in the room. The quiet air makes people very nervous.

"Dead?" A soldier looked at his companion and asked in a low voice.

"Ten * * are dead!"

We feel that such intensive bombing, in a room with limited space, even a mouse was killed, not to mention several big living people.


A man kicked open the dilapidated metal electronic door and rushed in with a gun.

Apart from the rubble on the ground, there is no human shadow.

"Shit! Let them escape!"

As soon as everyone saw that there was no ghost in the room, they hurried out.

The enemy fled and didn't know where to hide, which made them very confused.

"Attention, everyone!" A captain level figure stood up and said to everyone, "boss Chen gave an order to kill all Lin Xiao and others, and never leave future trouble! Kill him and reward ten yuan pills!"

The crowd was in an uproar.

Yuan Dan is now a hard currency, and everyone is flocking to it.

Chen Feng's ten yuan pills are great.

"What are you waiting for? Hurry to find someone! Since you are not in the room, you must have run away. Let's split up and search inch by inch!"

"In addition, we are in a group of three. The distance between groups is no more than 20 meters. The whole alert is gradually advancing. I don't believe he can fly to the sky and escape!"


All the rebels began to conduct intensive search, sweeping room by room along the passageway and hall, and did not miss any corner.

However, after looking for more than ten minutes, there was no shadow of Lin Xiao, as if they had disappeared out of thin air.

"Where are these people hiding?"

"It's definitely not that easy to escape under our eyes!"

"Cheer up! Boss Chen said, wait another half an hour until he takes control of the super warship and destroys the underground base with one shot! Even a bug will die! We have to finish the task before that."

The loud voice passed through the passage and ventilation system and reached Lin Xiao's ears.

The three hid in the underground vent, right at the feet of the group.

The footsteps smashed on their heads were ringing all the time, but no one found that the person they had been looking for was close in front of them.

"Lin Xiao! What should I do now? Can't I hide all the time?" Fang Qing is in a hurry.

In another half an hour, the other party may start the super warship. It will be more difficult to start at that time.

"Nothing!" Lin Xiao was calm, took out his tablet and ordered a few times, "just wait for them to catch up!"

Ah Fei looked up and said, "hall!"

"What hall?" Fang Qing was stunned. "Why do you always jump out of one word or two? Can you speak more clearly!"

Lin Xiao smiled. "Ah Fei means that now all the enemies are gathered in the hall. It's time to start!"

The hall has a wide area and is a transit space extending in all directions. It is connected by a channel at the entrance and extends several corridors leading to the facilities of each base.

If the enemy is in the hall, it is difficult to pass.

What's more, there are hundreds of people with live guns and bullets. Once they stay here, both the exits and entrances are blocked to death.

Therefore, these people did not continue to search, but stayed in the hall, ready to wait for the rabbit.

"All the passageways are tight. I've locked the door to the excavation. It's not so easy for these mice to get in. We'll stay here and see if they can't get out!"

"Captain, didn't you say that Lin Xiao is very powerful? Why did he hide like a shrinking turtle?" A big and thick soldier, who seemed a little bored, took out a cigarette and handed it to the leader.

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