The captain was a big beard. He took the cigarette and said with a sneer, "hum! The underground base we occupied is Lin Xiao's nest! He was chased like a grandson in his nest. He's really ashamed!"

"Captain, don't you say that Lin Xiao is worth a hundred yuan pills? It's a pity to kill him like this?"

Many soldiers turned their eyes and looked at the beard, with a hot light in their eyes.

One hundred yuan pills are absolutely an amazing wealth for martial artists.

Even if not all the people present are martial artists, it's enough to live a glorious life if they get their hands and sell money.

No one does not love money, not to mention these cruel people who lick blood with their knife heads. What they love most is to seek wealth and danger.

The beard's eyes turned and seemed to have something to say.

The others immediately calmed down and stared at the beard with hundreds of eyes.

They used to be mercenaries.

Most of the reason why I follow Chen Feng is also for money.

At the moment, the opportunity to earn huge wealth is at hand, and they can't miss it.

"Catch Lin Xiao and reward him with 100 yuan pills! It will be unimaginable wealth for martial artists. Who doesn't want it?"

"But it's not that easy to catch the mouse." Beard looked around, "even if he caught it, how to distribute it is also a problem, so..."

Someone immediately echoed the words of bearded, "brother, as long as you take the lead and get the yuan Dan, it's up to you to distribute it, even if you don't give me points, I'll recognize it!"

"Yes! I'll follow my brother!"

"Catch Lin Xiao and go to change yuan Dan!"

Big beard smiled, "not to mention that it's not so easy to catch Lin Xiao, even if it's really caught, it's against Chen Feng's order, and there must be no place for us at that time. Everyone knows that Chen Feng will be rewarded for his evil deeds, and it's not so easy to fool!"

"With Yuan Dan, Chen Feng is still afraid of farts? Doesn't he have something to do with the black evil army? When we catch Lin Xiao, we will not only receive high rewards, but also make great contributions. I believe general Ye lost will accept us as a member of the black evil army!"

"Good!" Big beard is waiting for others to say this. It's called a famous teacher.

"In that case, assign several people to monitor Chen Feng's action. Others guard all entrances and exits. I'll force Lin Xiao out!" Beard shouted confidently.

As soon as their eyes lit up, they thought that beards had already had a plan in mind, and their confidence suddenly rose.

Lin Xiao hid in the dark and listened to their dialogue clearly.

"Lin Xiao, they have hundreds of guns, and the space is very closed. They can't fight hard. Now these fools even want to catch you alive. This is a great opportunity!" Fang Qing sneered, "why don't we cooperate and have a nest of these grandchildren?"

Lin Xiao was tinkering with the tablet computer and said without raising his head, "what's the hurry? I'll show you a good play later!"

Beard had walked out of the crowd and came to the metal wall at the end of the corridor. He opened an electric switch box. There was a wrench in it and pulled it down hard.


Only the sound of rushing water came from a distance, empty and deep.

Everyone was confused and didn't understand what bearded was doing.

As Chen Feng's confidant, bearded had already got a lot of mechanism layout about the underground base from ah Fei.

The mechanism in front of us is called Shuiguan.

A Fei was drowned in truth and revealed many secrets in his confusion.

He once mentioned that in this underground base, the secret rooms are crisscross and extend in all directions.

If someone hides, nine times out of ten they will hide in a secret way.

In order to prevent the enemy from hiding, Lin Xiao once designed an anti hiding means, that is, water attack.

The water source hidden deep everywhere will irrigate into any hidden path when the mechanism is turned on and completely drive the enemy out.

Beard always remembered this mechanism. He didn't expect it to be useful one day.

"Hey, hey, hey..." big beard said with a grim smile, "no matter where Lin Xiao hides, he will run out like garbage when he is washed by the water. Then we will catch turtles in a jar!"

He had a big beard with good ideas. He was full of confidence. He believed that Lin Xiao would be forced out.

Kaka, Kaka

Bearded loaded the gun and shouted, "everyone cheer up. When Lin Xiao appears, he will rush up and catch him!"


Several soldiers in charge of putting the power grid out quickly, opened the power grid in their hands and hid in the dark.

The sound of water is getting louder and louder.

A burst of water vapor came to Fang Qing's face and made Fang Qing's pupils shrink slightly. "Lin Xiao! Why are there so many mechanisms in your broken place? It's impossible to prevent!"

Lin Xiao also quickly clicked his finger on the tablet.

Fang Qing looked at it suspiciously and saw that there were many weapon accessories on the screen, which were being assembled one by one.

In the space above the hall, an anti-aircraft machine gun has been assembled, and a box of tens of thousands of bullets has been assembled.

Bearded and others did not expect that death hung over their heads.

Lin Xiao clicks the finish button.


The ceiling opens slowly.

The soldiers in ambush in the hall subconsciously looked up and saw a barrel with the thickness of an adult's arm slowly sticking out.

The black muzzle is very penetrating.

At first, we didn't know what it was. When we saw it clearly, we were all stunned.

Then the muzzle of the gun spun wildly.

Bang Bang

The huge sound of machine guns sounded like the horn of death, and the scene turned blood red in an instant.

The caliber of such a large gun is more than 9mm. It's a special armor piercing bullet, not to mention the human body. Even if the armored combat vehicle comes, it can't bear it at all.

Dense bullets covered the crowd.

The rotating machine gun puffed the flames and roared.

Lin Xiao turned around and left. He knew that the overall situation here had been decided, so he said in a deep voice, "let's go! Let's go to the excavation area!"

You don't have to think about how miserable the situation in the hall is.

Hundreds of people didn't insist for a minute, they were swept away and turned into broken meat.

The battle here seems to be irrelevant to Chen Feng.

Their life and death can not affect Yin Feng's mood.

Even Chen Feng didn't have the heart to care about whether he killed Lin Xiao or caught Lin Xiao.

All his thoughts are on digging now.

Seeing that he was about to dig to the hatch position, Chen Feng held a round silver plate tightly in his hand and trembled gently.

"Tighten up and dig hard for me!" Chen Feng looked at his watch and his eyes obviously became eager.

Everyone moves more quickly, shovels swing more frequently, and small directional explosives are also playing a role.

The huge hull of the ship is emerging, and the hatch is becoming more and more prominent.

"Right away!" Chen Feng took a deep breath and thought of being able to control such a powerful super warship, raising a trace of pride and excitement for no reason.

Lin Tian frowned anxiously. He had been paying attention to Lin Xiao for fear of an accident.

But all his men were dug up by Chen Feng. He couldn't send someone out to investigate.

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