Lin Xiao didn't want to conflict with these people because there was a puppet supreme on the scene.

He did not know who the Supreme Master of the puppet was. If he belonged to the enemy, he would only die if he revealed his identity.

That's why you have such an unpredictable behavior. See if you can bluff each other.

Ah Fei didn't know Lin Xiao's intention, so he didn't interrupt.

As soon as Chen Feng came in, he was attracted by the virtual image. At this time, a stranger suddenly appeared in front of him. For a time, he didn't think of Lin Xiao.

"Are you the owner of the warship?" Chen Feng was really fooled. He looked at Lin Tian and motioned that he should be ready for the puppet supreme at any time. Once he started, he must take the other party at the first time.

Lin Tian vaguely felt that the person standing in front of him was very familiar. Suddenly he moved in his heart and realized something.

"This boy is very clever..." Lin Xiao noticed Lin Tian's expression and found the joy in his eyes. He immediately guessed that Lin Tian must know his identity.

"Of course!" Lin Xiao's Old God was there, giving directions. "Who are you? Dare you disturb our Qingxiu?"

Chen Feng was really frightened, but he saw Ah Fei with a pale face behind Lin Xiao, and his face tightened all at once.

Ah Fei fled and probably joined Lin Xiao. Since he appeared here, nine times out of ten the person in front of him was Lin Xiao.

"Good!" Chen Feng reacted and said grimly, "dare you lie to me? Are you Lin Xiao? It's really hard to find anywhere. It takes no effort! I didn't expect you to throw yourself into the net!"

"Someone!" Chen Feng gave an order, "catch him!"


Many soldiers raised their guns and surrounded Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao was unafraid and continued to look unfathomable, "hum! Don't cry when you don't see the coffin! Dare to invade my warship and don't know whether to live or die!"

Chen Feng was frightened again, thinking that he guessed wrong?


Ah Fei behind the boy has escaped. How can he run to the warship?

"Tie me up!" Lin Xiao points to Chen Feng.

Fang Qing turned her eyes and suddenly shook her hand. The scarf turned into a blue awn and shot quietly in front of Chen Feng.

Caught off guard, Chen Feng only felt that a vast force was acting on him. He wanted to break free, but there was nothing he could do. At that time, all the ghosts scared at that time.

Chen Feng was surrounded by a blue energy band, which tied him tightly.


Chen Feng fell to the ground.

Everyone was surprised.

What magic is this?

They have never seen a bundle of Xiansuo. This kind of thing can only be owned by the top level of the black evil army.

Fang Qing hasn't used this weapon since she got it. Unexpectedly, she can bind master wuduan's master for the first time.

Lin Xiao's eyes brightened, "this thing is very strong!"

Lin Xiao was just trying to test it. Unexpectedly, the function of binding immortal rope was so strong that he frightened the enemy at once.

He took a look at the silent practice, but there was no movement from the other party, and his heart was relieved.

Chen Feng's Secret hasn't been solved yet. If he knows Lin Xiao now, he will certainly scare the snake.

Lin Tian's eyes turned and immediately shouted to Xiu, "catch them!"


Lin Tian and Xiu started at the same time and rushed towards Lin Xiao.

A puppet Supreme Master is naturally easy to catch when dealing with a great master.

Lin Xiao was startled. He thought Lin Tian didn't recognize himself. This was a real fight.

However, just as he was about to speak and stop drinking, the puppet Supreme Master suddenly stumbled and lay down straight on the ground.

Lin Tian also rushed over and quickly said, "young master, do it quickly and catch the puppet supreme!"

Lin Xiao reacted instantly, stepped directly on the puppet supreme, and pretended to yell, "even the puppet supreme dares to offend me and die!"


The puppet supreme was kicked off by Lin Xiao.


Lin Xiao rushed out again and punched and kicked the puppet supreme, so that Xiu had no ability to fight back.

Chen Feng was stunned. His strength is too strong. He can beat the puppet supreme. Isn't he really supreme?

The supreme himself will give people a sense of mystery, and Lin Xiao's sudden appearance in the warship is strange everywhere.

"Isn't he Lin Xiao, really the owner of the warship?"

He can beat the puppet supreme and has a super warship. This is already a strong man on an equal footing with Ye lost. Chen Feng didn't have the slightest resistance. He immediately shouted, "all misunderstandings, all misunderstandings..."

Holding the puppet supreme, Lin Xiao came to Chen Feng and said with a grim smile, "misunderstanding? You trespassed on this warship and dared to speak unkindly. You should be condemned to death!"

"Don't... don't..." Chen Feng said anxiously, "do you know general Ye lost? I'm his subordinate. We're a family!"

"What shit, ye lost general? I don't know!" Lin Xiao said carelessly, "whose man are you? It's none of my business?"

As like as two peas, the general is the commander of the black army. He has the Phoenix battleship, just like your battleship. Chen Feng was in a hurry, so he had to move Ye lost out. He felt that the person in front of him might have something to do with the black evil army. Otherwise, how could he have such a powerful warship.

"Oh?" Lin Xiao pretended to take a breath, "you mean the Black Ghost army?"

Lin Tian really admired Lin Xiao's reaction. He just temporarily decided to play a play for Chen Feng, which made him mistakenly think that Lin Xiao was related to the black evil army. Unexpectedly, Lin Xiao really understood his eyes.

As long as Chen Feng believes in the relationship between Lin Xiao and the black evil army, he will relax his vigilance and unknowingly shake out the secret of the black evil army.

"Yes, yes..." Chen Feng was really set up and nodded hurriedly, "would you like to talk to the black evil army..."

"Hum!" Lin Xiao looked like an expert. "Naturally, I am also a member of the black evil army. It's just that the warship fault fell here decades ago. If you hadn't awakened me, I would still be asleep."

"No wonder Lord ha Shen asked me to dig the warship. It turned out that he knew your existence long ago," Chen Feng said with a sigh of relief and a smile on his face. "We are our own people, our own people..."

When Fang Qing heard the four words of Lord ha Shen, her small face changed color and her eyes became gloomy.

"Ha God?" Lin Xiao deliberately said with disdain, "who is he? How do you know the existence of this seat?"

"Lord ha Shen is the first valiant general under general Ye lost. He is the big man who stands on the same level with the pioneer Yuye. He is the one who guides the villain to meet you!"

"Hum!" Lin Xiao said angrily, "then why didn't he tell you the existence of this seat?"

"This..." Chen Feng only received orders and came to look for the existence of the warship. He didn't receive information about the warship and its owner.

But this powerful young man can defeat the puppet supreme, which is enough to show his strength. He really should be the master of the warship.

"Don't think about it. Ha God is your boss, isn't he?" Lin Xiao turned his eyes and immediately asked, "take me to him right away. I want to ask who is leading the black evil army!"

Lin Xiao showed a real head of the black evil army, which made Chen Feng more frightened.

Ye lost is now the most powerful person on earth, but this one looks more powerful.

Chen Feng joined the black evil army in order to become prosperous. Of course, he should seize such a good opportunity at present.

"Yes, my Lord!"

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