Chen Feng was very excited because Lin Xiao didn't kill him.

As the "ship owner," Lin Xiao put on airs.

"Are you all from the black evil army?" Lin Xiao stabbed himself into a chair and gave orders to the people. He really looked like a high captain.

The people were afraid to move and stood aside timidly.

Chen Feng smiled pleasantly, "Lord Hui, we are all members of the black evil army. I directly belong to the small forward under Lord ha Shen!"

Chen Feng put gold on his face and made a small forward, which made Lin Xiao laugh in his heart.

"Ha God, right? Where is he? Take me to him now!" Lin Xiao has decided to take Chen Feng as the rebel leader and take ha Shen. This operation is a perfect end.

"Yes..." Chen Feng naturally dared not neglect, "I will naturally take adults to see general ha Shen, but what about the warship? I think it's better to drive the warship out directly, which can also be regarded as a deterrent to outsiders!"

Chen Feng has always dreamed of taking such a super warship to prestige. Although the warship has a master, it does not prevent him from pretending to be a tiger.

How majestic would it be to think of sitting in a super warship and appearing in front of those brothers outside?

"Yes..." Lin Xiao's eyes flashed, "I think you are very loyal. I'll give you a chance to open the warship!"

"Ah? Me?" Chen Feng was flattered, but even with a bitter smile on his face, he said, "how can I drive a warship? Which one drives it? Besides, I don't have that skill!"

"You can't drive? How did you get in?" Lin Xiao pretended to be unhappy and said, "didn't God just give you the key and tell you the way to open the warship?"

"Ouch!" Chen Feng thought Lin Xiao was trying to cultivate himself, but he really couldn't open it, and he wasn't qualified to open it. "Go back, sir! I just accepted the order of general Hansen, found the location of the warship and sent back its location information. Naturally, the top level of the black evil army will come to open it. Who is qualified to open the warship by me?"

"As for the key, general ye asked Lord ha Shen to hand it over to me and said it could open the warship cabin door!"

"I think..." Chen Feng flattered. "This warship belongs to adults and should be opened by adults. We also want to see the prestige of super warships."

"By the way, sir," Chen Feng said, "just now AI said, this is a sightseeing ship, sir..."

Chen Feng wanted to ask, since Lin Xiao is the owner of the sightseeing ship, what is his identity?

Shouldn't it be a general?

If it wasn't a general, would his position in the black evil army be lower than ye lost?

"Hum!" Lin Xiao said coldly, "what do you mean? Are you questioning this authority?"

"No, no, no... I just asked casually!"

Lin Xiao sneered, "just a servant, also deserve to ask my identity."

"Yes!" Chen Feng didn't dare to ask more. Lin Xiao's ability to subdue puppet supremacy alone can't be underestimated. Even if he doesn't have any military rank, he must have a certain position.

"It doesn't hurt to tell you," Lin Xiao decided to make up a reason casually in order not to let the other party doubt, "In fact, this sightseeing ship is just one of my countless warships. Decades ago, I came out from Qiangyun star to play. I didn't expect to meet the turbulence of time and space and accidentally fall on the earth. Ah... It's also a pity. I don't know if I have a chance to return to my planet!"

Lin Xiao was so tall that he startled everyone.

Even Fang Qing, who knew the details of Lin Xiao, almost believed it.

"This boy is really full of nonsense!"

Even Fang Qing almost believed it, let alone Chen Feng.

He has no doubts at all.

Such a powerful warship is just one of them. How rich is your family?

"Sir, let's open our eyes and see the state when the warship is opened. I believe it must be spectacular!" Chen Feng held back his excitement and said pleasantly.

"Open what eyes?" Lin Xiao was stunned and asked him to drive the strong cloud? He can fart.

Moreover, this kind of warship must have an intelligent opening system. If it is not the real owner, how can it open?

Lin Xiao is just fooling. He wants Chen Feng to take him to God ha. Only in this way can he kill two birds with one stone.

But now it seems that Lin Xiao plays a little big

"Of course, open the warship to open your eyes!" Chen Feng is very persistent.

His men also looked hot and talked.

"My Lord! Just show us. It's our honor!"

"Yes, sir! There are not many such opportunities in your life. Just meet us!"

"My Lord! Please fulfill our wishes!"

Chen Feng and others knelt down together.

Even Fang Qing joked, "my Lord, let me open my eyes?"

"Get out!" Lin Xiao rolled his eyes. "Don't make trouble!"

Fang Qing giggled.

Looking at the kneeling man, Lin Xiao was a little embarrassed.

If he refuses and chooses to go out with them to see Ha God, it seems very cheap.

He also wants to open the warship, but how?

If you don't open it, I'm afraid it will arouse suspicion.

It won't open again.

It's really embarrassing!

"My Lord!" Chen Feng took a step forward and said with a smile, "if you don't dislike small ones, let me do it for you. You can tell me how to open the warship. I'm willing to be your pawn!"

"Cough!" Lin Xiao was embarrassed. He thought about it and slowly stood up. "It's not that I don't want to drive, but the strong cloud was damaged in that year, and the energy may not be enough..."

As soon as Lin Xiao's voice fell, he heard artificial intelligence.

"The energy pool is undamaged, can use 80% of the energy, and can provide sailing service!"

Lin Xiao's face was black at that time.

Everyone was overjoyed.

"My Lord! You can drive without damage. That's great!" Chen Feng stood up and said excitedly, "adults, let's open our eyes!"

"Yes, my Lord!"

Hundreds of pairs of eyes stared at him, which made Lin Xiao very embarrassed.

ride a tiger and find it hard to get off.

Lin Xiao can't pretend anymore. He already has the impulse to kill all these guys and run away directly.

He believed that Chen Feng must have a means to contact ha God.

In case he was exposed, ha Shen sent a large army to press him. He had to run hard.

He believed that there must be a puppet supreme in the camp of HA God. It is estimated that Lin Tian's puppet will not be of great use.

In order to hide his identity, Lin Xiao's puppet supreme invincible did not bring it, which was really in a dilemma.

"Cough..." Lin Xiao covered up his embarrassment with a cough and looked for a solution.

Just then, AI spoke again.

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