Artificial intelligence seems to be deliberately against Lin Xiao.

Just listen to it say, "do you want to turn on the strong cloud number? Please enter your personal identification code! Or go to the console to start it manually!"

All the people looked at Lin Xiao and were looking forward to his action.

Lin Xiao glanced at Fang Qing, who stood up and said he couldn't help.

"Er......" Lin Xiao murmured, "my ID code......"

Everyone's heart beat faster and looked forward to the next thing.


Everyone almost fell.


This is your own warship. Did you forget the identification code?

Lin Xiao said with a dry smile, "why don't you start it manually?"

AI quickly responded, "yes!"

"Shit!" Lin Xiaoyin scolded. He dug a hole for himself step by step.

Everyone is watching Lin Xiao. He can't ride a tiger. But now he has to go to the main control room first.


Where is the main control room?

This strong cloud, which is comparable to the Phoenix warship, is no less than a small city in terms of area. Let alone Lin Xiao's unclear terrain layout, even if he knows, it will take a lot of time to find the main control room.

Just then, Fang Qing said, "please take us to the main control room!"

"OK! Please follow my instructions!" Artificial intelligence is real intelligence. It simply responds to every request.

This is also the characteristic of sightseeing. The attack level is not so high, but the defense and service level are very high, because they receive some tourists, and what they need is considerate service.

A flying disc suddenly appeared in the room, making an intelligent sound.

"Dear guests, please follow me. Now we are going to visit the highest level control room of Qiangyun. Please walk in order!"

The crowd followed the disc robot and rushed out.

Walking out of the reception hall, I saw green in front of me.

Seeing the scenery in front of us, no one was immune from vulgarity, and almost made a startling cry with one voice.

"How beautiful!"

"How beautiful!"

Outside the hall, it suddenly opened up, as if back to the pastoral forest, a lush.

"This kind of tree has never been seen on the earth..." Fang Qing looked up and saw that on the thick tree pole dozens of meters high, there were strange leaves. The leaves were all red and there were light blue spots on them, which looked very bright.

"This is the purple star tree. Its oxygen production ability is very outstanding. It can be appreciated or used as oxygen output!" Artificial intelligence is easily introduced.

In addition to this purple star tree, there are different kinds of flowers and plants, large and small, which decorate the whole space with colorful colors, just like a fairyland on earth.

They walked on a transparent floating bridge, with light smoke passing under their feet, and some unknown birds shuttling between them, making light and crisp calls.

Lin Xiao seemed to forget the crisis and couldn't help asking, "how did these plants survive in this closed space for thousands of years?"

"Qiangyun has its own circular space, let alone thousands of years. More time can continue. Maybe in a few years, new life can be born." Artificial intelligence said mischievously.

Everyone was surprised.

This kind of thing, science fiction movies dare not play.

This has opened a new era. The strength of extraterrestrial civilization has refreshed everyone's cognition again.

"Please come with me!"

The pontoon changes slowly and extends a new channel.

The disc robot took a turn and increased its speed slightly.


A huge and spectacular waterfall seems to come from the void, forming a rippling pool on the ground.

The pool is crystal clear.

Two huge shadows passed through the pool and made a shocking sound of stepping on the water.

PA Chi, PA Chi

"Is this... Dinosaur?" Fang Qing exclaimed.

Artificial intelligence laughed like a silver bell, "this is a creature from the earth."

"My darling," Lin Tian's eyes widened, "is this a dinosaur hundreds of millions of years ago? Can you still live in a warship deep underground?"

Everyone looked incredible and was completely shocked by the scene in front of us.

They probably forgot that the purpose of this trip was to open the warship to rush out of the ground. At the moment, they are just immersed in the atmosphere of enjoying ancient civilization.

With the continuous progress, artificial intelligence continues to introduce everything about the existence of strong cloud stars, so that everyone has a very intuitive understanding of extraterrestrial civilization.

Vehicles flying in mid air, transportation lines across the whole planet, high-rise buildings that can reach the sky, and powerful humans who can fly freely in the sky.

"Yes, humans who can fly?" Fang Qing exclaimed in surprise, "do you mean wearing flight equipment?"

"No," said AI with a smile, "it's that people can get rid of the gravity of the earth after training to a certain extent. Some people can even fly out of the earth's surface and out of the universe. Of course, such people are very rare, even in a group!"

Lin Xiao's eyelids jumped.

"Excuse me," Fang Qing mused, "is there a master more powerful than the Supreme Master?"

Lin Xiao wanted to ask, but when he thought of his "identity", he was the owner of the warship and came from Qiangyun star. How could he not know this childish question.

If you ask, you must reveal the truth.

"Supreme?" AI chuckled, "it's just the beginning of martial arts. The supreme is called master. It's already a very powerful master."

"The master can fly in the sky. Although it doesn't last long, it's no problem to fly freely inside the planet with the help of equipment."

During the artificial intelligence conversation, a picture suddenly appeared in front of everyone. It was a video from strong cloud star.

The police who were flying in mid air to maintain law and order were all master level masters.

Everyone was shocked and suddenly found that if they were placed on Qiangyun star, they would be just the most ordinary people.

"Above the master, he is called the star Lord, who commands the affairs of a star and has great authority!"

"Look, this is the star Lord!" AI pointed to a middle-aged man in a blue cloak in a high tower in the seven-dimensional picture and said, "he is the star master of strong Cloud Star! Strong cloud!"

"Cough," Lin Xiao coughed a few times, looking arrogant, "I know!"

The crowd immediately showed an expression of worship to him.

Fang Qing rolled her eyes and almost laughed.

"Your Excellency, do you know the Lord?" Chen Feng's eyes are straight. He feels that he has found a treasure. If he can get on with this adult, he won't be able to prosper in the future?

"Of course!" Lin Xiao said coldly, "I'm a man with several spaceships. It's not easy to know the star Lord?"

Everyone showed worship again.

Just then, artificial intelligence spoke again.

"The star master has hundreds of thousands of ordinary warships, tens of thousands of class a tiger ships, 100 class s warships, 30 SS Raiders, six SSS battleships and one overlord class warship."

The implication of artificial intelligence is that you only have a few warships, which is a little far from the star master.

"Cough..." Lin Xiao almost choked to death. This artificial intelligence code is against himself, isn't it?

Chen Feng was also very embarrassed, but he did not doubt anything. His admiration for Lin Xiao was sufficient.

"My Lord! When you have the chance to return to Qiangyun star, you must take me to meet the star Lord!"

Lin Xiao sneered in his heart. I'm afraid you don't have that chance. You'll lose your head as the leader of the rebel army soon.

"This way, please! The main control room will be here soon!"

In a word, artificial intelligence pulled Lin Xiao's thoughts back.

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