"What's the matter?" Fang Qing's beautiful eyebrows crowded together and stared at Lin Xiao strangely, "who is the master?"

"How do I know?" Lin Xiao was also confused.

Lin Tian blinked, subconsciously glanced around and asked Lin Xiao, "young master! Who is the master? It's a little strange."

The woman's voice rang again, "please start the emergency identification program and repair the artificial intelligence system in the ship!"

Everyone's eyes looked at Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao was stared at by hundreds of eyes, and his whole body was not strong.

Now, Chen Feng was more convinced that Lin Xiao was the owner of the warship.

"My Lord!?" Chen Feng stared at Lin Xiao nervously, "let you repair artificial intelligence."

"I......" Lin Xiao's facial muscles were stiff. He forced out a smile and said with a dry smile, "let me start?"

"Just ask the master to say the password!"

"I don't know the password..." Lin Xiao blurted out and regretted it.

Sure enough.

Chen Feng and others looked surprised and surprised.

"Sir, why don't you know the password?" Chen Feng's suspicious character made him cautious again.

AI was not surprised at all, but said softly, "if you don't know the password, just put your palm on the console and answer to confirm!"

Lin Xiao swallowed a mouthful of saliva. He felt that the things in front of him were too strange for him to accept.

However, with so many eyes staring at himself, he couldn't flinch, so he had to walk slowly to the console, put his hand gently on it, and said tentatively, "I'm sure!"

Lin Xiao felt a slight tingling in the palm.


A blue light swept through everyone.

Then, the disk guided robot made a strange noise, and there seemed to be a reminder of program restart.

Didi didi

The color of the whole main control room has changed from blue to red.

"Confirmation succeeded!"

The sentence of artificial intelligence made Lin Xiao completely stupid on the spot.

To confirm the meaning of success, he is the owner of Qiangyun.

But he didn't know that he was the master of the strong cloud. The change of things was too dramatic.

"My Lord!?"

Chen Feng was more respectful. He bent over to Lin Xiao and asked with a smile, "what's the matter? Are you here?"

"Ah? Nothing..." Lin Xiao reacted from his absence. He didn't know whether to be excited or afraid.

It is difficult for anyone to accept something thousands or thousands of years ago.

"Lin Xiao! What the hell? Are you hiding something from me?" Fang Qing was surprised. She came quickly and asked in a low voice.

"I don't understand what happened!" To tell the truth, Lin Xiao slowly left the console with a tiny wound in the palm.

On the console, on the contrary, a drop of bright red blood is slowly infiltrating into the table and soon disappears.

The red color of the main control room also slowly faded.

Artificial intelligence speaks again.

"You have obtained the highest permission of strong cloud number. Please re-enter your private ID!"

On the console, a virtual keyboard appears.

Lin Xiao casually entered a string of eight digit passwords.


"Hello, Captain! Welcome back!"

Lin Xiao's eyes were dull and didn't dare to believe everything in front of him.

"What shall we do now, my lord? Shall we sail out?"

Lin Xiao has no time to talk to Chen Feng now. He subconsciously opens the spacecraft operation manual and finds that these contents are as obscure as heavenly books.

If you want to start the spaceship, it's nonsense to rely on one person alone.

"This..." Lin Xiao's eyes received a light signal, and all the information directly acted on the brain through the retina.

A large number of spaceship operation processes glided past his eyes like water, and were engraved in his mind word by word by Lin Xiao's demon's memory.

"It takes at least 64 people to start the spaceship, and a logistics team of 1000 people... Where can I find these people?"

Sixty four people must also be professional engineers. They need a complete team from sailing, control, maintenance to long-distance navigation correction system.

In short, it is unrealistic for Lin Xiao to drive the boat out now.

"My lord?" Chen Feng was impatient.

"Hum!" Lin Xiao snorted coldly. He is not afraid to expose his identity now.

Even though the ship already belongs to itself, no matter what reason, it is completely under its own control at the moment.

In this way, even if he can't drive out, Chen Feng won't doubt anything. He will only respect Lin Xiao more.

"Do you think this spaceship is so easy to fly?" Lin Xiao scolded angrily, "it needs a lot of people. Without professional engineers, you can't even move an inch!"

"Ah? No?" Chen Feng exclaimed in surprise, "what should I do? Such an S-class warship can't be buried underground forever."

"No hurry!" Lin Xiao said, "when I find time to recruit a group of technicians, I can drive away!"

Lin Xiao has recorded all the information in the operation manual in his mind. When he goes out, he is going to choose a group of loyal people to teach them to sail.

With this spaceship, we are more confident against the Phoenix warship.

However, the Phoenix warship is a military class warship, and its attack ability is very strong. The front of the strong cloud must not be able to fight.

However, according to the data, Qiangyun has the most advanced defense system, which can withstand the strong bombardment of the main gun of the S-class warship without breaking.

As long as the energy is sufficient, it can easily retreat safely under the bombardment of S-class warships.

Without technicians and energy supply, Lin Xiao can't show his strength. He has to continue the play.

"What now?" Chen Feng has completely trusted Lin Xiao and followed his lead.

Lin Xiao looked at him, "well, we'll go out to find ha God right away. I have something to ask him!"

"OK!" Chen Feng did not doubt it and immediately nodded, "Lord ha Shen will be happy to know your existence. I'll send him the news now!"

Chen Feng did have the equipment to deliver messages. He took out a small silver plate and touched it gently to connect it.

"Wait a minute!" Lin Xiao suddenly pressed Chen Feng's communicator with his hand and said with a smile, "don't tell God ha my existence first. You say that the warship has arrived, but it can't be opened for the time being. Please go back and make a decision!"

"Ah? Don't tell God ha your existence?" Chen Feng was stunned.

Lin Xiao immediately explained, "you know, I came to the earth decades ago and slept for so long. Ha God, these people may not have heard of me. In order to avoid trouble, I have to observe first!"

"That's right," Chen Feng said in a deep voice. "Your Excellency has a noble identity. It's not good to be remembered in case of exposure! If your excellency believes me, listen to my arrangement. I'll escort you out first, wait until I find the right technicians and sail back. What do you think?"

"Hahaha..." Lin Xiao said with a smile, "that's great. I won't treat you badly!"

"Thank you, my Lord!" Chen Feng has completely regarded Lin Xiao as a big man of Qiang Yunxing and is determined to follow him one day.

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