"All right! Go and arrange it quickly!" Lin Xiao waved proudly.

"Yes!" Chen Feng immediately took orders.

Just then, everyone suddenly felt an unexpected vibration under their feet.


Artificial intelligence makes sound.

"Captain! The underground magma is active and will submerge the whole underground area in an hour and 30 minutes. If you want to go out, you need to prepare in advance."

"Yes!" Lin Xiao had long expected this result.

The crowd was a little flustered.

Covered by magma, the scene is daunting just thinking about it.

"What should I do?" Someone exclaimed, "can this ship resist the invasion of magma? Won't it be melted?"

Artificial intelligence smiled, "the strong cloud can withstand a high temperature of 10 million degrees without opening the shield. After opening the shield, it can withstand 15 million degrees. Even if it directly impacts the stellar core, there is no problem!"

The crowd suddenly spoke, which was too abnormal.

"Of course," Ai added, "this warship capability only exists above class s, and class A and below can't achieve this effect!"

"I see!"

Such a strong defense ability to resist the mere magma is no different from throwing a glass of water on the warship.

However, the current situation is not whether the warship can resist the magma, but its own escape.

The strong cloud can't start. They have to go through underground space if they want to go out.

During the excavation of Qiangyun, Chen Feng and others used a large number of directional explosives to destroy the underground strata, making the magma flow completely out of control.

If they hadn't stayed inside the strong cloud, they would have been attacked by the heat wave and turned into gas.

"Even if it can't cause damage to the warship, we can't get out!"

"There is still more than an hour," Lin Xiao raised his hand and looked at his watch. "We must rush out during this period of time, otherwise we can't get out in our life!"

Everyone was nervous and subconsciously raised their legs and ran out.

The main control room is half an hour away from the exit, leaving them little time.

"Wait a minute!"

Just as everyone was about to run out, AI spoke.

"If you want to go out, I can send you a small shuttle ship. Does the captain need it?"

Lin Xiao's eyes lit up. He was worried that he couldn't leave. Artificial intelligence seemed to know his mind, so he nodded immediately, "why didn't you say it earlier? Of course you need it. Help me prepare quickly!"

"Yes, Captain!" The voice of artificial intelligence shuilingling is very good, "you can call me Xiaoling!"

"Xiao Ling?" Lin Xiao looked strange. "Are you artificial intelligence or real people?"

"It's not wrong to say I'm human, but I'm actually artificial intelligence..."

As Xiao Ling's voice stopped, a tall young woman in silver tights came out from behind a door.

Xiao Ling looks beautiful, has a slim waist, and looks without any excess fat. She is full of beauty and strength.

It's probably inappropriate to say fat, because I don't know whether she is a human or a machine. The composition and structure of the body is more opaque.

"Yes, Captain!" Xiao Ling knelt gracefully and said respectfully.

"Are you Xiao Ling?" Lin Xiao's eyes brightened, "are you..."

"Back to captain! I'm actually an artificial intelligence, but my brain comes from human beings!"

"I see!" Lin Xiao suddenly asked, "stop chatting. Please help us prepare a small shuttle ship!"

"Ready!" Xiao Ling replied.

"So fast..." Lin Xiao was stunned, but then he woke up. Xiaoling was artificial intelligence. Her brain was connected with the whole spacecraft, and it was only milliseconds to give orders.

"Please follow me!" Xiaoling turned gracefully and took the people out.

It is said to be a small shuttle ship. In fact, it can accommodate hundreds of people, which is no smaller than the space of modern aircraft.

But its hardness and function are far beyond the aircraft on earth.

When they came to the receiving and guiding cabin, the magma outside the ship had begun to flood, and the ground was red.

Through the holographic image, Lin Xiao saw that the underground base he had worked hard for ten years had been destroyed under the magma. He felt some regret in his heart.

Although compared with the strong cloud, the underground base is not worth mentioning, after all, it used to be my own effort. Now it turns into fly ash, which is very uncomfortable.

"Boss!" Ah Fei walked to Lin Xiao, his eyes also showed regret. There was hatred and strong emotion in his heart, which made his fists tightly clenched together.

Even if ah Fei didn't say anything, he could see from his cold eyes in the gap between his hair that a surge of hatred was growing in his heart.

The culprit of all this comes from the black evil army.

The black evil army invaded the earth and regarded human life as grass mustard. It did not regard the earth people as the object of equal communication at all.

If it were not for the black evil army, the drug dragon temple could not fall apart and escape, becoming a laughing stock in the eyes of others.

"It's all right! Sooner or later, we'll get back everything that belongs to us!" Lin Xiao patted ah Fei on the shoulder and smiled.


Then the winding ladder rose up from below.

Xiaoling led the way in front and took the people into the small shuttle ship one after another.

"Captain! Come back early!" Xiao Ling winked at Lin Xiao and said mischievously.

"Don't worry!" Lin Xiao was in a good mood. He made an OK gesture to her and showed a bright smile.

He got an S-class warship for nothing. Although he had no weapon system, he was no less than the Phoenix warship. As a result, Lin Xiao's confidence increased greatly.

Ha God's Legion stopped marching and stationed on the spot.

Ha God has blocked the whole mountain by land and air.

At this time, he received a message from Chen Feng and found the strong cloud.

"Great!" Ha Shen patted the table and stood up excitedly, "we have found the strong cloud, and our strength has greatly increased! Even if Duan Yi in the front hall of the king successfully escaped the turbulent flow of time and space and rushed to the earth, he will not be afraid!"

"Congratulations, Lord ha Shen! You have made great achievements this time, and you will certainly get a great reward from general Ye!" My confidant was also excited and hurried to hug and congratulate.

Ha Shen rubbed his hands and said excitedly, "call general Ye right away and say that the strong cloud has been found. Sure enough, it is under the Kunlun Mountains!"


"In addition..." Ha Shen's eyes were cold. "After Chen Feng left, immediately blow up all the entrances to the medicine dragon temple base. No living person is allowed to leave!"

"I see!"

Ha God doesn't care about the lives of ordinary people. In his eyes, people on earth are mole ants and aborigines. It's not worth mentioning how much they die.

Ha Shen personally welcomed out of the gate of the garrison and saw a streamer in the air, and his pupil couldn't help shrinking slightly.

This flight orbit and its speed mean that this spacecraft is a special kind of light shuttle ship belonging to warships above class s, which is of great strategic significance.

"Sure enough, it's the strong cloud..." Ha Shen seems to have a special emotion for the strong cloud.

Even in his eyes, the existence of Qiangyun is more important than the Phoenix warship.

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