Deputy Johnson walked up to him and seemed to have something to say. After a long silence, he asked, "Sir, why do you attach so much importance to the Qiangyun? I heard that the Qiangyun is just an S-class sightseeing ship. It has no offensive ability and has very limited military significance."

"You know a fart," Ha Shen sneered. "Do you know what the predecessor of the strong cloud was? It once frightened the black evil army..."

Johnson shook his head blankly. He was a new soldier of the black evil army. He officially became the deputy of HA God before the black evil star set out. He knew nothing about the past history of the black evil army.

"Qiangyun was produced in Qiangyun star. It was the seat of Qiangyun, the master of Qiangyun star," said ha Shen youyou. "It's common to have an SSS class warship as the star master, not to mention an S-class sightseeing ship?"

"But why did Qiang Yun name a sightseeing ship after himself?" Ha God looked at his men and seemed to be waiting for his answer.

"This..." Johnson touched his bald head and said subconsciously, "maybe he likes this spaceship best? Or what is the memorial significance?"

"Ha ha... Like is on the one hand. In fact, the most important thing," Ha Shen raised his head and looked at the sky with deep eyes. "The predecessor of this warship, from the star demon battlefield, is a real overlord warship!"

"What?" Johnson was surprised. "Bully, Overlord class warship?"

Among spaceships, the top warship series is the overlord class warship.

Johnson had never seen what the overlord class warship looked like, but he had also heard of its power.

It is said that an overlord class warship has a total of 12 main guns. The power of the main gun at the head is unparalleled. Once the gun goes down, the planet can be destroyed. It's stupid to step on it.

How can an S-class sightseeing ship be related to the overlord class warship?

"Everyone feels incredible after listening to this kind of thing, but that's the truth," Ha Shen suddenly sighed. "The star demon battlefield is not only the burial ground of life, but also the burial ground of spacecraft warships. Entering the star demon battlefield, even the final result of overlord warships is not happy!"

Johnson was fascinated. He couldn't imagine that the predecessor of Qiangyun was an overlord class warship.

"After the strong cloud was broken, the strong Cloud Star owner was reluctant to let it retire, so he transformed it into a sightseeing ship, but..." Ha God frowned slightly, "I don't know why the strong cloud ship will come to the earth!"

"My Lord, the strong cloud ship came to the earth thousands of years ago. At that time, the strong Cloud Star master was a pioneer in the king's front hall. It is said that..." Johnson didn't know what to think, and his face turned white.

Ha God looked at him and said with a sneer, "what are you afraid of? The emperor of heaven and earth is only half a step away from achieving the realm of the supreme virtual king. Sooner or later, he will replace him with the king. If you have anything, say it. There's nothing to avoid!"

Even though it was countless light-years away, Johnson was still frightened to mention the king.

The king in the front hall of the king is already the super realm of the supreme virtual king and the overlord of the universe.

"Yes, yes..." Johnson wiped a cold sweat and said word by word. "It is said that Qiangyun star is the main pilot of the warship to cruise the universe, and the ship has the king on board!"

"Ha ha... It's no secret. Otherwise, how could the king leave blood in such a dirty place like the earth?" Ha Shen sneered, "the boy we want now really worries the king. Just catch him, hehe..."

It's not necessary for HA Shenming to say that Johnson also knows that as long as he catches Lin Xiao, he will hold the king's lifeline and let him throw a rat's deterrent.

In this way, the heaven and earth court will have a greater opportunity on the star demon battlefield.

"There's another thing you don't know," Ha Shen may be too excited to talk with his men, "The more important reason why Qiangyun is valued by Qiangyun and can even become the king's temporary car is that it is a biological warship with a rare biological core and can independently absorb the free energy in the universe. That's why it has been silent for so many years and still has energy!"

"Such a warship navigates in the universe. There is no need to worry about its energy supply!"

Johnson has some moving features. He can absorb free energy in the universe for his own use, which means that interstellar navigation doesn't need supplies at all and has no worries at all.

"If this kind of warship is put into the star demon battlefield, its continuous combat power is too strong?"

"What do you think?" Ha Shen sneered, "this time, it's our turn to see the scenery of the black evil army?"

"There are tens of millions of ethnic groups in the heaven and earth court. The black evil army is not dominant. If we don't have any strength to take, we will soon be trampled on by those alien races!"

Ha Shen said coldly, "this time, the black evil king has good luck to seize the opportunity to come to the earth and sent General ye to play the front station. This is a great opportunity for the rise of our black evil army!"

"Yes, yes..." Johnson nodded excitedly. "It's our turn to rise the black evil army!"

"After going back, find a way to restore the predecessor of Qiangyun, and we will have an overlord biological warship. At that time, we will be invincible in the star demon battlefield. It's exciting to think about it!"

"Your majesty!" Johnson was delighted. This was the best news since the invasion of the earth.

"Here they are!" Ha God's eyes lit up.

The shuttle shot blue flames from the bottom of the cabin and slowly landed.

Chen Feng took Lin Xiao and others off the ship.

Lin Xiao took a look at the direction of HA Shen. There were about hundreds of heavily armed black evil army soldiers eyeing.

They wear uniform standard armor and hold laser guns. Their power can not be underestimated.

According to Lin Xiao's instructions, Chen Feng trotted all the way to ha Shen and said with a smile, "Ha Shen, the warship has been found. I still caught several spies underground. What do you think to do?"

Ha Shen looked at Lin Xiao and Fang Qing, and a sneer came up at the corners of his mouth, "it's them! It's really lucky."

"These two people didn't die?" Johnson was surprised, too.

Originally, I didn't take Lin Xiao and his wife seriously, and I thought they could come back alive.

"It's a little interesting!" Ha, God doesn't care.

Chen Feng knelt down on one knee and said respectfully, "Lord ha Shen, I'm lucky to live up to my life! I finally found the whereabouts of Qiangyun ship!"

"You did a good job!" Ha God was rare and kind. He pulled Chen Feng up and said with a smile, "I will reward you on merit at that time. There is no shortage of your benefits!"

"Another thing..." Chen Feng said with a bitter smile, "I met Lin Xiao when I was in the underground base!"

"Huh?" Ha Shen's pupils narrowed fiercely and hurriedly said, "Lin Xiao? Where is he?"

Lin Xiao is the most important goal, and he is also a heart disease in Ha Shen's heart.

"Probably died in the magma..." Chen Feng said what would happen in a few words and guessed that Lin Xiao had been buried in the magma.

"Dead?" Ha God's eyes were a little dull, which was not good news. "It's too easy to die?"

"The fact is that Lin Xiao was trapped in the base at that time. There was no possibility of escape. Even if he was the Supreme Master, he couldn't live."

What Chen Feng said is also true.

Lin Xiao couldn't live at all in that situation.

Chen Feng never thought that the "adult" behind him was the real Lin Xiao.

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