"Come on, what are you waiting for?" Lin Tianji scratched his head and almost ran away.


They drew out their weapons and set up their guns. They were so nervous that they forgot to breathe.

A real supreme, in the eyes of people on earth, is already a mythical existence. A super master who can fly on the ground can further become the master, and then can soar in the sky. In the eyes of ordinary people, he can already be called God.

When the spaceship landed, a column of soldiers came out, surrounded by a middle-aged man in a golden robe, and walked quickly towards this side.

Now everyone is more nervous.

It seems that the middle-aged man in a golden robe should be the supreme.

"What should I do?"

"In the face of supreme, it's hard for us to escape!"

"Lin Tian! Let Xiu prepare to meet the enemy!" Fang Qing shouted to Lin Tian.

Even though I know that Xiu will not be the real supreme opponent, there is no other way now.

"Repair! Prepare!" Lin tianchaoxiu issued an order.

Didi didi!

Just then, when everyone was very nervous, the internal telephone in the office rang.

Ha, God was stunned.

Lin Xiao winked at Chen Feng.

Chen Feng carefully connected.

"Hello!" Chen Feng answered the phone and looked at Lin Xiao.

I don't know what he heard. His face became strange. At the same time, he inadvertently looked out of the window.

The stronghold was built on the hillside, and the magnificent Phoenix warship at high altitude could be seen out of the window.

Through the moonlight, we can see that some unusual changes are taking place in the Phoenix warship. On the surface of the warship, the blue awn, which is rarely seen at ordinary times, flashes wildly.

"Yes, I see." Chen Feng quickly took back his eyes and carefully put down the phone.

After Chen Feng hung up the phone, his expression became strange. He didn't know whether he was worried or happy.

"Chen Feng, what's up?" Lin Xiao asked in a deep voice.

"General Ye's people said that the Phoenix ship was invaded by a strong enemy. The special envoy and general ye were facing the enemy and had no time to attend to him, so they sent a small team to arrange the task..."

"Unit?" As soon as Lin Xiao's voice fell, the team came to the door.

It was the team led by the middle-aged man in a golden robe just now.


The middle-aged man broke into the house, "Ha God, take the order quickly!"

The room was quiet, and all eyes fell on him.

Seeing that the room was so messy, the situation was very bad, and the middle-aged man was stunned.


Lin Xiao has seen the strength of the other side. It's just three sections of the master. It's not worth mentioning.

Cold hum, Lin Xiao turned into a dark shadow, came to the other party, explored his hands and claws, and fiercely grabbed the other party's throat.

"Er, you..." the middle-aged man was stunned.

He never expected that the enemy would invade his own territory and successfully control the situation.


Bang Bang



Lin Tianfen ordered the puppet supreme master to "repair" and started. More than a dozen soldiers behind the middle-aged man were knocked down and maimed.


Lin Xiao threw the middle-aged man next to ha God.

They stared at each other with big eyes and wanted to cry without tears.

"Ha God, what's going on?" The middle-aged man is so anxious.

Ha God roared, "what's going on up there? Strong enemy invasion? What do you mean?"

"A swordsman directly killed the Phoenix warship and tied with general ye with only a period of supreme cultivation. It's terrible. General Ye ordered me to come down and let you take action to wipe out the rebels, but, but..."

"Asshole! How can it be?" Ha God roared, "how can there be a supreme master on earth?"

"I, I don't know..."



Ha Shen was furious, raised his head and hit the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man's head was smashed at that time.

The master of the third section of the great master was killed by HA Shen, who was destroyed by Dantian. These fierce people saw everyone's eyelids jump.

At the moment, Lin Xiao was very surprised.

A supreme swordsman, where is this expert coming from?

Originally, Lin Xiao wanted to continue asking, but the middle-aged man was killed by the angry God ha, and more information could not be obtained.

However, the failure of the special envoy to come can be regarded as lifting everyone's crisis, which greatly relieved the people's Congress.

"Lin Xiao, what's the matter? Do you know? A supreme swordsman? There are such masters on earth?" Fang Qing couldn't help asking.

Lin Xiao shook his head blankly and went to the window. He looked up and forgot. He saw the blue light of the Phoenix warship flashing more violently. It seemed that an indescribable startling battle was taking place inside.


The sword had a long forefinger. In front of him, a big seal on the wall penetrated more than ten meters.

Although the decoration surface of the bulkhead was not so hard, it was OK to resist bullets. It was destroyed by the limitless sword, which was enough to show his strength.

Wearing a blue and black battle suit, ye lost, who was burly and domineering, was majestic with a foot wide sword in his hand.

He glanced at the scar on the wall with an inexplicable light in his eyes.

"I'm surprised that there are experts like you in a garbage dump like the earth! It seems that I guessed correctly..."

The sword has limitless white hair, looks like a fairy, and a pair of eyes transmit sharp light. He stared at Ye lost and said faintly, "the black evil star invaded the earth and wants to commit genocide. Don't you think this behavior is very unfair and inhumane?"

"Humanity?" Ye lost his face and smiled. "Haven't you seen the real universe? Don't you understand its vastness and grandeur? Even if people on the earth are dead, what about humanity or inhumanity?"

"Don't you know how many stars there are outside the universe? Don't you know how many races there are in each galaxy? The earth is just a drop in the ocean, not even a grain of dust!"

"If you don't say anything else, just say that my black evil star is thousands of times bigger than the earth. Our military power can easily destroy you with only a dime. This is not a level comparison at all. Do you think we need to talk about fairness?"

Ye lost a rhetorical question, as if all this was normal, and jianwuji should understand it.

Jianwuji calmly stretched out the long sword and said softly, "you're right! Natural selection, survival of the fittest, but even as a mole ant, you also have the right to fight! Sitting in a well and watching the sky may not prove that you have no potential. Today, on behalf of the people of the earth, I will completely kill you, a self righteous hypocrite!"

"Ha ha..." Ye lost his cloak and laughed loudly. "It's too childish! Do you rely on you now?"


The next second, ye lost his place, left a residual shadow, and rushed to jianwuji in an instant.


The sword shakes the flower quickly, blocks the opponent's palm, retreats at the same time, and stabs a sword forward quickly.


In just three seconds, they passed hundreds of moves, and the speed was too fast for human eyes to capture.

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