"You are a genius. Join the black evil army. I can guarantee you to be a general again!"

After all, ye lost is a master of the second section of the supreme. Jianwuji is like a martial artist who has just stepped into the supreme state. His strength is unstable. He can compete with each other only by his talent against the sky.

However, there is also a Supreme Master nearby. I'm afraid that jianwuji's plan to fight quickly will fail.

The two fought for a minute and then pulled apart. No one could do anything.

"These days, we have fought several games, but they are equally divided. I don't think it's necessary to fight any more." Ye lost and smiled, "as long as you promise to join the black evil army, I will ensure your prosperity and wealth! It's good to play on several planets and be the local emperor in the future? Although it can't compare with your past life, it's good with your current strength..."

Jian Wuji looked solemn and said in a deep voice, "hum! I'm afraid I'm not lucky! My wish is to repel the black evil army and stabilize the earth!"

"Joke!" Ye lost his expression and said, "give me a shameless old thing. I really think I can't help you?"

The special envoy standing more than 20 meters away was a figure in a golden suit. At the moment, he stumbled step by step and walked out slowly. Two steel spikes in his hand shook towards the sword, revealing a deep chill.


The steel spike is gently waved, making the sound of piercing and cutting the air.

"Lei Yun!" Ye lost and looked at the special envoy.

Lei Yun stepped out.

"Send the old gentleman away and give him three days. If you agree to obey my black evil army, you should see it with courtesy, otherwise you will issue a kill order and chase him to the ends of the earth!"

The leaf lost and issued an order lightly.


Lei Yun walked slowly to jianwuji and made a gesture of invitation.

Different from the sword tension just now, it seems that ye lost is receiving distinguished guests, or he doesn't pay attention to the limitless sword at all.

Lei Yun's eyes are full of disdain.

Even if the sword is extremely powerful, genius like him can be found everywhere in the black evil star.

Let alone the strength of the supreme section, even if the cultivation of the supreme section II can be superior on the earth, but in the headquarters of the black evil army, it is at best a small captain.

The reason why Ye lost his job as the general of the advance army of the black evil army was just under the shadow of the family.

In many powerful planets, even the police who maintain law and order are masters.

Since he became the chief of the advance force invading the earth, ye lost his pride and did not pay attention to the people all over the world.

Lei Yun, as ye lost his special envoy, is even more arrogant.

He wondered why the general was so indulgent to this native earth man.

For anyone else, ye lost could not be let go easily. He had ordered to encircle, chase and intercept him and kill him.

"Ye lost! I will kill you sooner or later and drive the black evil army out of the earth!" Jianwuji takes back the long sword. He knows that he can't help each other if he continues to fight.

"Hum!" Ye lost the big thorn and sat back on the sofa and said coldly, "don't really be a frog at the bottom of the well! I might as well tell you the truth, what you see in front of you is just a small team of the black evil army. In a short time, more powerful forces will be killed, and the real strong will come to the earth! All they need is destruction!"

Ye lost deliberately frightens Wuji, owes his body and sneers, "then a master level master will come and wave his hand to kill you..."

Sword limitless pupil shrinks slightly.

"Of course, as long as you want to understand, you can surrender at any time!"

"Hum!" Jian Wuji sneered, "do your spring and autumn dream!"


Sword Wuji turned around directly and left without giving Lei Yun a chance to touch.

"This old thing..." Ye lost and looked bored. "It's like a fly buzzing in my ears all day! If it's not..."

Lei Yun asked with a buzzing voice, "general! Why do you keep him? With your strength..."

"Hum!" Ye lost a glance at him, "do you know who the old boy is?"

"According to my investigation, his name is jianwuji. He was once the first expert on the earth! But I didn't expect that he broke through to the supreme so early! It's really the talent of heaven!"

Ye lost and sneered, "I might as well tell you! This sword Wuji is the master of the 'son of the king' on the earth and the protector of the blood in the front hall of the king. Do you know what it means?"

"What?" Lei Yun was obviously stunned. "The general said that this sword Wuji is the guardian and descendant of the king's front hall on earth?"

"Yes! Thousands of years ago, the king was still a hairy boy. He took our princess of heaven and earth court and lingered on the earth for decades, leaving his supreme blood."

"Unfortunately, the feelings between Wang QianDian and the heaven and earth court can not be made public, so he left his blood on the earth and let his personal guard stay on the earth for protection!"

"And then?" Lei Yun was very interested and couldn't help asking, "the king's personal guard can't only have the cultivation of a great master?"

"Also, why has the blood of the king been thousands of years, only 30 years old? It's not quite logical!"

"What do you know?" Ye lost and slowly sat back. "At that time, the blood of the king was cursed by the most serious curse in the front hall of the king. It is said that he could not live until he was six years old. In order to ensure that he could live safely, the guard spent all his cultivation skills, which guarded the origin of his life and stopped the blood for thousands of years at the age of six."

"Because of this, the guard's cultivation fell sharply, and became weaker and weaker with time. Only recently did he regain some strength!"

Lei Yun's eyes are bright. "No wonder the general has been trying to attract Wuji sword. He's so powerful?"

"What do you think? Jianwuji was the closest person to the great emperor in those days. He was the super strong man of domain master Jiuduan. I didn't expect to be reduced to such a shape thousands of years later. If you can take the opportunity to attract him..."

"The general is far sighted and his subordinates really admire him!"

"All right! This sword is extremely arrogant and won't compromise so easily. Just let him stay on the ship. With his current strength, he can't turn over much waves. Just send a black evil spirit to watch!"

"Yes!" Lei Yun was ordered to stand back.

"Also," Ye lost his words, "ha, what's going on over there? Have the rebels in the heaven and earth court been wiped out?"

"I've sent someone to contact, but there's no news back! When there's news, I'll supervise myself!"

"Yes!" Ye lost and nodded slowly, "if these bedbugs don't get rid of for a day, I can't live in peace in my heart this day. Deal with them as soon as possible!"


Lei Yun didn't dare to disturb Ye lost's rest, so he stepped back carefully step by step.

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